(ENG) D&D 4a Ed. - Psionic Power - Options for Ardents, Battleminds, Monks, and Psions - Flip eBook Pages 51-100 (2024)

Obsidian Shield Battlemind Attack 27 Killing Wind Assault Battlemind Attack 29 Battlemind Attack 29 A shadowy shield press’es3’ourfoes and can hinder their movement. At-Will + Augmentable, Necrotic, Psionic, Psychic, Weapon Standard Action Close blast 3 Target: Each enemy in blast Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude Hit 1 [WI necrotic and psychic damage. Augment 2 Hit: 1 [WI + Constitution modifier necrotic and psychic damage, and you mark the target until the end of your next turn. Augment 6 Hit: 3[W] + Constitution modifier necrotic and psychic damage. In addition, ifthe target moves more than 2 squares away from you on its next turn, it takes 10 ne crotic and psychic damage. LEVEL 29 DAILY DlsclPuNEs Darting Grace Strike Youflit across the battlefield, avoidiig your enemies as your attacks grantyou a lethal grace. - Daily + Psionic, Stance, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target One, two, or three creatures Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex Hit 3[W] + Constitution modifier damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). lithetarget is already dazed, the attack deals 5 extra ‘dama~e. Miss: Half damage. Effect: You shift 3 squares after each attack. After making the last attack, you assume the stance of darting grace. Until the stance ends, you gain a +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex, and you can take the following action. Free Action Personal Trigger: An enemy misses you with an attack Effect: You shift 4 squares, and the triggering enemy grants combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn. LOST MASTERS To one degree or another, all psionic characters meld th - intellectual and the physical on the battlefield. Although they are rare, certain individuals are said to be able to channel their will into noncombat endeavors through psionics, as well. Tales tell of Iegendar1y crafters who once forged weaponsand armor of unsurpassed quality. Oth~rs are said to have created magic items without the use of rituals—or even without the intention of doing so Works d~art and performances by IostJnasters~are ~aid to have had a supernatural ability to move the viewer. Powers and abilities much like those of the psionic classes might well have played a part in the singular talents of such artisans. But in these dark and troubled times, art and craft have largely become secondary concerns next to the struggle for survival. You vanish before your enemies’ eye~s, becoming the unseen wind that unleashes death on the battlefield. Daily + Psionic, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Effect: Before the attack, you become invisible and then shift a number of squares equal to your speed. You remain invisible until the start of your next turn. Target: One creature Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex Hit 5[W] + €onstitution modifierdamage, and you knock the target prone. Miss: Half damage. Effect II1Jij~JJ the end of the encounter, you gain a +4 power bonus to speed, and you are invisible while moving. Many Doors Curse Battlemind Attack 29 Your attack binds the target toyou,.wracking it with pain as you fling it across the battlefield. Daily + Psionic, Psychic, Teleportation, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Constitution vs. AC Hit 4~Wj + Constitution~modlfièr damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: The target is subject to youi~rnany doors curse (save ends). While the target is aff~cted by your many doors curse, whenever the target fakesdamage from an attack, you can teleport it to a s~uareadjacent to you or an ally you can see as a free action. When you teleport the tar get this way, it takes 10 psychicid~tnage. Omniscient Strike Battlemind Attack 29 As your chosenfoe prepares to strik~,you sabotage its attack by making a vicious attack ofyourown~ Daily 4 Psionic, Weapon Immediate Interrupt Melee weapon Trigger: An enemy marked by you targets you with a melee attack Effect: Before the attack, you shift 4 squares. Target: The triggering enemy Attack: Constitution vs. AC. You have combat advantage for this attack. Hit 4~WJ + Constitution mbdifiér damage, and the target ~stunned (save ends).~’ Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). Effect: If you haveno po~er’p~ointsrémaining, you regain 2 power points. - CHAPTER 2 Battlemind 48

NEW PARAGON PATHS BLACKSTONE GUARDIAN “I have peered into the darkness clouding my soul, and it hasfound me worthy.” Prerequisite: Battlemind 2 Strange dreams are common among those who wield psionics. Your dreams, however, are different. You dream of a black monolith set within a cavern rimed with ice. This vision has haunted you for as long as you can remember, but until now, you have struggled in vain to discover its meaning. The blackstone monolith has chosen you as its champion. In another age, noble champions of a dis tant land fought to contain a breach to the Far Realm. They sealed the rift with powerful psionic wards, behind elemental stone imbued with their own con sciousness. Each generation, the wards they forged must be resealed by new champions. You are bound to the fate ofthe guardians you follow. BLACKSTONE GUARDiAN PATH FEATURES Blackstone Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to use an attack power, you gain resistance to all damage equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier until the end ofyour next turn. Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2 additional power points. Monolithic Vision (11th level): Whenever you use your mind spike power, you also pull the target of that power 3 squares. The target is then slowed until the end ofits next turn. Blackstone Chains (16th level): Whenever you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, each enemy marked by you is immobilized until the end ofyour next turn. BLACKSTONE GUARDIAN DISCIPLINES Blackstone Curse Blackstone Guardian Attack 11 Your weapon attack inflicts a vicious curse on yourfoe, which appears to turn to cracked black stone as it is heldfast. Encounter 4 Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Constitution vs. AC Hit: 1 [WI + Constitution modifier damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. Augment 2 Hit: 1 [W] + Constitution modifier damage, and the target is petrified until the end of your next turn. Monolithic Blessing Blaclcstone Guardian Utility 12 The mono!itWs power grants you the resilience of ageless stone. Daily 4 Psionic Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you have tremorsense 5 and resist 10 to all damage. Sustain Minor: The effect persists. Your attack wracks an enemy’s mind and binds its body in stone as you channel the blackstone monolith’sforbidding power. Daily 4 Polymorph, Psionic, Psychic, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Constitution vs. AC Hit 2[W] + Constitution modifier damage, and ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target is restrained until it saves against the ongoing damage. Second Failed Saving Throw: The target is petrified instead of restrained and takes a 2 penalty to sav ing throws against the ongoing damage. The ongoing damage from this power ignores the resistance granted by the petrified condition. Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends). Effect: You push each creature adjacent to you 1 square. You then assume the aspect of the blackstone gaoler until the end of the encounter. While in this aspect, you can use the following augmentation with your battlemind at-will attack powers that are augmentable. This augmen tation is in addition to the effects that an at-will power might have; this augmentation doesn’t supersede them. Augment 2 Effect: You gain resistance to all damage equal to your Constitution modifier until the end of your next turn. In addition, one creature you hit with the at-will power is restrained until the end of your next turn. CHAPTER 2 Battlemind Aspect of the Blackstone Guardian Attack 20 Blackstone Gaoler z z S 49

QuicKsiLvER DEMON “Catch me ~fyou dare!” Prerequisite: Battlemind Your mind rejects all notions ofwhat is possible and impossible on the battlefield. Psionic energy flows through you, imbuing you with an irrepressible need to move. You flow around your enemies, blurring past them before they can land a blow. As you move, your attacks slip through your enemies’ defenses with deadly effect. You goad a foe into following you, then wrack its mind and body as it gives futile chase. You are quicksilver in living form, moving with such speed and grace that your enemies have no hope ofpinning you down. Whether you fight alone or in the company of others who also race through the heat of battle, your enemies name you the quicksilver demon, never knowing where you will strike next. QuicKsiLvER DEMON PATH FEATURES Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2 additional power points. Quicksilver Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you can shift a number of squares equal to your Charisma modifier before or after the extra action. Quicksilver Dance (11th level): You gain a +4 bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks. In addition, whenever an enemy misses you with Rebounding Dance Quicksilver Demon Attack 11 You become a silver blur as you speed through yourfoes, striking sofast that they cannot retaliate. Encounter + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Effect: You have concealment until the end of your next turn, and you shift a number of squares equal to your speed + your Charisma modifier. You make the fol lowing attack against one or two creatures during this movement. Target: One creature Attack: Constitution vs. AC Hit: 11W] + Constitution modifier damage. Augment 2 Hit 2[Wl + Constitution modifier damage, and the target takes a —2 penalty to all defenses until the end of your next turn. Absorb Momentum Quicksilver Demon Utility 12 An enemy’s attempt toforce you across the battlefield only in creases your mobility. Daily + Psionic Immediate Interrupt Personal Trigger: An enemy’s attack pulls, pushes, or slides you Effect You negate the forced movement and gain a +4 power bonus to speed until the end of the encounter. Yourfoe suffers with eachfailed attack it makes againstyou, even as you attain maximum mobility in battle. Daily 4 Polymorph, Psionic, Psychic, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Effect: Before the attack, you shift your speed. Target One creature Attack: Constitution vs. AC Hit: 5[Wj + Constitution modifier damage. In addition, the target is marked and takes 5 psychic damage whenever it misses you with an attack (save ends both). Miss: Half damage. Effect After the attack, you shift your speed. You then as sume the aspect of quicksilver strides until the end of the encounter. While in this aspect, you gain a +2 power bonus to speed and you can use the following augmenta tion with your battlemind at-will attack powers that are augmentable. This augmentation is in addition to the effects that an at-will power might have; this augmenta tion doesn’t supersede them. Augment 1 Effect: After the at-will attack, you shift half your speed. In addition, one creature hit by the attack takes extra damage equal to your Charisma modifier. CHAPTER 2 Battlemind S I an opportunity attack, you gain combat advantage against that enemy until the end ofyour next turn. Unfettered Movement (16th level): You can shift 3 squares as a move action. When you do, you are no longer slowed. QUICKSILVER DEMON DisciPLiNEs Aspect of Quicksilver Quicksilver Demon Attack 20 Strides • ••.•~• ~‘ ;~ I-,’ .ç - - ‘~ .1k. 50

