Ship Unlock Event: Murder Mystery (2024)

This event occurs in:

  • Militia Encampment [!]
Beacon Details
Ship Detected?True
Distress Signal Detected?False
Inside Nebula?False
Hazard Detected?False


  • 1 Refueling Station
  • 2 Murder Mystery
  • 3 Mystery Solved
  • 4 Militia Hangar
  • 5 Militia Dreadnaught Fight
  • 6 Trivia

Refueling Station[]

Ship Unlock Event: Murder Mystery (1)

Nearby there appears to be several Militia ships docked around a civilian refuelling station.

  1. Investigate the scene.
    • One of the militiamen tries to protest as you dock with the station, but they are cut off by a human clad in a green outfit smoking from a small wooden pipe of Old-Earth design. "Ah, a Renegade, eh? I am Sherlock Haynes. I hail from Earth, though I have since joined the Militia myself. Now I work as a detective for the Militia, but I have been presented by a rather troublesome case. Perhaps you might help?"
      • Help with what?
        • "With the mystery of course! Last night, in this very station, a man by the name of Henry Coleman was shot and killed. We suspect he held vital information regarding a Rebel plot, but we aren't sure what. There were only 4 individuals staffing this station, and after this crime now there remains only 3. No ships docked with this station for a full 24 hours before and after the murder, which can mean only one thing!"
          • Which is?
            • "Why, it's elementary my dear... uh, whatever your name is. This means that one of these 3 survivors must be a Rebel spy! The question is, which one could it be? Will you help me, my reality jumping friend, and solve this case?"
              • Sure.
                • "Ah, most excellent! I haven't done much digging yet, but if you need any help just come and talk with me. Here are the three suspects, Mr. Thom Nicholson, Ms. Amy Sheppard, and Dr. Daniel Browne. I look forward to your hypothesis!"
                  • Continue to Murder Mystery.
      • Decline.
        • "Ah, too bad. Better go then, I can't have any distractions while I investigate."
          • Event failed.
  2. (Haynes) Hail the station.
    • Haynes, aboard the other station, receives the hail, only to stare in shock at a mirror image of himself on the other end. "Me, listen. It was Thom. He used the Anti-Personel drone, shot Henry. Both of them are Rebel spies. He learned how to use the Drone Control from Daniel. No time to waste, Rebel attack imminent. Get the picture? Good. Hop aboard, we have a hangar to save."
      • Ship Unlock Event: Murder Mystery (2) Haynes joins your crew.
      • HANGAR [!] will appear on your sector map. This beacon is fleet immune, and thus will remain available even if the Rebel fleet overtakes it.
      • Continue to Militia Hangar.
  3. Ignore the station.
    • Clearly something important has happened here, but it does not pertain to you.
      • Event failed.

Murder Mystery[]

You stand in the station's lobby, observing your surroundings. [You will be able to investigate as many times as you want in whatever order you want.]

  1. Speak to Sherlock or one of the suspects
    • Who do you want to talk to?
      • Talk to Sherlock (One of the following dialogues will be randomly chosen upon selection)
        • "Ah, quite the interesting case, is it not? I do wish we knew how severe the victim's information was. Hard to judge how important this case might be. I've worked many a murder case, but none with such hypothetical stakes!"
        • "Unlucky they're all human, yes? Had one been alien we could have ruled them out surely. Or maybe not, and it would have made the case only more interesting!"
        • "Oh, I never grow tired of this job. Just wish I stopped landing cases involving murderous Rebels. I've lost quite a few partners to a stray bullet while chasing a suspect down."
        • Sherlock is busy polishing his revolver. "I'm a fan of Old Earth tech, the craftsmanship of their weaponry is quite astonishingly beautiful. If things here go awry, I hope I can trust my aim to put a bullet in the suspect's head before he puts one in mine."
        • "Do remember, you can never be sure if anyone is telling the truth! Put more faith into the physical evidence than a tale spun by a man."
          • Continue...
      • Talk to Thom
        • What do you want to ask Thom?
          • Ask Thom about himself.
            • Thom explains some basic details about his life. He used to be a farmhand on a small terrestrial planet before a Rock Crusader set fire to his town. With nowhere else to go, he decided to join the Militia and protect civilian space so such a thing could never happen to anyone else.
              • Continue...
          • Ask if Thom has any connection with the Rebels.
            • Thom shakes his head. "N-no sir. I've met plenty of Rebels in my time, but I've never been friends with any. I've always been a Federation citizen, and a loyal one at that."
              • Continue...
          • Ask Thom about his job on the station.
            • "I manage the essential systems. Back on the farm I had to learn how to operate various equipment, and it's incredible how much that knowledge translates to managing a station! I help with upkeep for the shields and life support, and I buy new parts at the store whenever something is broken."
              • Continue...
          • Ask Thom about the victim.
            • "I've never actually talked with Henry much. He was always so quiet and reserved. Still, it's so strange to think he's dead..."
              • Continue...
          • Ask Thom about the other suspects.
            • Which suspect do you want to ask Thom about?
              • Amy.
                • "Amy? She's uh, she's something I guess. She's always yapping at us, and she has the shortest temper I've ever seen. She does a good job though, and I wouldn't ever think she'd be capable of murder! Though, she never did like Henry."
                  • Continue...
              • Daniel.
                • "Dr. Browne? Oh he's such a kind old man, and dedicated to his work too. I can imagine he's quite shocked about the murder, he was always so close to poor Henry..."
                  • Continue...
          • Spit in Thom's face.
            • For no reason in particular, you decide to spit at Thom. Sherlock glares at you but says nothing.
              • Continue...
          • Ask Thom about evidence.
            • What evidence do you want to ask Thom about? [As you investigate more clues or evidence, more options will appear here]
              • Ask Thom about the Drone system. (Only appears after investigating the Dronebay)
                • "Nope, never had the head for any of that drone stuff. I trust Doctor Browne for that kind of stuff, because I can't even figure out how to turn the drones on in the first place!"
                  • Call Thom out on his lie. (Only appears after questioning Daniel about the drone system)
                    • You point out Daniel's mention to Thom learning about how to operate the drones. Thom stutters, not sure what to say. You don't push further but take note of this.
                      • Continue...
                  • Continue...
              • Ask Thom about the Sensor system. (Only appears after investigating the Sensors)
                • "No recordings? That sounds problematic. You are a detective though, so surely you can figure this out without them, right?"
                  • Continue...
              • Ask Thom about the Oxygen system. (Only appears after investigating the Life Support)
                • "Oh, that's rather odd. That wasn't me who upgraded the system. I was busy last night during the murder, and I haven't had time to check it since. But I do know it was only level 1 the day before."
                  • Continue...
      • Talk to Amy
        • What do you want to ask Amy?
          • Ask Amy about herself.
            • Amy doesn't have a lot to share about why she joined the Militia. She thought it would be a good way to escape from her home planet and maybe kill some pirates.
              • Continue...
          • Ask if Amy has any connections with the Rebels.
            • Amy looks as if she's about to slap you, and probably would if it wouldn't end with her dead. "How dare you associate me with those crapstains! I ain't never been a Rebel, and I never will be. End of story."
              • Continue...
          • Ask Amy about her job on the station.
            • "Used to work as border patrol, until we got that god damn Anti-Personnel drone. I used to kick pirates in the teeth almost daily, but now I've been resigned to that damn weapons room pressing buttons all day long!"
              • Continue...
          • Ask Amy about the victim.
            • "Henry? Hah, half the time I didn't even realize he was here. What a weirdo, always spending so much time resigned to that room of his, only coming out for food or water. Him being dead won't change nothin' about life on this station, which is a shame. It's so god damn boring here."
              • Continue...
          • Ask Amy about the other suspects.
            • Which suspect do you want to ask Amy about?
              • Thom