0 S 0 STORM DISCIPLE “I am the power ofthe never-ending tempest that crosses all planes. Doyou think you can stop me?” Prerequisite: Battlemind Your philosophy oflife and battle is shaped by your beliefin the infinite storm. In every corner ofthe world and every part ofthe planes, order and chaos contend for domination. Violent storms of elemental fury are the most potent sign ofthis struggle. At no time is all the cosmos ever at peace. Through study and diligence, you draw power from these infinite and endless storms, channeling their destructive fury. You represent the infinite storm in your travels, welcoming the violence that is a constant part oflife. Like the power ofthe storm, you are everywhere. STORM DiSCIPLE PATH FEATURES Lightning’s Path Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you teleport 5 squares. After the teleport, each enemy adjacent to you or marked by you takes lightning damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2 additional power points. Storm Scion (11th level): You gain lightning resistance and thunder resistance equal to your Con stitution modifier. Rouse the Storm (16th level): While blood ied, you can use the following augmentation with your battlemind at-will attack powers that are aug mentable. This augmentation is in addition to the effects that an at-will power might have; this augmen tation doesn’t supersede them. Augment 1 (Lightning) Effect After the attack, you teleport 3 squares. Until the end of your next turn, any enemy that hitsyou with a melee attack takes lightning damage equal to your Constitution modifier. STORM DIscIPLE DIsc1PUNEs Lightning Strikes Twice Storm Disciple Attack 11 Living lightning wraps your body, letting you surgefrom one target to the next. Encounter + Augmentable, lightning, Psionic, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Primary Target: One creature Primary Attack: Constitution vs. AC Hit [WI + Constitution modifier lightning damage. Effect: You teleport 5 squares and make a secondary attack. Secondary Target One creature other than the primary target Secondary Attack: Constitution vs. AC Hit 11W] + Constitution modifier lightning damage. Augment 2 Effect: You teleport 5 squares and make a secondary attack as above, then teleport 5 squares and make the secondary attack again against a different creature. Stormwalker Storm Disciple Utility 12 The winds ofthe immortal storm carryyou into battle. Encounter + Psionic Minor Action Personal Effect: You gain a fly speed equal to your speed and can hover. This effect lasts until an attack hits you or until the end of the encounter. When the effect ends, you descend to the ground without taking falling damage. Aspect of the Infinite Storm Storm Disciple Attack 20 When you strike, you summon the transformative power ofthe infinite storm. Daily + Lightning, Polymorph, Psionic, Weapon Standard Action Close burst 1 Target Each enemy you can see in burst Attack: Constitution vs. AC Hit 1 [W] + €onstitution modifier lightning damage, and ongoing 10 lightning damage (save ends). Effect: You assume the aspect of the infinite storm until the end of the encounter. While in this aspect, you can use the following augmentation with your battlemind at-will attack powers that are augmentable. This augmentation is in addition to the effects that an at-will power might have; this augmentation doesn’t supersede them. Augment 2 Effect After the attack, you become the tempestuous storm, occupying a 7-square by 7-square area centered on your space. While in this form, you are insubstantial, you can occupy other creatures’ spaces, and you cannot attack. When any creature starts its turn in your new space, you slide that creature 2 squares. In addition, one creature hit by the at-will attack takes 5 extra lightning damage and is dazed until the end of your next turn. At the start of your next turn, you return to your normal form in any unoccupied space in the area of the tempestuous storm. CHAPTER 2 Battlemind

TALARIC IRONJACK “My mind is awakened to a purpose greater than my own ltfr” Prerequisite: Battlemind Since the Talaric Codex was first compiled to record the fighting techniques used against the horrors of the Far Realm, fragments from that lost tome have been scattered far and wide. Although the war rior society that conceived the codex is no more, their workings live on in the champions who have stumbled across these ancient writings and mastered their secrets. During your travels, you have come across frag ments ofthe lost codex. The full meaning ofthese scraps oflore escaped you at first. In time, however, you put the pieces together to master the lessons they contained. Although others might draw different conclusions, you have learned that life is an essen tial struggle between the natural world and the Far Realm. Whenever the madness ofthe Outside pushes into ordered reality, the natural world responds with violence. With your unique talents, you have come to embody the world’s wrath. From the teachings ofthe Talaric Codex, you turn your mind’s eye inward to search out flaws and vulnerabilities. When you discover a gap in your defenses, you allocate your psionic resources to reinforce it against attack. Your extensive study also rewards you with increased clarity and focus in combat, allowing you to devastate your foes. By •1 ~ -\, \- ~1/1%. _~ neutralizing opponents when they strike, you endure past the point when other warriors would fall. TAIARIC 1RONJACK PATH FEATURES Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain 2 additional power points. Defensive Aura (11th level): Whenever you hit with an unaugmented at-will psionic attack power while you have at least 1 power point, you gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the start ofyour next turn, Superior Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to make an attack, you gain a +4 power bonus to the attack roll and you regain hit points equal to twice your Constitution modifier. Ironjack’s Command (16th level): Whenever you spend a healing surge and regain hit points, each ally within 2 squares ofyou can shift 1 square as a free action. TAI.ARIC 1RONJACK DIsc1PUNEs Iron-Hewed Smash Talaric Ironjack Attack 11 You imbue your weapon with your ownfury, striking hard to send yourfoesflying. Encounter + Augmentable, Psionic, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Constitution vs. AC Hit 2~Wl + Constitution modifier damage, and you push the target 5 squares. Augment 2 Close blast 3 Target: Each enemy you can see in blast Enduring Body Talaric Ironjack Utility 12 As combat takes its toll on you, the power ofyour mind protects your bodyfrom additional~harm. Daily + Healing, Psionic Minor Action Personal Requirement You must be bloodied. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, while you are blood ied you have regeneration 5 and resist 5 to all damage. Overwhelming Force Talaric Ironjack Attack 20 You channel the inherent violence ofthe world into a blow that freezes afoe in its tracks. Daily 4 Force, Psionic, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target One creature Attack: Constitution vs. AC Hit 4[W] + Constitution modifier force damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). Each Failed Saving Throw: The target takes 10 force damage. Miss: Half damage. U 0 CHAPTER 2 Battlemind

UNBOUND NOMAD “I sail the seas ofpossibility, boundfor afate I choose.” Prerequisite: Battlemind Hidden pathways and secret portals riddle the world and the planes. You possess the keen eye and open mind that let you pick out these shortcuts and exploit them. Your understanding of planar mechanics might be instinctive, originating in an unusual knack for sensing and locating such anomalies. It might be the result of extensive training, in which you learned from a master unbound nomad how to circumvent the bounds ofreality. However you came by your knowledge, you can travel unseen byways with ease. As an unbound nomad, you are rarely in one place for long. You use your talent to slip through the cracks in the world around you, then reappear wherever you want. You can dodge through new gateways to escape a persistent enemy, or force your foes into the unseen spaces between the planes. Your unpredict ability leaves your enemies confused, chasing after phantoms as you take charge ofthe battlefield around them. UNBOUND NOMAD PATH FEATURES Banishing Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to make an attack, you teleport one target hit by the attack 5 squares. Nomad’s Prerogative (11th level): Whenever an enemy pushes you, you can ignore the push and tele port 3 squares. Paragon Power Points (11th level): You gain’2 additional power points. Nomad’s Journey (16th level): Whenever you use your blurred step power, you can teleport a number of squares equal to your Dexterity modifier instead of shifting. You must teleport to a square adja cent to the enemy that triggered that power. UNBOUND NOMAD DisciPuNEs Cunning Abduction Unbound Nomad Attack 11 You appear next to your enemy to deliver a blow that whisks you both to your ally’s side. Encounter + Augmentable, Psionic, Teleportation, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Effect: Before the attack, you teleport 5 squares. Target: One creature Attack: Constitution vs. AC Hit 2[W] + Constitution modifier damage. Choose one ally within 10 squares of you that you can see. You teleport yourself and the target to squares adjacent to that ally. Augment 2 Hit: As above, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn. One Hundred Doors Unbound Nomad Utility 12 An enemy’s missed attack lets1you escape through a temporary portal, which remains openfor a time. Daily + Conjuration, Psionic, Teleportation Immediate Reaction Personal Trigger: An enemy misses you with an attack Effect: You teleport 5 squares and conjure a hole in real ity in the square you last occupied. Any creature in the conjuration’s space on its turn can teleport 5 squares as a free action, and the conjuration is pushed 1 d6 squares away from the creature’s destination square. The conju ration lasts until the end of the encounter or until it is pushed into a solid object. Unstable Nexus Unbound Nomad Attack 20 Your sweeping attack draws your enemies into a dimensional void, then spits them out, leaving an unstable vortex behind. Daily + Psionic, Psychic, Weapon, Zone Standard Action Close burst 1 Target: Each enemy you can see in burst Attack: Constitution vs. AC Hit 3[Wj + Constitution modifier damage, and the target is removed from play. At the start of your next turn, the target reappears in the space it last occupied or in the nearest unoccupied space. Roll a d4 to determine an effect imposed on the target. 1. The target is removed from play again until the start of your next turn, reappearing in thelast space it occu pied, or the nearest unoccupied space. 2. The target takes 10 psychic damage. 3. The target is dazed (save ends). 4. The target falls prone. Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any creature that starts its turn within the zone teleports 1 d8 squares in a random direction. Sustain Minor: The zone persists. CHAPTER 2 Battlemind Lt~ I I z 0 z 2 a 0 0 I 53

CHAPTER 3 MONK I “An existence unburdened by limitation demands harmony { among body, spirit, and mind.” YOU STAND between the material world of the b1ody and the enlightened realm ofthe mind, and withinyou, both these worlds meet. You are a monk, trained in unique fighting methods passed down ~irough generations. You might have spent your life refiningyour prowess in a secluded monastery, far from worldly distractions. Or you might have learned your unique fighting style on the darkest city streets, test ingyour endurance and cunning in a desperate fight for survival. You might have tapped into your power from ancient manuscripts, a mysterious master, or the memory ofa lost tradition hidden within your mind. Although any well-trained warrior can drop a foe with the power of a fist, you invest psionic power in your attacks—the inner energy you call your ki. This energy allows you to deliver attacks as punishing as any spell or armed martial exploit, even as it expands your physical capabilities with swift movement, amazing leaps, and even flight. This chapter offers new options to expand your power and your presence on the battlefield and beyond. + Playing a Monk: A discussion of how monks fit into the world and at the game table, with tips on bringing your character to life. + New Build and Class Feature: The Iron Soul tradition allows you to channel the power ofyour ki through a weapon, making it an extension ofyour body and mind. In your hands, even a meager dagger can equal the power of a fighter’s greatsword, and a simple quarterstaffbecomes a whirring implement of destruction. + New Powers: You rely on psionic power to guide your attacks and shatter the defenses ofyour enemies. The new disciplines in this chapter allow Iron Soul monks to advance their weapon training, but give all monk characters new options to keep their opponents on edge. + New Paragon Paths: Six new paragon paths offer monk characters options for advancement and a range of esoteric—and deadly—fighting styles. CHAPTER 3 Monk 54