                • "Thom's such a pushover. He's always blabbering on about how nice life is here. There ain't nothing good about living on this station, I tell you! Still... Thom killing someone? Unthinkable... unless he's a really good actor, at least."
                  • Continue...
              • Daniel.
                • "That old man? He looks like he's about to turn to dust any second! I always thought he was as lacking a personality as the drones he works on. Maybe that's why he got along so well with Henry."
                  • Continue...
          • Spit in Amy's face.
            • For no reason in particular, you decide to spit at Amy. Sherlock glares at you but says nothing.
              • Continue...
          • Ask Amy about evidence.
            • What evidence do you want to ask Amy about? [As you investigate more clues or evidence, more options will appear here]
              • Ask Amy about the Drone system. (Only appears after investigating the Dronebay)
                • "The drones? Never touched them. That damn robot stole my job at killing pirates. If I WAS a murderer, I would have gone for the Anti-Person drone instead of Henry. Damn robots can't feel pain anyways..."
                  • Continue...
              • Ask Amy about the Sensor system. (Only appears after investigating the Sensors)
                • "Guess you got no recordings then, or whatever. Aren't detectives supposed to be able to figure things out without recordings anyways? I don't know what you want me to tell you about it."
                  • Continue...
              • Ask Amy about the Oxygen system. (Only appears after investigating the Life Support)
                • "I don't know nothin' about the life support. That's all Thom's doing, not mine."
                  • Continue...
      • Talk to Daniel
        • What do you want to ask Daniel?
          • Ask Daniel about himself.
            • "Me? I'm just an old fart. Studied drone tech for several years, got a job at Arcadia as an Engineer until I eventually retired. But... I guess retirement just isn't for me, so I signed up for the Militia instead of wasting away in some beach home."
              • Continue...
          • Ask if Daniel has any connections with the Rebels.
            • Daniel looks down at his feet. "Never been a Rebel, but I did have an experience with them. Back when I worked at Arcadia, I was put in charge of the CICA project. That's the Central Intelligence Combat Assistant, though it's more often referred to as the Free Roamer accident. This was the AI used by the Rebels to construct their automated fleet, but we never expected that they would use it for such evil. After I realized how my tech had been used, I resigned immediately."
              • Continue...
          • Ask Daniel about his job on the station.
            • "I'm the shipboard Engineer. After I finally talked the others into installing a dronebay and Anti-Person drone, I've been running maintenance on them ever since."
              • Continue...
          • Ask Daniel about the victim.
            • "Oh, poor old Henry. He was such a nice man. I used to eat lunch in his quarters. It's a shame the others never got to know him, because Henry was always so reserved. Oh Henry, how could this have happened to you..."
              • Continue...
          • Ask Daniel about the other suspects.
            • Which suspect do you want to ask Daniel about?
              • Thom
                • "Thom is a nice man. I was never as close to him as Henry, but we talked quite a bit, and he has always been a happy fellow. Recently, Thom took a particular interest in the drone system and asked me for help with operating the drones! He's learning pretty quick, but I think he might just be learning to give me something to do. I always wanted to have a student..."
                  • Continue...
              • Amy
                • "I wish I had her energy, I was never that amped up even when I was younger. Shame she wastes it all on shouting at us. Thank goodness she spends most of her time complaining to herself while she mans the weapons. I don't like to point fingers, but if any of us 3 were to go so low as to kill someone, I'd say she would probably be my guess..."
                  • Continue...
          • Spit in Daniel's face.
            • For no reason in particular, you decide to spit at Daniel. Sherlock glares at you but says nothing.
              • Continue...
          • Ask Daniel about evidence.
            • What evidence do you want to ask Daniel about? [As you investigate more clues or evidence, more options will appear here]
              • Ask Daniel about the Drone system. (Only appears after investigating the Dronebay)
                • "Oh yes, of course! No ship or station is complete until its been outfitted with drone tech. I spend most of my time working with the system, though Thom has also been spending a fair bit of time in there as well after he asked me for lessons with operating the drones."
                  • Continue...
              • Ask Daniel about the Sensor system. (Only appears after investigating the Sensors)
                • "The sensors are no longer functional? Oh dear, that's quite unfortunate. Surely even without the recordings though, there is some way to catch the person behind this!"
                  • Continue...
              • Ask Daniel about the Oxygen system. (Only appears after investigating the Life Support)
                • "Oh yes, that was my doing actually! Thom normally works on the essential systems, but last night he was busy working with the drones and I had nothing to do. So, I decided to put my old bones to use and upgrade the oxygen. H..Henry was always complaining about the bad ventilation..."
                  • Continue...
      • Nevermind
  2. Inspect the corpse.
    • You walk over to Henry's corpse. You notice no obvious cuts on the body, though there is a large burn mark on his back. This must have been from blaster fire, but the radius of the wound is too large to have been from a standard hand-held blaster.
      • Continue...
  3. Inspect the station.
    • The station has several systems on-board. Which do you want to look at?