PLAYiNG A NONI( “Find whatyou need, stran8ers?” Thefigure approached the two nondescript travelers in the all but deserted library. A bear ofa man, he sported a thick black beard and a gapped-toothgrin. They had been warned about the local sheriff but had hoped to complete their research before running into him. “Indeed,” Lenaris said carefully. “bun’s temple is a yen tablefont ofknowledge.” “Ain’t afreefont,” the sheriffquipped. “There’s a taxfor outsiders.” “We were told ofno such tax,” Inelda protested. “I’m tellingyou now.” The sheriffpushed his cloak aside to show the sword at his belt, glancing down as !fto say he’d already noted that both traveling companions were unarmed. Lenaris reached into his pouchfor a handful of silver. Thegrizzled warrior sneered as he sauntered away. Ineldaglared, but Lenaris only shrugged. “Afight here might destroy irreplaceable texts. I’ve toldyou, Inelda,your temper underminesyou. A bit ofdiscipline He was interrupted by the angry voice ofthe sher~ff a short way off berating the old priest who served as the temple’s librarian. The burly warrior had afragile tome in his hand, raised as ~fhe was ready to throw it. Lenaris was suddenly gonefrom his seat, vanishing as quickly as the book subsequently vanishedfrom the sheriff’s fingers. The grizzledface had timefor a puzzled look before Lenaris’s leg came up, striking with theforce ofa battering ram. Inelda was smiling by the time the sound ofthe beating faded away. “You were proclaiming the virtue ofdiscipline.. he said as Lenaris returned to the table. “I showed substantial discipline,” Lenaris said quietly. “I stopped hitting him the instant he struck thefloor.” Each day is a step on a lifelongjourney toward a spiri tual awakening—the ultimate melding ofbody, mind, and soul. Ifpursued with discipline and dedication, the odyssey brings success, contentment, and greater understanding. Perceptive allies gain insights about themselves as you follow your path. For your enemies, each day brings the vital, life-altering revelation that standing against you is extremely unwise. As a monk, you seek mastery ofyour entire being. Others think ofbody, mind, and soul as separate, but you understand that self, absent division, is the high est truth. Mortal weakness and misunderstanding separate the aspects of a person. Only through iron discipline can you shatter false barriers and attain true unity. Your final goal is not at issue. How far along you are and whether you are advancing or regressing are less certain. How you pursue your spiritual passage toward enlightenment also varies. Did you seek out a monastic order to gain the control that you previously CHAPTER 3 Monk lacked, or were you already disciplined and looking only for purpose? Are styles of combat tools by which you achieve unity, an end in themselves, or just a few of many steps on the path to wholeness? BODY, MIND, Soui. Discipline is central to the life of a monk. You cannot obtain self-mastery ifyou lack self-control. Through total understanding—mental, physical, spiritual—you break down the false demarcation between the differ ent aspects ofyour being. You understand that your powers originate from your will, from the muscles and blood ofyour body, and from the spark ofyour soul. You strive to integrate all that you are into one seamless whole. The physical prowess achieved by many monastic orders is legendary. Not as well known is the pro found spiritual nature ofbeing a monk. Although not all monks are religious, they are all keenly attuned to the vital essence oftheir being. The mental aspects ofthe monastic lifestyle mani fest psionically. Your power comes from within, not from any outside source. In no small part, it is a func tion of supreme willpower. Monastic schools might be zealously religious, located in or near pious commu nities. Alternatively, they could minimize ceremony, proclaiming that their teachings are derived entirely from ancient martial styles. Whether presented as rigorous exercise, unparalleled focus, or divine call ing, monastic art and practice are ultimately psionic powers. YOUR LIFE BEFORE Many individuals who eventually train as monks have long felt that something is missing in their lives. You might have lacked discipline, regularly acting from anger or on whim. You might have suffered a spiri tual hollowness that traditional religious practices failed to fill. Your life might have been directionless, lacking meaning or purpose. You might have experi mented with numerous professions, but discovered that excellence or fulfillment in them was unattain able. Any ofthese frustrations might prove sufficient motivation to drive you to the doors of a monastery. Some monks show an inkling of psionic power before they ever make their way to a monastic order. You might have experienced visions, sporadic height ened awareness, or a capacity for extraordinary physicality ifsufficiently impassioned. You might have displayed the rudimentary powers of one ofthe less focused psionic classes, such as an ardent or a battlemind. Whatever your initial response to these developments, you found comfort in discipline. You 56

discovered that your talent responded best to focus and regimen. Whether you instinctually arrived on the monk’s path or happened on it only after attempt ing other approaches, you discovered control as you trained. Your studies gave your life meaning, sated that unfulfilled need, and defined your existence in a way that gave you a measure of peace. Your gravitation toward discipline can be moti vated by any number offactors. You might be seeking the corporeal power that monastic training pro vides—whether for vengeance against an enemy, to battle evil, or as a challenge to perceived limitations. You understand that spiritual and philosophical inte gration is necessary, but your passion lies with the combat styles and physical exertion ofyour training. For some monks, faith and intellect are the ini tial inspiration. You might have sought the peace of your soul through discipline, or been compelled to challenge your mind in order to overcome the rigors and temptations ofthe flesh. On the other hand, you might well have stumbled into monastic training by accident. Many monasteries stand in dangerous regions in which they are the only shelter for explor ers and adventurers. You might have staggered into such a place wounded or seeking shelter, only to become caught up in the traditions you found there. Some monasteries, schools, and orders are par ticularly famous. Ifyou were lucky enough to have dwelled near one ofthese notable bastions, you might have sought admittance our of a desire to serve and expand their legacy. Otherwise, you might have spent substantial effort seeking out a mentor or a sensei. Research in historical and religious texts would have pointed you to a particular tradition. Rumors of individuals showing preternatural fighting abilities might have drawn you to a school hidden in a city’s back alleys. Whether your monastic training came through quick acceptance, painstaking endeavor, or something in between, it has become a core part of who you are. ROLEPLAVING A MONK Discipline, discipline, discipline. Your training, your powers, your spirituality, your life—all are centered on and enriched by discipline. You’ve strengthened your willpower to the point where once you’ve chosen a course, little can cause you to deviate from it. More than anything else, this dedication to discipline epito mizes the core aspect ofthe monk. Discipline does not mean lack ofpassion, how ever. Your focus does not require you to be an emotionless automaton, without loves or fears or ambitions. Monks are creatures ofthe world, and nothing in their training alters that. You lose your temper. You make mistakes. You have desires beyond enlightenment. In the end, complete control is more an aspiration ~ than a reality. You strive for mastery of self, accepting o that you will not always succeed. You prefer to plan and foresee rather than simply react. You try to avoid < extraneous temptations. You’re not necessarily a slave to tradition, but you respect it. z Because you believe that body, mind, and soul should be one, no endeavor is outside your interest. You seek to improve yourselfin a variety ofways. You enjoy learning new skills, experiencing new sensations, studying new topics and cultures, and practicing new forms of art. You will never be an expert in all things, for such goals are not in keeping with your focus. Still, each personal advancement or improvement is a step toward enlightenment. Regardless of how far you’ve yet to go, you have identified your path and begun yourjourney along it. At the very least, you are content with your direction. That self-understanding sets you apart from lost and drifting souls. You might offer to share the measure of enlightenment you have achieved, aiding your friends in discovering their own potential. Rather than proclaiming the lessons ofvirtue, you teach by example. Some monks see it as their duty to protect those unable to stand against the hazards ofthe world. Others feel justified in leaving the morass ofmortal society to its own devices as they focus exclusively on their own goals. Some decide that by virtue oftheir skill and discipline, wealth and power are rightfully theirs for the taking. Whatever path you choose, your abilities and determination mark you as a force that the world must reckon with. SPiRITuALiTY AND RELIGION True enlightenment encompasses aspects ofbeing such as heart, essence, and spirit that are neither mental nor physical. For this reason, many monastic traditions embrace a spiritual element. They focus on the soul as an integral part ofthe whole individual. With the Dungeon Master’s assistance, you can deter mine whether your spirituality is derived from an organized religion, separate from the trappings of a particular deity or pantheon, or incorporates both. Some monasteries consider themselves religious sects. Ifyou are a member of one ofthese orders, you include prayer sessions and sacred ceremonies as part ofyour training and daily rituals. You attribute your powers to the gods—either indirectly, claiming that psionics aptitude is a gift from above, or through a beliefthat your abilities are divine, not psionic, in origin. Spirituality does not require piousness, however. Even ifyou are a religious monk, your faith can be as loosely defined as that of any other nondivine class. You might revere one or more gods on a personal level, but that worship need not be integral to your CHAPTER 3 Monk 57

practices. Your faith might play little part in your discipline. In that case, you view your abilities as per sonal gifts whose ultimate expression depends only on you. SCHOOL SPIRIT Unless something abnormal undermined your rela tionship, you profoundly respect and support your school, monastery, or monastic tradition. You quickly recognize students trained in the same styles, con sidering them brothers and sisters until they prove unworthy. Your loyalty might show itself as a quiet strength— a beliefthat your tradition is superior only because your practice makes it so. In this case, your allegiance would be a matter ofmodest pride that comes out only under select circ*mstances. Alternatively, you might feel that the preeminence ofyour school should be manifest to all—particularly monks of competing schools. You might be determined to spread the word of enlightenment as you see it. You might encourage rational debate, strongly arguing your position. You might be arrogant or expressive, boasting about your tradition constantly. You might even engage in all three approaches—modesty, discussion, and bluster— at different times. But no matter what your approach, your school spirit is always present. Your monastic tradition and the lessons imparted by your masters represent not only a body of knowl edge but a spiritual pathway—a way oflife and a road to enlightenment. Your dedication to this tradition is as fundamental as faith or culture is to others. Only something dramatic and profoundly disturbing can shake that devotion. FULL DISCiPLINEs AND FIGHTiNG STYLES Many monk disciplines are full disciplines—powers that integrate movement and attack. They define your fighting style, training, and approach to combat. Each full discipline power represents a combat technique passed down by the masters ofyour order. It car ries the weight oftradition and embodies profound lessons that you must internalize before reaching enlightenment. These disciplines underpin the physi cal and mental exercises that you practice repeatedly to maintain your edge. No single full discipline encompasses an entire monastic fighting style. The particular combination oftechniques taught by a given school constitutes the spine ofthat group’s traditions. By watching another monk in combat and noting the combination of techniques displayed, you might identify his or her tradition. Consider making cosmetic changes to your full disciplines to give them a unifying feel and highlight the cohesive tradition that brings these techniques CHAPTER 3 Monk together. For instance, one order featuring crane’s wings might teach its students to spin during the leap granted by that power, attacking with a spinning back-kick. Another style could use the power to per form a flying kick. Ifmonks from these two orders were to learnfurious bull, the student ofthe former might move in tight circles around foes when pass ing through their spaces; the latter practitioner might shove them aside. Giving your full discipline powers an element of description in common enriches your combat style and brings it to life. MONKS IN THE WORLD Although scholars, sages, and religious leaders under stand the holistic nature of a monk’s training, many common folk view monks primarily as religious fig ures. They consider the monk’s ascetic lifestyle and spiritual philosophy as a product of strict religious fervor. This opinion is reinforced by the overtly reli gious nature of many monastic traditions. Such folk expect you to be part of a formal eccle siastical hierarchy, and to display holy symbols or other religious trappings. Ifyour tradition does not include those features, you could be viewed with sus picion. Locals might wonder ifyour lack ofreligious accoutrements hides an allegiance to an unholy or a disfavored deity. Ifyour tradition emphasizes teaching enlighten ment or correcting misapprehensions, you might find that your explanations concerning the trinity ofbody, mind, and soul only confuse or annoy people. Monks whose spirituality does not include a religious dimen sion avoid these social difficulties by adopting a quiet presence. They act rather than talk, speaking only when a situation calls to mind a parable or a homily that might provide instruction. This approach leads many folk to view nonreligious monks as inscrutable. Although they don’t entirely understand monks, commoners grant monks and their monasteries a measure ofrespect. Monks are recognized as the embodiment of discipline—highly learned and physi cally exceptional. Moreover, most folk have heard of (or seen firsthand) a monk’s prowess in combat, and so are eager not to make enemies ofthose who follow that path. Exceptions do exist, particularly among religious or militant organizations that view the monastic traditions as a challenge to their own power. Monasteries and schools have their own rivals and enemies, but even the foes of a particular monas tic tradition acknowledge the capabilities ofthat tradition’s members. Most commoners assume that all monks are mem bers of a larger sect—a monastery, an order, a school, or a temple. This impression might be accurate in many cases, but any given monk might live, train, and travel alone. He or she might have abandoned an order or been trained by a lone master. People who 58

encounter such loners often refuse to believe they do not belong to a larger faction. THE OLDEST TRADiTioN Legends and the myth-histories of ancient scholars suggest that monastic traditions first appeared in the late years ofthe Dawn War. Such traditions began as sects within larger faiths, beholden to the oldest dei ties. Warriors horrified by the destruction wrought by primordial soldiers and aberrant creatures created schools in which new techniques were developed to fight such opponents. Dedicated martial arts styles, defined by specific fighting techniques, were not a new concept. But these practitioners buttressed their physical prowess with the mental and spiritual focus that would grant them an edge against their other worldly foes. For generations, monastic traditions remained a part ofthe faiths that spawned them. These religious orders, and new ones founded on similar principles, continue to this day. Some ofthese holy monks, however, began to question whether the path to enlightenment necessarily led through the domain of any specific deity. They grew to believe that their duties to the priesthoods distracted them from per sonal studies. These monks considered a religious approach unbalanced toward spirit and not suffi ciently respectful ofbody and mind. Some temples attempted to stop their monks from leaving, denouncing them as heretics and traitors. Other faiths shook their heads at the foolishness and hubris ofthese ascetics. A few denominations blessed their endeavors, offering reintegration should the monks desire it at a later time. Whatever the response oftheir hierarchies, these independently minded monks set off on their own, forming new tra ditions based on purely spiritual—not religious—paths. The custom ofbuilding monasteries in remote locales arose at this time, as the new orders sought to escape the influence—whether hostile or well intentioned—of their former faiths. Monastic traditions spread across the world with surprising speed. Although the training was too demanding to become widely popular, candi dates who sought purpose, discipline, and personal empowerment could be found everywhere. Some of these seekers proved receptive to the idea that power could be cultivated internally, rather than obtained from the gods or obscure mystical formulas. Just as important to the spread of monastic schools was their ease offormation. An order could be started with one or two masters and a handful of students. With little more than the ability to feed, clothe, and shelter themselves, monks could prosper while practicing their arts. Over time, many orders adopted the vir tues of austerity and endurance as a reflection ofthe dedication needed to pursue a monastic life. Few ofthe oldest ofthe monastic traditions exist today in anything close to their original form, but legends claim that deep in the Cloudroot Mountains, in a valley made inaccessible by weather and ambient magic ten months out ofthe year, a monastery stands whose inhabitants practice the Fist ofthe Weeping Earth. Some sages believe this style to be one ofthe oldest of all monastic traditions—second only to the Breath ofthe Sun and Moon (page 66), a style known solely from the contemporary orders that have bor rowed from it. MONKS TODAY Since their initial expansion, the spread of monastic traditions has waxed and waned. During epochs of relative peace and stability, new orders arise and old orders expand. Monks are found wandering through all lands, spreading the example of enlightenment. Candidates interested in monastic training can travel freely to the schools oftheir choice. During dark times such as the contemporary era, monks hole up in their strongholds, as hard-pressed to survive as all other folk. Adventuring monks still make sojourns across the dangerous wilds between the isolated enclaves of civilization, but these trav elers can sometimes go for months or even years without seeing others oftheir kind. Whatever their individual traditions, monks remain widespread but go largely unseen throughout the world. Orders exist across all civilized lands, but individual schools typically boast a mere handful of members—at most a few dozen. Travel is difficult in these troubled times, and communication even between significant outposts ofthe same tradition is infrequent. In the first years after the fall ofNerath, the influx ofnew acolytes to the monasteries was slow. But the number of such petitioners has increased in recent years as psionics aptitude has become more widespread. The total number of monks in the world remains low, but it does not seem likely to stay so for long. The current state oftheir membership does not minimize the sway ofindividual monasteries. Although most monastic orders and schools are not large communities, they often have influence over their immediate surroundings as places oflearning, stability, and safety. Refugees and others gather in monastic environs in the hope ofimproving them selves and escaping the increasingly dangerous lands where civilization once held sway. z C 2 >- -J 3 CHAPTER 3 Monk 59

NEW BUiLD The school ofthe Iron Soul is a new monastic tradi tion that stands alongside the traditions introduced in Player’s Handbook 3. Iron soul monks are no less deadly than their kin in unarmed combat, but they have learned to incorporate weapon use into their powers with devastating effect. iRON Soui. The use of simple weapons is the cornerstone ofthe Iron Soul tradition, founded long ago by oppressed peasants denied access to military weapons by the tyrants who ruled them. Adherents ofthe Iron Soul master common tools, transforming them into potent implements ofwar. Over time, monastic warriors have refined these primitive techniques and incorporated them into a range ofpowerful psionics disciplines. Devotees ofthe Iron Soul often come from common stock, taught to defend themselves with whatever weapons they have on hand. Iron soul schools are found within established communities, typically alongside temples dedicated to peaceful gods and philosophical concepts. NEW C1.ASS FEATURE When you choose your Monastic Tradition, you can choose the Iron Soul tradition instead of another option, such as the ones in Player’s Handbook 3. Flurry ofBlows: You gain the iron soulfiurry of blows power. Iron Soul Flurry of Blows Monk Feature Youfollow up an initial assault with a quick strike that disori ents your enemy, curtailing its combat options. At-Will + Psionic Free Action (Special) Melee 1 Trigger: You hit with an attack during your turn Target: One creature Level 11: One or two creatures Level 21: Each enemy adjacent to you Effect The target takes damage equal to 2 + your Constitution modifier, and it cannot shift until the start of your next turn. If the target was not a target of the trig gering attack, it also can’t make opportunity attacks until the end of your turn. Special: You can use this power only once per round. Mental Arsenal: While wielding a weapon other than one in the unarmed weapon group, you gain a +1 shield bonus to AC. SUGGESTED OPTIONS You are a cunning warrior, adapting your combat style to meet whatever threat you face. You leap into battle, ripping through your opponents with blind ingly fast attacks designed to distract and confuse. Before your foes can react, you settle into a ready pos ture, deflecting counterstrikes with your weapons. You are a monk, trained in fighting techniques that transform your hands and feet into deadly weap ons. You differ from your kin in the Centered Breath and Stone Fist schools by virtue ofthe dedication you put into weapon training. You choose the weapons ofthe common folk, including the mace, staff, spear, and dagger. Your unique training then allows you to treat those weapons as extensions ofyour body, making them far more deadly than they would be in the hands of any other warrior. Your psionic power infuses your strikes with speed and accuracy. Like other monks, you should put your highest score in Dexterity because you depend on it for your attacks. Its origin among the common folk means that the Iron Soul tradition focuses on toughness, so make Constitution your second highest score. Aside from the specific full disciplines that rely on Constitution, additional hit points and healing surges are useful for keeping you in the fight. Consider making Wisdom your third highest ability score to increase your bat tlefield awareness and your Will. Suggested Class Feature: Iron SouI* Suggested Feat: Still Water* Suggested Skills: Acrobatics, Endurance, Insight, Perception Suggested At-Will Powers: lion’s den*, steel wind* Suggested Encounter Power: stinging nettles* Suggested Daily Power: steel avalanche* *New option presented in this book. CHAPTER 3 Monk I Li 0 0 60