      • Investigate the Doors.
        • You inspect the door system. It appears some work has been done on the blast doors to improve them, though it matters little in this case. All of the suspects and the victim are registered in the system database, so any of them can go wherever they please.
          • Continue...
      • Investigate the Dronebay.
        • You take a look at the dronebay. Though there aren't too many schematics on the station's computers, you notice an Anti-Personnel drone and a standard issue Combat Drone.
          • Inspect the Combat Drone.
            • The combat schematic appears to only have been used a total of 3 times since the system was purchased. Further data suggests it merely came with the system purchase.
              • Continue...
          • Inspect the Anti-Personnel drone.
            • The computers inform you the Anti-Personnel drone has been used a total of 38 times since its purchase, though that's not surprising. With the influx of pirates in this sector, the number of boarders this station must see is unfavourably high.
              • Inspect the drone's laser.
                • You inspect the Anti-Personnel Drone's laser. To your surprise, the arm-mounted cannon appears to be much stronger than a standard defense blaster, and certainly capable of leaving a burn mark the same size as the one on Henry's corpse!
                  • Continue...
              • Continue...
      • Investigate the Life Support.
        • You inspect the oxygen system. The system appears to be running at a higher level than usual, and is in pristine condition. From the looks of it, the system was upgraded very recently.
          • Continue...
      • Investigate the Shields.
        • You inspect the shields system. Everything here seems to be perfectly functional, and nothing is out of the ordinary.
          • Continue...
      • Investigate the Sensors.
        • You inspect the sensors system. It appears someone has sabotaged the computers, and deleted all of the recordings from the night of the murder! There's nothing else here of use, but someone had to have done this...
          • Continue...
      • Investigate the Weapons.
        • You inspect the weapons system. Several trinkets lay around the room, as well as a small bag with Amy's name on it. This must be her usual station.
          • Continue...
      • Nevermind.
  4. Accuse a suspect.
    • Sherlock raises an eyebrow. "So, you have come to a conclusion? Who shot ol' Henry?" [You will only be able to accuse suspects that you have talked to]
      • None of them killed Henry personally. It was the drone who fired the fatal shot! (Only appears after investigating the corpse, dronebay, and anti-personnel drone's laser.)
        • Sherlock looks as surprised as the rest of the suspects. "The drone, huh? An interesting theory indeed! But one catch - someone had to have been controlling the drone. Which one was it?"
          • It was Daniel! (If Daniel was questioned about the Life Support System, this option will be replaced with 'You've already found a solid alibi for Daniel. You know it cannot be him.')
            • Daniel looks shocked that you blamed this on him. Sherlock nods. "Yes, Dr. Browne is the head engineer here, which would make him an excellent suspect. HOWEVER, he could not have done it! If you checked the Oxygen system, then interviewed Daniel about it, you would know he was busy last night performing upgrades. He would not have been able to murder Henry AND upgrade the system at the same time, the Oxygen upgrade simply takes too long."
              • Continue...
                • Suddenly, the lights go out, and blaster fire rings out through the room, and you hear one of your crew fall over. When the lights come back on, the suspects and back up reinforcements have already fled. Sherlock shouts at you. "Damn it! Now the real suspect has gotten away! Run, it is no longer safe here with a killer on the loose!"
                  • (If the Clone Bay is installed) You check your Clone Bay for your crew's vitals, but find the killer has deployed a virus to shut it off while you were gone! You restore it back to normal, but your crew is gone for good.
                    • Event failed.
          • It was Amy!
            • Amy's scowl grows even darker. Sherlock shakes his head. "No, Ms. Sheppard could not have done it. She has no experience with the Drone system, it is too unlikely that she would have been capable of operating a drone long enough to kill Henry."
              • Continue...
                • Suddenly, the lights go out, and blaster fire rings out through the room, and you hear one of your crew fall over. When the lights come back on, the suspects and back up reinforcements have already fled. Sherlock shouts at you. "Damn it! Now the real suspect has gotten away! Run, it is no longer safe here with a killer on the loose!"
                  • (If the Clone Bay is installed) You check your Clone Bay for your crew's vitals, but find the killer has deployed a virus to shut it off while you were gone! You restore it back to normal, but your crew is gone for good.
                    • Event failed.
          • It was Thom!
            • Thom's eyes go wide. "W-what? No, it can't be me! I don't know a thing about drones!" His easy going country accent suddenly disappears and his voice becomes uneasy.
              • No, that's a lie! (Only appears if you questioned Daniel about the drone system, then asked Thom about the drone system and called him out on his lie)
                • Sherlock co*cks his head. You explain how Thom actually got lessons from Daniel on how to operate drones, not too long before the murder as well. Sherlock contemplates this for a moment. "You're right. Goodness, even I did not catch that!"
                  • Continue...
                    • Thom realizes he's been caught. Desperately, he fumbles to grab his blaster but is shot in the knee by Sherlock. The other Militiamen run to handcuff him and escort Amy and Daniel to safety. Sherlock holsters his gun and thanks you. "Good work! Now, time we learn what this is all about."
                      • Continue to Mystery Solved.
              • Continue...
                • Sherlock nods. "Yes, Mr. Thom is right. It was Daniel who was the head engineer on this facility, not Thom. It is too unlikely that Thom would have been able to operate the drone long enough to kill Henry."
                  • Continue...
                    • Suddenly, the lights go out, and blaster fire rings out through the room, and you hear one of your crew fall over. When the lights come back on, the suspects and back up reinforcements have already fled. Sherlock shouts at you. "Damn it! Now the real suspect has gotten away! Run, it is no longer safe here with a killer on the loose!"
                      • (If the Clone Bay is installed) You check your Clone Bay for your crew's vitals, but find the killer has deployed a virus to shut it off while you were gone! You restore it back to normal, but your crew is gone for good.
                        • Event failed.
          • Uh, I don't know.
            • Sherlock scowls. "You can't come in here making wild theories if you can't even say who did it! Keep looking."
              • Continue...
          • You've already found a solid alibi for Daniel. You know it cannot be him. (Only appears if you questioned Daniel about the Life Support system)
      • Accuse Thom Nicholson.
        • Thom's eyes go wide at your accusation. Sherlock gets up from his spot and walks over to you. "An interesting hypothesis indeed. However, if you inspected the wounds on Henry, you would notice a blaster could not have been the weapon used. Mr. Nicholson only owns a standard grade defense pistol. The only thing on this station capable of leaving such a mark was the Anti-Personnel drone, and Mr. Nicholson has no experience with operating drone systems."
          • Continue...
            • Suddenly, the lights go out, and blaster fire rings out through the room, and you hear one of your crew fall over. When the lights come back on, the suspects and back up reinforcements have already fled. Sherlock shouts at you. "Damn it! Now the real suspect has gotten away! Run, it is no longer safe here with a killer on the loose!"
              • (If the Clone Bay is installed) You check your Clone Bay for your crew's vitals, but find the killer has deployed a virus to shut it off while you were gone! You restore it back to normal, but your crew is gone for good.
                • Event failed.
      • Accuse Amy Sheppard.
        • Amy glares at you. Sherlock gets up from his spot and walks over to you. "An interesting hypothesis indeed. However, if you inspected the wounds on Henry, you would notice a blaster could not have been the weapon used. Ms. Sheppard only owns a standard grade defense pistol. The only thing on this station capable of leaving such a mark was the Anti-Personnel drone, and Ms. Sheppard has no experience with operating drone systems."
          • Continue...
            • Suddenly, the lights go out, and blaster fire rings out through the room, and you hear one of your crew fall over. When the lights come back on, the suspects and back up reinforcements have already fled. Sherlock shouts at you. "Damn it! Now the real suspect has gotten away! Run, it is no longer safe here with a killer on the loose!"
              • (If the Clone Bay is installed) You check your Clone Bay for your crew's vitals, but find the killer has deployed a virus to shut it off while you were gone! You restore it back to normal, but your crew is gone for good.
                • Event failed.
      • Accuse Daniel Browne.
        • Daniel looks offended that you would accuse him. Sherlock gets up from his spot and walks over to you. "An interesting hypothesis indeed. However, Daniel was busy on the night of the murder. If you inspected the Oxygen system, then interviewed Dr. Browne, you would know that he was busy all night long upgrading the system. This would not have left him with enough time to also have overriden the Drone Control and killed Henry."
          • Continue...
            • Suddenly, the lights go out, and blaster fire rings out through the room, and you hear one of your crew fall over. When the lights come back on, the suspects and back up reinforcements have already fled. Sherlock shouts at you. "Damn it! Now the real suspect has gotten away! Run, it is no longer safe here with a killer on the loose!"
              • (If the Clone Bay is installed) You check your Clone Bay for your crew's vitals, but find the killer has deployed a virus to shut it off while you were gone! You restore it back to normal, but your crew is gone for good.
                • Event failed.
      • Accuse Sherlock Haynes.
        • You take a long step towards the suspects, then swivel around and point a finger right at Sherlock. "You uh, you're accusing me? You do realize I haven't even been on this station before this day, right?"
          • Sounds exactly like what a killer would say!
            • Suddenly, the lights go out, and blaster fire rings out through the room, and you hear one of your crew fall over. When the lights come back on, the suspects and back up reinforcements have already fled. Sherlock shouts at you. "Damn it! Now the real suspect has gotten away! Run, it is no longer safe here with a killer on the loose!"
              • (If the Clone Bay is installed) You check your Clone Bay for your crew's vitals, but find the killer has deployed a virus to shut it off while you were gone! You restore it back to normal, but your crew is gone for good.
                • Event failed.
          • Sounds exactly like what a killer would say! (Secret variation that only appears after spitting on all three suspects)
            • Sherlock folds his arms and glares at you. "You storm in here, spit on the faces of all my suspects, and then accuse ME of the crime? Get out. Get out right now. You are deranged. This is what I get for trusting a Renegade to handle serious business like this."
              • Event failed.
      • Er, nevermind. I need to keep investigating.
        • Sherlock chuckles. "Well alright then. Take your time, one can never be too careful about something like this."
          • Continue...