NEW POWERS Some ofthe new powers presented in this section have an Iron Soul entry, which provides additional options for monks ofthe Iron Soul tradition. But these and the other powers presented here provide useful options for any monk character. LEVEL 1 AT-WILL DISCIPLINES Lion’s Den Monk Attack 1 ~Youf&E~step to the side, then assume an offensive posturefrom i~E~yo’ucan sting anyfoe that draws near. At-Will + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique Standard-Action Melee touch ~Täiget:~On’ecreature Attaclâ Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit i~6+ Dexterity modifier damage. Until the start of ~youtnèxtturn, as a free action, you can deal damage equal to your Constitution modifier to any enemy that e~nters a’~jua~th adjacent to you. ~LeveL~: ?,d6 + Dexterity modifier damage. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You shift 1 square and gain a +1 power bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn. Steel Wind Monk Attack 1 Yotr~acrossthe battlefield, then channel a multiple assault cigainst~e~haj~~ught themselves out ofyour reach. At-Will + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic • Attack Tetiinique’ *Stan~dard~Action Close blast 2 Targe%~Each enemy you can see in blast - ~Attack~~D~terity vs. Reflex Hit 1 ~ Dexterity modifier damage Level~L 2d8 + Dexterity modifier damage Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect You are no longer marked. You move your speed + 2. LEVEL 1 ENCOUNTER DISCIPLiNES E~gIe Claw Strike Monk Attack 1 Your l~a~is sdgraceJul thatyou seem to hang in the airfor a short~peiio~L~V~1hen you land,you deliver a shattering strike. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack~Technique Standard Adtion Melee touch .-Tárg~i~n~creature or unattended object Attàckt Dexterity vs. Fortitude ,Hitu2Ad8~t Dexterity modifier damage, and the target ~takesajerialty to AC equal to your Strength modifier uritil~theendbf your next turn. Against an unattended objei~t, this attack deals 2d8 extra damage. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You fly your speed. If you don’t land at the end of this movement, you fall. Laughing Wind Monk Attack 1 ~:~u~aiiack summons a laughing wind that drags yourfoes dqoss the.battlefleld. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic a~ttàEk Technique. Standard Action Melee touch .Thrget: Onecreature Attick~Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hi d8+~ Dexterity modifier damage. Until the start of your.next.furn, as a free action, you slide any enemy ‘~iliatends.its turn in a square adjacent to you a number ~ .ofsqUares equal to your Wisdom modifier. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: Until the start of your next turn, you gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks. You then move your speed. Scattering of Leaves M.nk Attack 1 YoI~rd~ivo~enwnies back with quick strikes, then use the mo ~rn~u:~jfyoi~r atta~ks to scatter otherfoes. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Atta~f~hnique. Sta~IIrd Action Melee touch Prini~ry Tirget One creature ~i~LAttack: Dexterity vs. Reflex H~t i~i~O~ Dexterity modifier damage, and you push the prirñá’ry target 1 square. You then shift 1 square -ànii make’ä secondary attack. Seconda~y Target: One creature other than the ~.‘ prin~ai~y~tar~et ~‘ %econdàry Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hiti;1’d1~4- Dexterity modifier damage, and you slide ~~hesdcondary target 1 square. You then push each énemy,~djacent to the secondary target 1 square ‘. frorñ~the’secondary target. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You make an Athletics check to jump with a +5 power bonus. You are considered to have a running start, and the distance of the jump isn’t limited by your speed. S T1-~E ~NE WHO WAL*SP Lege~ids from the oldest mona~tIc4~raditIons speak~ofthe ~.neWb9 W~l~cs:is~nk4supe.rhurnaivdiscipJine ,f~• ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ‘r~ •.~ ~ ~ r ~ . and~power an~lsat the4edge~of~ehlighterjment‘~T~ie One Who Walks f~llo~,s teachings th~t have passed from the Breath oftheSun and Moon ~nd oth~ráncieñt traditions. These practices, the legend say~,~grant the One Who Walks near-immortality. This monk wanders the world, looking for a single student to whom he or she can pass this wisdom. The student then assumes the mantle ofthe One Who Walks, who can finally achieve true enlighten ment and leave the mortal realm behind. More than one unscrupulous monk has claimed to be the One Who Walks, gaining money or influence over adherents eager for their teachings. Even ifthe legend has any basis in truth, the identity of the One Who Walks remains a subject of much speculation and few hard facts. CHAPTER 3 Monk 0 z 3 61

Stinging Nettles Monk Attack 1 Your attack sets you into an optimal defensive position, allow ing you to punish anyfoe with the temerity to strike at you. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique Standard Action Melee touch Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage. Until the start of your next turn, as a free action, you deal damage equal to your Constitution modifier to any enemy adjacent to you that hits you with aimelee attack. Iron Soul: If you make theattack using a light blade or a spear, the target aIso’c~nnot make opportunity attacks until the end ~you~ next turn. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You swap places with one creature adjacent to you. Swift River Floods Monk Attack 1 Your crashing attack throws~yourfoe offbalance to hinder its movement, letting you slip ait~ayji,kefastflowing water. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique ‘ Standard Action Melee touch Target: øne creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex - Hit: 2d8 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn. Iron Soul: If you make the~ttack using a mace or a staff, the target takes~xtra damage equal to your Constitution mod!fier. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You shift 2 squares. DAILY RITUAL Monks strive not to perform any act accidentally or care lessly. Their efforts are methodical and precise, requiring complete attention. Such concentration is most obvious during training or studying, but it is not limited to those activities. A monk gardening, cooking a meal, painting a picture, building a wagon, or tabulating a monaster~y’s yearly income isjust~focused. The maxim that anything worth doing is worth doing properly is part of a mónk’~ creed. For a monk, ever~ything iii life, from the’ mundane to the magnificent, takes on ana≤pectof’iltua!. In some instances, the fócus on mundane aàs fadli tates medi~tation and the cl~aring of the mind (page 70). For the most 15árt’,’ howe~’er, monks view complete engagement as a wayof life. Concentration is a means of achieving perfect discipline. True control over the self cannot be obtained through a divided focus. Working toward perfect understanding of any task, even every day routines, brings one closer to enlightenment. With this approach, any activity required by day-to-day living becomes a spiritual accomplishment. Monk Attack 1 Monk Attack 1 LEVEl.. I D~ii.v DIsciPLINEs Cacophonous Shout You summon a wall ofsoundthatslarns into yourfoes like a battering ram. .~ Daily 4 Implement, Psionic, Thunder Standard Action Close blast 3 Target: Each creature in blast Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier thunder damage, and you push the target to the nearest unoccupied square outside the blast. The target is deafened until the end of the encounter. Miss: Half damage, and you push the target 1 square. bshing Rain Your savage strike draws an enemy close, leaving you in an ag gressive stance that lets you punish a~iy.foe that approaches you. Daily 4 Implement, Psionic, Stance Standard Action Melee touch Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you slide the target 2 squares to a square adjacent to you. Effect: You assume the lashing rain stance. Whenever an enemy you can see enters a square adjacent to you while you are able to make opportunity attacks, you deal 5 damage to that enemy and slide it 2 squares to any unoccupied square adjacent to you. You are slowed while you are in this stance. You can end the stance as a free action. Steel Avalanche Monk Attack 1 in, You unleash a wave ofpsionic p,ower~that cuts through yourfoes like steel. Daily 4 Implement, Psionic Standard Action Close blast 3 Target: Each enemy in blast Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit 3d8 + Dexterity m~difier’damage, and the target takes a —2 penalty~to attack roll~ (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn. Effect: You shift 4 squares to ~ny square adjacent to the blast. Stunning Palm Monk Attack 1 Your psionic energy keeps youfocused in combat, and can be released in a stunning blow tha,~kiioc1~s afoe senseless. Daily 4 Implement, Psionic, Stance Minor Action Personal Effect Until the stance ends, you cannot be dazed or stunned, and you can make t~he.foilowing attack. Standard Action Melee touch Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit: Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is stunned (save ends). Miss: 2d8 + Dexterity modifier damage. Effect: The stance ends. CHAPTER 3 Monk 62

Fall of Wind Monk Utility 2 You have meditated on the nature ofthe air around you and can control it to cushion yourjall. At-Will + Psionic Free Action Personal Trigger: You fall Effect: You reduce the damageyou.take from falling by 5 + one-half your level. .. J Fighting Fury Monk Utility 2 Your discipline and control letyou channel your anger into each blow. Daily 4 Psionic, Stance Minor Action Personal Effect Until the stance ends,you~ unarmed melee attacks deal extra damage equal to ‘yoünSfrength modifier. Swift Flight M.nk Utility 2 Channeling psionic energy through-pjzlms pointed at the ground, your simple leap becomes a smooth glide across the battlefield. Encounter 4 Psionic Move Action Personal Effect: You fly a number ofsquares equal to your speed + your Wisdom modifier. If you ~çn~t land at the end of this movement, you fall. .“ ‘ LEVEL 3 ENCOUNTER DIsciPLINEs Inner Eye Opened Monk Attack 3 By blocking out the impermanence ofthe vi~’ual world, you shunt the psychic energy of~your inner eye ihto a lethal attack. Encounter 4 Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic, Psychic Attack Technique - “ Standard Action Melee touch Effect You are blinded an’d g~’in.~lir~dsight 5 until the start of your next turn.. Target One creature, . Attacle Dexterity vs. Will•’ Hit 1 d8 + Dexterity modifi~r da~n~dge plus 1 d8 psychic damage. .. -~ Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You swap places with one creature adjacent to you. Resounding Strike Monk Attack 3 Your strike sets up subtle vibration~ in afoe, so that a subse quent blow triggers a disruptive burst ofthunder. Encounter 4 Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic, Thunder Attack Technique - Standard Action Mel~e tt?uch’ Target One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d1 0 + Dexterity rnodifier.damage. The next time the target takes damage befo~re ih~’start of your next turn, it takes extra thunder’damage equal to 3 + your Strength modifier. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You move your speed + 2. Springing Drake Assault Monk Attack 3 You~gB leap over afoe with nofear ofreprisal, then deliver an attack whose momentum drives an~enemy Wherever you want it to go. Encounter 4 Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique - ‘ , - Standard Action Melee.touch Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit 2d1 0 + Dexterity rnodifier4damage, and you slide the target 2 squares. ‘ - Iron Soul: If you make the attack.using a light blade or a spear, you slide the target-a number of squares equal to your €onstitution modifier. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Target: One creature adjacent to you Effect: You jump to any square adjacent to the target. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. Undeniable Incitement Monk Attack 3 Your psionic summons pulls an enemy tbyou, then the immov ableforce ofyour presence sends it hard to the ground. Encounter 4 Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique Standard Action - Melee 2 Target One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Will ;. Hit You pull the target 1 square~ lfthe target ends that movement adjacent to you, it takes 2d6 + Dexterity modifier damage and falls prone~You gain a +2 power bonus to AC until the end of your next turn. Iron Soul: If you makethe attàck’~sing a mace or a staff, the power bonus t~AC equals your Constitution modifier. ,‘ Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You move your speed. You do not provoke opportunity attacks when moving away from enemies adjacent to you at the start of this movement. LEVEL 5 DAILY DISCIPLINES Disrupting Fist Monk Attack 5 You channel psionic energy to empower your attacks, and you can discharge this energy through abI~w that disorients your foe. ~:‘ - Daily 4 Implement, Psionic, Stance Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain.a +2 power bonus to melee damage rolls, and you,~an make the following attack. Standard Action Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit 3d6 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is dazed (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn. Effect: The stance ends. LEVEL 2 UTiLITY DIsciPLINEs uJ 0 z 3 Melee touch CHAPTER 3 Monk 63