Mystery Solved[]

Thom is tied up to a chair in an empty room aboard Sherlock's ship. Sherlock paces back and forth. "So, you're the Rebel spy?" Thom shakes in his chair, trying to loosen the ropes. Eventually, he gives up. "You don't understand! Everyone I knew, my family, my friends, they were all killed by the Rockmen! Is there any better proof that alien life is a threat to mankind? And during that attack, where was the Federation? Is the Federation really that great when they can't even protect their own citizens!"

  • Continue...
    • Sherlock sits down in the chair on the opposite side of the room and crosses his legs. "So, you joined the Rebellion for revenge?" Thom nods. "The Rebellion offers a chance at the galaxy that the Federation could never give us! The galaxy that humanity deserves!"
      • Continue...
        • Sherlock scoffs. "Alright, hold on the manifesto. All we care about is the information you tried so hard to prevent from getting out." Thom gulps. "I won't tell!"
          • Slap him.
            • You slap Thom across the face. "O-ok I'll talk! I was just a dormant agent sent to watch the sector. For a while now the Rebellion has been planning to invade this sector and lay siege to the Militia's hangars and armories, and today that plan is about to be carried out! Aboard the same station I was stationed at was Henry, another undercover Rebel spy. However, he grew too attached to that old man Browne, and when he learned the invasion would put everyone here - even the doctor - at risk, he got weak and was going to snitch. I secured the safety of the Rebellion by killing that coward!"
              • Continue...
                • "Yeah, a real job securing them you did just now, blabbering all their secrets." Sherlock motions for one of the Militia guards to gag Thom and remove him from the room. "Damn it, if his intel's any good then we have a serious situation on our hands. We need to head to the central hangar and alert the General about this, quickly! Your ship seems a lot faster than mine, so I hope you don't mind if I catch a ride."
                • Ship Unlock Event: Murder Mystery (3) Haynes joins your crew.
                • HANGAR [!] will appear on your sector map. This beacon is fleet immune, and thus will remain available even if the Rebel fleet overtakes it.
                • Continue to Militia Hangar.

Militia Hangar[]

Ship Unlock Event: Murder Mystery (4)

It appears you're too late. Already, it seems the Rebels have begun the invasion. In the distance is a massive Militia ship firing on its own men, which can mean only one thing. The Rebels have already captured the ship, and are using it to lead their attack!

  1. Hail the Militiamen and ask if you can assist.
    • The Militia general responds. "Yes, for god sake we need any help we can get! A couple Rebel ships got in before we could raise the shield generator, but it's up now. Unfortunately, the Rebels have caused critical damage and that damn Dreadnaught is about to finish it off. We only have so long until the shield falls and we're all doomed! If we can destroy that Dreadnaught - or capture it - we might be able to repair the shield generator and keep the Rebel fleet away!"
      • Fight the Dreadnaught.
        • You power up the thrusters and intercept the ship as it fires on the generator. Better make this quick!
          • Continue to Militia Dreadnaught Fight.
      • This is too risky.
        • Fighting a ship like that with a time limit isn't something you're eager to do. You power up the engines and ready to leave this place as soon as possible.
          • Event failed.
  2. Flee
    • No way in hell you're fighting that thing. You evacuate as soon as possible.
      • Event failed.

Militia Dreadnaught Fight[]

The shield reactor will be disabled in 1 minute 40 seconds. Be sure to defeat the Dreadnaught before the time runs out.

Militia Dreadnaught

Ship Unlock Event: Murder Mystery (5)

  1. Destroy the Militia Dreadnaught.
    • The Dreadnaught explodes, scattering the area below in debris, even taking out a few ships on the way down. Fortunately, the generator takes little damage from the explosion.
      • Continue...
        • Without the Dreadnaught to destroy the generator, the fleet stuck within the shield is rendered useless. They're swiftly overtaken by Militia reinforcements, and a team of engineers goes to work on fixing the damage immediately. The Rebel fleet arrives only to find no way into the hangar. They fire pointlessly on the shields but soon realize their efforts are futile.
          • Contact the Militia command.
            • The Militia General thanks you. "Had it not been for you, this building would probably be a crater in the ground by now. We cannot repay you enough for your assistance here, but we can certainly try." The Militia transfers over some supplies, and offers a blueprint for one of their ships to aid the Federation.
              • Event completed. You unlock the Militia Cruiser; you receive a Burst Laser MK IV, HIGH standard reward and your general notoriety is reduced.
  2. Crewkill the Militia Dreadnaught.
    • The Dreadnaught has been emptied of crew. The ship falls back down to the surface of the planet, taking out several ships on its way. Fortunately, the generator takes little damage from the impact.
      • Continue...
        • Without the Dreadnaught to destroy the generator, the fleet stuck within the shield is rendered useless. They're swiftly overtaken by Militia reinforcements, and a team of engineers goes to work on fixing the damage immediately. The Rebel fleet arrives only to find no way into the hangar. They fire pointlessly on the shields but soon realize their efforts are futile.
          • Contact the Militia command.
            • The Militia General thanks you. "Had it not been for you, this building would probably be a crater in the ground by now. We cannot repay you enough for your assistance here, but we can certainly try." The Militia transfers over some supplies, and offers a blueprint for one of their ships to aid the Federation.
              • Event completed. You unlock the Militia Cruiser; you receive a Burst Laser MK IV, HIGH standard reward and your general notoriety is reduced.
  3. Fail to defeat the Militia Dreadnaught before the timer expires.
    • From behind you erupts a massive explosion, as a blue ball of light engulfs the massive shield generator and reduces the entire complex to ash! You've failed, and now that the shield is down the Dreadnaught jumps away and the Rebel fleet floods in.
      • Run!
        • You manage to evade most of the ships, but your hull catches several missiles and a nearby Dropship beams some soldiers aboard. Still, this could have ended a lot worse... Though this looks bleak for the survival of the Militia.
          • Event failed. 7 Hull Damage taken. 2-3 Human Soldiers board your ship.


Station Murder Mystery event ID: MILITIA_DETECTIVE

Militia Hanger Attack event ID: DETECTIVE_HANGARATTACK

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Ship Unlock Event: Murder Mystery (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.