Freeze the Life Blood Monk Attack 5 Ice rimes your hands andfeet,:so that your next attack binds the foe in afreezing embrace. Daily + Cold, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Melee touch Target One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit 2d8 + Dexterity modifier ~oIddamage, and the target is immobilized (save e~hd~).:~, . - - Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). Effect: While the target is im~n6bilized or slowed by this power, any enemy that ends~it~ tutu adjacent to the tar get takes cold damage equ~I.to4yoür Dexterity modifier. Resonating Fist Monk Attack 5 Your strike reverberates throt~h~ihe’ enemy, so that each time it faces anew attack, it recalls th~e pain you wrought. Daily + Implement, Psionic Standard Action Melee touch Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hi~ 2d6 + Dexterity m~iifi~rdamage,and the target gains vulnerability to allidamage equal to your Strength modifier (save eñds).~Whenèver.you hit the target with an attack, it takes a 2 penalty to its next saving throw against this power’seffect. Miss: 2d6 + Dexterity modIfier damage. Thunderbolt Surge Monk AttackS You hurl a ball ofroiling thunder. into the thick ofcombat, blast ing onefoe and knocking nearby creatures to the ground. Daily + Implement, Psionic, Thunder Standard Action Ranged 5 Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit: 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier thunder damage, and each creature adjacent th the tar~get falls ~rone. Miss: Half damage. Abundant Step Monk Utility~ Tapping into the momentiii~t ofan ~ñemy’s errant strike, you slip through space to appear .vhereyourfoe least expects. Encounter + Psionic, Teleportation Immediate Reaction Personal Trigger: An adjacent enemy misses you with an attack Target: The triggering enemy Effect: You teleport’to an~ square adjacent to the target. The target~càrnbat advantage to you for your next attack roll made .-. the ~ndof-your next turn. Airborne Form Monk Utility 6 You meditate on the wind, assumisg a measure ofitsfree flowingformlessness. Daily + Psionic, Stance Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain a 2 power bonus to speed, you are insubstantial while moving, and you can move through enemies’ spaèes. Iron Heart Endurance Monk Utility 6 The pain o~your injuries lets you clear your mind of all distrac tions,forttfyingeyourfighting spirit. Encounter + Psionic Minor Action Personal Requirement: You must be bloodied. Effect: You gain tèm~rary hit points equal to twice your Constitution modifier. Quicksilver Motion Monk Utility 6 You surge through combat inthe blink ofan eye. Encounter + Psionic Free Action (Special) Personal Effect You move your speed. Special: You can use this power only as the first or the last action of your turn. TRAWITIONS AN~ TA1~OOS Monastic teachings can inc-lude restrictions that seem nonsensical to outsiders. These requirements might be designed to help adherents mentally prepare for enlight enment, to aid in the maintenance of discipline, or to show reverence ~j~3particular faith, creed, or deity. . . To determine what, if any teachings and taboos your tradition includes you can select from th~ following examples or use them as models inidesigning your own 4 You must n~tpart~ke-ofcçrtain foods,o1 you must ingest certain foods at certain times. + You must not retain more wealth than you’can carry. + You must practice certain chants, katas (martial exer cises), or ceremonies at certain times of the day or on certain days of the year. 4 You must never (or always) wear garments of a cer tain color, style, or fabric. 4 You must never strike a blow against a certain sort of creature. Some traditions create an exception to this rule for self-defense. . 4 Yot~ must teach the basics tenets of your tradition to anyone who expresses honest interest. 4 You must observe all the religious c&emoñie_s of•a ~p~rticular god as thoroughly.as if you were ~ piiçst. 4 Yowmust never strike,thefirst blow in.battle. ‘~. 4 You must practice, or avoid practicing ‘certa~ir~ fornis offine art(such.as playing mu~ic,jainting, or • calligraphy). 4 You must not speak at certain times of~he day, unless keeping silent would result in harm t~ others. 4 You must render aid upon request to’any member of your tradition, even at the expense of your immedi ate goals. LEVEL 6 UTiLiTY DlsciPuNEs CHAPTER 3 Monk 64

Arc of the Flashing Storm Monk Attack 7 You cà l~l~cross•the battlefield, lightning wrapping around you as oislam~yoi~irfoe back and disrupt its counterattacks. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Lightning, Psionic, Teleportation Attack~Teci~iique StandãVd;Action Melee touch Target..~O~,ne creature • AttackDexterity vs. Reflex Hit 2d1~0~+ Dexterity modifier lightning damage you pUslvthe target.2.squares, and the target takes a 2 •pe~aIty tc$~ck rolls until the end of your next turn. Iran ~I:~If you mal~è the attack using a mace or a staff, the~arg~t s penalty to attack rolls against you instead equals your Constitution modifier Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You teleport your speed. Feeding the Doves M.nk Attack 7 .Y..oi ,.anract’ mW L-fwihat unhindered before using a series of qwtk’crr’ikt~ tL~ puni%h (luLl SL(iueryourfoes like aflock ofbirds Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique • ,Standai~dAction Close burst 1 Prirnary.Target~ Each enemy you can see in burst • -:Prim~y Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit4d8’+’ Dexterity modifier damage. Eff&t’~M~keàsecondary attack that is a close burst 2. ~Secondary:’Target: Each enemy you can see in burst otF~~than the primary target SecondarVAttack: Dexterity vs. Reflex r Hi~D~.~rity modifier damage, and you push the ~c~i~id~ry target 2 squares. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You move your speed + 2. During this movement, you ignore difficult terrain. • . - . :~.- TH~.’N~E.~-J~ 1(1. JJ ‘: Although mosiks are,not the only masterfdf.the psionic • . ~. ~•~• energy khdwn aski, tW&~onimdii~iñdentahdiii’g.öf.this --h ,,~. _c~, energy1originates in’the olden monastic traditions The term “ki’.is b~li~Vedib~ome frdm.early d~as;wh&were p ~ .~,~..—.,• ‘7 ..•. ~4 attempting to develop~ ~ommon word for a concept tbat at the time existed only in the Supernal language The term draws together two related notions. 4 The separation of self into body, mind, and soul is • artificial,- and disrupts the proper flow of spiritual energy~ + Assimilating the unity of body, mind, and soul taps into a profound source ofinternal power. All monastic traditions teach that body, mind, and soul are one. Monks must attempt to set aside their concept ofthe separate aspects ofthe self and envision a point at which body, mind, and soul are anchored to one another. By considering and nurturing that metaphysical node, monks hope to increase their understanding ofthe nature of ki. Unity of Steel Monk Attack 7 • Allie~wh~pjess~M against afoe grant you some oftheir - So,. -~sç~gth,~incieasing the effectiveness ofyour own attack. Encounter 4 Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique ~ .St~’därcI~Action Melee touch ~ T~get~One:creature • “t°—,.~.. ~:.~ Att~ck: Dexterity.vs. Reflex l~n~oul ~lf you make the attack using a light blade or e a~p,~~yougaina +2 power bonus to the attack roll. Hit 2d8~ I exterity modifier damage plus 2 damage for ~~j~Jlly adj~’cent to the target Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You swap places with one ally adjacent to you. LEVEI. 9 DAn.Y DIsciPLINEs Finishing Move Monk Attack 9 LEVEl. 7 ENCOUNTER DIsCiPLINEs Mountainfall Stomp Monk Attack 7 I.1.I 0 z The éai~th bu~klés’~around you as you drive into your enemy, a ,yicious kicks~eji~ling it t~ the ground and keeping it there. Encounter 4 Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic .~Attack ~Techpique • StandaidrAction Melee touch ~ T~rget~O~e~creature ~. ~Fortitude Hiti2d6 + Dexterity modifier damage and you knock the targ~t7j~rone If the target stands up before the end of your next turn that action provokes an opportunity attäck~fr’oth you Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You shift 1 square. Squares adjacent to you then become difficult terrain until the start of your next turn. ~~l~g~iack can drop a badly injuredfoe with the dev asj4ngTfin~hrn~move Ifthefoefalls other enemies lose their - resolve ~-- Daily 4 Implement, Psionic Standard Action Melee touch Target: One creature ~ Attack: Dexterity ys. Fortitude modifier damage, and the target is sldW~andft’~ak~s’a —2penalty to attack rolls (save ends [‘bdt~). lf~e.t~~ethas 1.0 hit points or fewer after this attack~is resolved you reduce it to 0 hit points Miss: ~ Half damage. the target to 0 hit points, each enemy w~nS squares of you takes a -2 penalty to ~ attack roll~against you (save ends) CHAPTER 3 Monk 65

Flying Tiger Assault Monk Attack 9 Yourflying kick batters1your ehemy, ‘d~iving it back as the recoil ofyour strike lets you dance away. Daily + Implement, Psionic Standard Action Melee touch Effect: Before the attack, you fly your speed. You must land at the end of this movement. Target One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit: 3d1 0 + Dexterity modifier~damage, and you push the target 5 squares. Miss: 1-laif damage, and you push the target 2 squares. Effect You shift 1 square..’ Immolating Fist Fire blazes withinyour clenchedfists to bu~n those you strike, culminating in an explosive attack~tha~t w~rapsyourfoes in a shroud offlames. Daily + Fire, Implement, Psionic, Stance Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain resist 5 fire. In addition, whenever you hit an enemy with a melee attack, it takes 5 extra fire damage. You can also make the following attack. Standard Action Melee touch Target One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit: 1 d8 + Dexterity mo’difier da~nage plus 1 dl 2 fire damage, and each enemy adjacent to the target takes 5 fire damage. :‘ Miss: Half damage. ,, Effect: The stance ends. ‘. ~‘.. Uncommon Clarity You attune yourselfto yourfoe’~thcughts, granting you in creased accuracy with your attack. Monk Attack 9 Daily + Implement, Psionic Standard Action Melee touch Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity + 2 vs. Reflex. You can score a critical hit with this attack on a roll of 19-20. Hit 2d12 + Dexterity mddifierdaina~e’. Miss: Repeat the attack using Dexterity - 2 instead of Dexterity + 2. You are then dazed until the start of your next turn. Do not repeat the attack again if it misses. Monk Attack 9 LEVEL 10 UTILiTY DIsciPLINEs Adamant Soul Monk Utility 10 You coordinate body, mind, and soul to protectyoufrom the energy ofyourfoes’ attacks. Encounter + Psionic Immediate Interrupt Personal Trigger: An attack that deals at least one specific damage type hits you Effect Until the end of your next turn, you gain resistance equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier to all damage types dealt by the trigg~jng attack. Adamantine Bones Monk Utility 10 Your ki energy strengthens~youfrom.the inside out, reducing the effectiveness ofyour enemies’ attacks. Encounter + Psionic Minor Action Personal Effect: You gain resist 5 to alldan~age until the end of your next turn. Confirmation of Spirit Monk Utility 10 The aftennath ofa successful attack confirms your discipline andfocus, granting you the strength tofight on. Encounter + Healing, Psionic Free Action Personal Trigger: You hit an enemy with a melee attack Effect: You regain hit points equal to 5 + your Wisdom modifier. Iron Heart Resilience Monk Utility 10 You visualize the essence ofdeterminat on, anchoring yourself against the worst ofwhat~your enemies impose upon you. Daily + Psionic, Stance Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the stance ends, you make saving throws at the start of your turn in ad~Iition’to the end of your turn. You take a -3 penalty to~h~sa~t)g1throws granted by this power. BREATH OF THE SUN AND MOON Little recorded history remains from the days following the Dawn War. Still, some sages claim that the Breath of the Sun and Moon is the earliest known formal monastic tradition. The specifics ofthis tradition’s teachings are lost to history, but it retains a place ofgreat honor and venera tion among monks. ~: The influence oftheBreath bfthe Sun and Moon can be found in all contem~orary orders, Followers ofthis tradi tion are said to be the first practitioners to gather disparate techniques into a set of consistent thematic disciplines. They first enunciated the ideal of unity between body, mind, and soul. They began the discussion of ki, although CHAPTER 3 Monk they used Supernal terms to do so. Finally, they established the completely immersive, monastic way of life and first practiced it in isolated communities. Disciplines developed by the monks ofthe Breath ofthe Sun and Moon are still taught today in one form or another. Numerous contemporary monastic traditions claim direct descent from this ancient order, though no clear evidence for such claims exists. Many monasteries use the rank titles that the Breath adopted in ancient times. Titles such as “Master ofthe North Wind,” “Master ofAutumn,” and ‘Grand Master of Flowers” reveal the influence ofthe Breath ofthe Sun and Moon. 66

As the Arrow Flies Monk Attack 13 Yo~iifljrJik~”án arrow over other combatants, ready to de liver an ~ttack that pins an enemy where it stands Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack1~hnique StandardrAction. Melee touch ~ Ta~get~Onekcreature iAttack:,Dextenty vs..Reflex Hit. 3d6~t~Re~xterity modifier damage and the target is ‘~~immobiliied until the end of your next turn. Ir6n S~1~T~’lf~you make the attack using a light blade or a s~ear,~wh’éñever the target takes damage before the e.enddfyoürnext turn, you can slide the target 1 ~squa~ toa square adjacent to you as a free action Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You fly your speed. If you don’t land at the end of this movement, you fall. Resounding Fist Monk Attack 13 Resou~nding~enet~gyframyour powerful strike disrupts yourfoe and~rants your allies an opening Encounter 4 Full Discipline, Force, Implement, Psionic Attack T~cIiñhjui. Standard~Action Melee touch Taig~t:.O~e cr~ature or unattended object Attack:iDexterity vs. Fortitude • Hi~2~~De~xterity modifier force damage, and any ~ally4s~tt~k.i~ade against the target deals extraS ~cfai~ge~e~,qualto 2.+ your Strength modifier until the ~ endiöf youit next turn Against an unattended object 0 extra force damage. Movem~nt Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You shift 2 squares and gain resist 3 to all damage until the start of your next turn. Storm’s Wake Monk Attack 13 ~ You d~h~j~p~vof combat to better anticipate attacks as you ~ your own strike with a ki shout thatjolts :your.enerntesjiack. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic ~Att~ckT~hfli~Ue Stan&rd~Actiôn Melee touch Target One cre~ture &ttackt~Dextérit~Yvs Reflex Hit. 2d1 Oj± Dexterity modifier damage and you push ~ th~tã~get a~nd each enemy adjacent to you a number of ¶~ sq~~es~qual to your Wisdom modifier. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You move your speed + 2. During this movement, you gain a bonus to all defenses equal to your Wisdom modifier. Thundering Waterfall Monk Attack 13 Y~u~ind~takda deiàstating rush through the thick of combat 1 that.mak’es~5~àuhArder to hit. Encounter 4 Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic ~ttackTd~h~Tjüë., &4 Standard A~i~iY.’ Melee touch “Prthar~cTa,~et: One creature ~ Pri~aryA~tack Dexterity vs. Reflex ~‘ Hit’2~0~Dexterity modifier damage, and you push theprihi~i~~arget 3 squares. ~ Effeèt Y~ushift 3 squares and make a secondary attack ~‘ th~tJ~ cIos~ b~urst 1. SecondacyTarget Each enemy in burst -~ Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude • . Hit~ The~econ~lary target is dazed until the start of • -7 ••~ yourn~xttum... li~ñ.S~1~l~ifyou-make the attack using a mace or a r ~ ~ ~taff, econdary target also takes damage equal modifier. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You move your speed. Each time any enemy misses you with an opportunity attack provoked by this movement, you gain a cumulative +1 power bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn. LEVEL 15 DAILY DlscIPuNEs Booming Shout Monk Attack 15 Ape~dtby4,si6nic power, your voice booms across the battle ~fi~ldWtteijn~ähd disorienting creatures before you. Daily 4 Implement, Psionic, Thunder Standard Action Close blast 5 Target: Each creature in blast Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hi~~?b~xterity modifier damage, and the target takes ouigoingilOthunder damage and is deafened (save ends b~h) In addition you push the target to the .ifêareit~und’ccuj~ied ~ square outside the blast. T~he target is dazed until the end of your next Miss: ~ Half damage, you push the target 1 square, and the target takes ongoing 5 thunder damage (save ends). Falcon’s Rent Monk Attack 15 -. ~z’c777:,•7i~.,•_,. . You Iash~t.~with.~i psionic strike atfoes around you, leaving .ihose~jieinzes reelzng and unable to properly defend themselves. Daily 4 Implement, Psionic Standard Action Close burst 1 Target: Each enemy in burst Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit. ~2d8~b~xterity modifier damage and the target ~ takes ongoing~l~O damage and a —2 penalty to all de fenses(save~nds both). Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends). Effec~Bef&re~r~after the attack, you fly your speed. If you don t land at~,the end of this movement you fall CHAPTER 3 Monk LEVEL 13 ENCOUNTER DIsclPuNEs C z 67

Mithral Tornado Monk Attack 15 Twinned attacks send you hurtling across the battlefield,your enemies reeling from a whirlwind ofblows. Daily + Implement, Psionic Standard Action Close burst 1 Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn. Primary Target: Each enemy you can see in burst Primary Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit: 1 dl 0+ Dexterity modifier damage, and the primary target is dazed (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the primary target is dazed until the end of your next turn. Effect: You move your speed. Any enemy that misses you with an opportunity attack provoked by this movement takes 5 damage. When you end this movement, you make a secondary attack that is a close burst 1. Secondary Target: Each enemy you can see in burst other than the primary target Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit 1 dl 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the secondary target is dazed (save ends). Miss: Half damage. Quickening Assault Monk Attack 15 With careful aim and precise movement, you use one devastat ing attack to setup another. Daily + Implement, Psionic Standard Action Melee touch Target One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit: 3d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect The next monk at-will attack power you use before the end of your next turn deals 1 dl 0 extra damage and deals half damage to one creature it misses. Still Waters Strike Monk Attack 15 The physical and mental pain ofyour strike knocks afoe back, then places you into a waiting posture that invites enemies to attack you at their peril. Daily + Implement, Psionic, Psychic Standard Action Melee touch Target One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage plus 2d1 0 psychic damage, and you push the target 2 squares. Miss: Half damage, and you push the target 2 squares. Effect: You grant combat advantage to the target until the start of your next turn. While you grant combat advantage to the target from this power, you can make the following attack. Immediate Interrupt Melee touch Trigger: An adjacent enemy hits you with a melee attack Target: The triggering enemy Attack: Dexterity + 2 vs. Reflex Hit: 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you knock the target prone. CHAPTER 3 Monk LEVEL 16 UTIUTY DisciPLiNEs Altered Awareness Monk Utility 16 Your successful attack lets you touch afoe’s mind, thenfade from its sight. Encounter + Illusion, Psionic Free Action Personal Trigger: You hit an enemy with a melee attack Target: The enemy you hit Effect You are invisible to the target until the end of your next turn. Pearl of Black Doubt Monk Utility 16 As the enemy’s attack goes wide, you plant doubt’s bitter seed in its mind to hamper itsfight againstyou. Daily + Psionic, Stance Immediate Reaction Personal Trigger: An adjacent enemy misses you with an attack Effect Until the stance ends, you gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses against the triggering enemy’s attacks. In addition, whenever the triggering enemymisses you with an attack, you gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls for any attack that includes the triggering enemy made before the end of your next turn. Sundered Chains Monk Utility 16 With the power ofyour mind,youfree your bodyfrom constraint. Encounter + Psionic No Action Personal Trigger. You start your turn immobilized, restrained, or slowed Effect The triggering condition ends. Unfailing Resolve Monk Utility 16 Yourfocus and discipline lets you stay onyourfeet even though you are at deatWs door. Daily + Psionic, Stance No Action Personal Trigger: You drop to 0 hit points or fewer Effect: Until the stance ends, while you are dying but not dead, dying causes you to be slowed and weakened in stead of unconscious. LEVEL 17 ENCOUNTER DlsciPuNEs A Feather’s Weight Monk Attack 17 A powerful strike leaves your enemy off balance, so that any attack will send it to the ground. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique Standard Action Melee touch Target One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit 2d1 2 + Dexterity modifier damage, you slide the tar get 2 squares, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn. The next time the target takes damage before the start of your next turn, the target takes extra damage equal to your Strength modifier and falls prone. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You move your speed + 2. You can use the attack technique at any point during this movement. 68

z 0 0 S z Feigned Opening M.nk Attack 17 You give your enemy afalse opening to lure it close, then lash out with brutalforce that leaves it reeling. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique :~ - Standard Action Melee 3 Target One creature •., - Attack: Dexterity vs. Will Hit: You pull the target 2 squares. If you pull the target to a square adjacent to you, it takes 3d6 + Dexterity modi fier damage and grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn. - Iron Soul: If you make theattack~using a mace or a staff, the target takes extra damage equal to your Constitution modifier. ~ Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You move your speed + 2. You do not provoke opportunity attacks when moving away from enemies adjacent to you at the start of this movement. Glare of the Inner Eye M.nk Attack 17 Your senses expand beyond sight as the p~wer ofyour inner eye lets you project a mental assaultiagainst’a distantfoe. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic, Psychic Attack Technique - - Standard Action Melee 5 Effect: You are blinded and gain~blindsight 10 until the start of your next turn. Target One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Will Hit 3d8 + Dexterity modifier psychic damage. Movement Technique Move Action Melee 1 Target One creature Effect: You shift 1 square and swap places with the target or swap places with the target and shift 1 square. FINDING THE PATH Monastic acolytes might face significant challenges seek ing out a desirable order or school before they arrive at the monastery’s gate. Although some schools and their locations are famous, at least locally, other traditions are secretive or geographically isolated. Some regions hold no monastic orders at all. In these cases, a candidate must search far and wide, both by traveling and in terms of introspection. In the end, such effort might be wasted if the potential master finds the petitioner unsuitable. Despite th’ese barriers, locating a mona~teI~y or a scho~l is sometimes easier than ~might be êxpec-ted~ Candidates who have sufflcWñtdisci~ljne can feel drawn to a particular làcale or building, siumbling upon the monastery with an accuracy that cannot be dismissed as coincidence. Many scholars theorize that characters des tined to become monks unconsciously tap into a psionic or a spiritual connection that subtly guides them toward a suitable tradition and a willing master. Leaping Dragon Strike Monk Attack 17 You leap into the air tojump over your enemy. When you land, youfollow up with a vicious strike that drives thefoe back. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique Standard Action Melee tuch Target (i)ne creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex ,. Iron Soul: If you make the áttacklusiñg a light blade or a spear, you gain a +2 power bonus, to the attack roll. Hit 3d8 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you can use your movement technique as a free~dion. You then push the target 2 squares. Movement Technique Move Action Melee 1 Target: One creature Effect: You jump to any square adjacent to the target. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. LEVEI. 19 DAfl.Y DlsclPuNEs Crushing Reprisal Monk Attack 19 Your enemy’sfailed attack lets you slip in quickly to deliver a crushing counterstrike. ,, Daily + Implement, Psionic Immediate Reaction Melee touch Trigger: An enemy misses you with a melee attack Effect: Before the attack, you shift 2 squares. Target The triggering enemy Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex - Hit 2d6 + Dexterity mod ifier d~mage, and the target is stunned (save ends). .. -. Miss: Half damage. N C uJ z \,f 1’ )(~ \~ •i, ~%\ “N CHAPTER 3 Monk 69

Hare’s Panicked Retreat Monk Attack 19 The power ofyourforceful strikefihlsj~ourfoe with dread, caus ing it to knock down other enemies asydu’~control itsfeeble at tempts to escapefromyou. Daily + Fear, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Melee touch Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit: 3dTh ÷ Dexterity modifier daniage and the target is slowed (save ends). Until this effect ends, ‘whenever the target starts its turn, you can push iP2.squares as a free action. Each enemy adjacent to the~tar~et at the end of the push falls prone. Miss: Half damage, and you push the target its speed. Loud Fist Strike Monk Attack 19 Yourfast attack sends afoe careening into other enemies, which are blasted back by an explosive clap ~fththider. Daily + Implement, Psionic, Thunder Standard Action Melee touch Effect: Before the attack, you shift your speed. Primary Target: One creature Primary Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d1 0 + Dexterity mod ifier damage, and you push the target 5 squares and knock it prón~. Miss: Half damage, and you push the target 5 squares. Effect Make a secondary attack that is an area burst 2 centered on the primary target. Secondary Target: Each enemy in burst other than the primary target Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier thunder damage, and you push the secondary target 3 squares from the primary target. Miss: Half damage. Twin Fountain Strike Monk Attack 19 As you tumble past~your enemies, your\ aitack drawsforth a blood red mist that shrouds them andflhlsotherfoes withfear. Daily + Fear, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Melee touch Effect: You shift your speed -i- 2~a,?dmake the follow ing attack against one ontwocréatü~res during this movement. Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and ongoing 10 damage (save ends). Until this ongoing damage ends, the target’s space and each square adjacent to it are lightly obscured. Any enemy not immune to fear takes a 2 penalty to attack rolls while it can see squares lightly obscured by this power. LEVEL 22 UTILiTY DlscIPuNEs Empty Body Monk Utility 22 You exchange the limits ofthe bodyfor the e~nbrace ofpure spirit. In thisform, nothing can contain you. Daily + Psionic, Stance Minor Action Personal Requirement You must be bloodied. Effect Until the stance ends, you arè insubstantial and phasing. . - Meditative Vanishing Monk Utility 22 You extend your will to overpower the senses ofyour enemies, excising your presencefrom their minds. - Daily + Illusion, Psionic Minor Action Close burst 5 Target: Each enemy in burst Effect: You are invisibl~tothe tarjet until you make an attack against it. ‘~ . - 1’4E1~Y1TAT1ON Monks and psions meditate in a variety of ways to main tain discipline and to reinvigorate their bodies and minds. For roleplaying purposes, you might decide exactly what those practices entail and describe your character. performing them during periods of rest or downtime. You can adopt one of these s~iggestions or dé4se yourown ~rt-Some psionics users engagein iousforips~fp~ formance or fine art—such asipainting, sewing, calligraphy or ‘music—as a meansof focusing the mind ~nd calming the emotions. Chants and Litanies: Specific phrases, repeated over and over, form the basis for many forms of meditation. For example, the following is the litany of the Winding Soul tradition: CHAPTER 3 Monk There is no pain; there is only warning. There is nofear; there is only caution. There is no retreat; there is only delay. There is no defeat; there is only death. There is ii~ me; there is only what I do. Focus on the Mundane: Monks and psions often devote the entirety oftheir attention to mundane stimuli, allowing theirthou~hts to drift. Examples include con centrating on the flickering of a candle flame, the feel of a knotte4 leather~ strap, or therhythni of ne’s breathing or heartbeat. Katas: By repeatedly performing katas (carefully arranged sequences of martial movements), a psionics user clears his or her mind and reinforces the links between mind, body, and spirit. 70

Supreme Parry Monk Utility 22 Your weapon blurs as you spin it aroundyou in an impenetrable barrier. Daily + Psionic, Stance Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the stance ends,.youàdd the proficiency bonus of any melee weapon you wield to your AC and Reflex. Thousand World Stride Monk Utility 22 By elevating your consciousness over.your physical limitations, youtil72 able to reach thefar side ofthe battle in a single step. Daily + Psionic, Stance, Teleportation Minor Action Personal Effect Until the stanc&ends,.you can teleport your speed as a free action. •~. Special: You can take this free action only as the first action of your turn. LEVEL 23 ENCOUNTER DIsciPLINEs Iron Cascade Monk Attack 23 You capture your allies’ spiritual s~ngth,focusing it into an attack whose ironfury crushes your eperny. Encounter + Full Discipline, implement, Psionic Attack Technique -: . Standard Action Melee touch Target One creature .. ‘ . V Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Iron Soul: If you make th~ttack using a light blade or a spear, you gain a +2 power bonus to the attack roll. Hit: 4d8 + Dexterity modifier damage plus 4 damage for each ally adjacent to the target. Movement Technique Move Action Melee 1 Target One creature Effect: You swap places with the target, then shift a number of squares equal to your Constitution modifier. If the target is an ally, he or she can shift the same number of squares as a free action. lightning Throw Monk Attack 23 You canflo.sh through the air to land ‘with’explosiveforce, your melee attack summoning the power‘of lightning thatyou hurl at a distantfoe. V - Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Lightning, Psionic Attack Technique - V Standard Action Mél~e touch Primary Target One creatute Primary Attack: Dexterity v≤?~Reflek Hit: 3d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you make a secondary attack that is a ranged .10 attack. This attack does not provoke opportunity attacks. Secondary Target One creature other than the primary target Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit: 2d1 2 + Wisdom modifier ligF~tning damage, and the secondaiy target is blinded’until the end of your next turn. ‘ Movement Technique Move Action Personal V Effect: You flyyour speed + 2. If you don’t land at the end of this movement, you fall. Enemies adjacent to you when you land take lightning damage equal to your Constitution modifier. Shattered Earth Fall Monk Attack 23 Your vicious strike can knock aifoe down, a!ld grants you the power to sweep other nearby enemies~t~ the ground. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique •. Standard Action Melee touch Primary Target One creature Primary Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit 3d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you knock the primary target prone.. Effect: Make a secondary a~ttack.that is a close burst 1. Secondary Target Each enemy ~ou can see in burst ~s Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit You knock the secbi da~jrtarget prone. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You shift 3 squares. You can ignore forced movement until the end of your next turn. LEVEL 25 DAILY DisciPLiNEs Dragon Fist Strike Monk Attack 25 You end your prodigious leap with a blow ihat smashes your enemy to the ground, all other ôppon’ents recoiling before you. Daily + Fear, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Melee touch Effect: Before the attack, you fly your speed + 2. If you don’t land at the end of this movement, you fall. Target One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit 4d1 2 + Dexterity modifier da~ii~ge, and the target falls prone and cannot stand upi(save ends). Each Failed Saving Throw: The target is dazed until the end of its next turn. Miss: Half damage, and the target falls prone. Effect Until the start of your next’turn, any creature that can see you takes a —‘2 penalty to attack rolls for any attack that includes youàs a target. 0 LJJ z 7 CHAPTER 3 Monk

Fate’s Judgment Monk Attack 25 LEVEl. 27 ENCOUNTER DIscIPUNEs An enemy strikes and you make a savage counterattack. Ifyour opponent attacks again, it is punished by the lingering reso nance ofyourfury. Daily + Implement, Psionic Immediate Reaction Melee touch Trigger: An adjacent enemy hits you with an attack Target: The triggering enemy Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit: 3d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target takes 10 damage the first time each turn it makes an attack (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target takes 5 damage the first time each turn it makes an attack (save ends). Four Hidden Sounds Monk Attack 25 You center your mind on thefour hidden sounds ofthe natural world. When you speak each sound,you release a potent blast of elemental energy. Daily + Implement, Psionic, Stance; Varies Standard Action Personal Effect Until the stance ends, you can make the following attack. Minor Action (1/round) Close blast 5 Target: Each creature in blast Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit: 1 dl 0 + Wisdom modifier damage. Choose a damage type: acid, cold, fire, or lightning. The attack deals damage of this type to each target. You can choose each damage type only once in an encounter. Effect: The fourth time you use this attack in an encounter, the stance ends. Glacier’s Mantle Monk Attack 25 Frostflares around you as an icy mist, adding lethal cold to your attacks and chilling anyfoe that comes too close. Daily + Cold, Implement, Psionic, Stance Standard Action Melee touch Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit 3d8 + Dexterity modifier damage plus 2d1 2 cold damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: You can enter the glacier’s mantle stance. Until the stance ends, your melee attacks deal 5 extra cold damage. In addition, any enemy that enters a square adjacent to you takes cold damage equal to 5 + your Strength modifier. Strike of Perfect Clarity Monk Attack 25 Your attack is delivered with such masterful balance andform thatyourfoe’s mind turns on itseiffor daring to challenge you. Daily + Implement, Psionic, Psychic Standard Action Melee touch Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Will Hit: 4d8 + Dexterity modifier damage plus 2d1 2 psychic damage. Miss: Repeat the attack against the same target or a different one. Do not repeat the attack again if it misses. CHAPTER 3 Monk From Earth to Heaven Monk Attack 27 Your grace andfocusflow through your attacks, driving back your enemies and lifting you to safety above thefray. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique Standard Action Close burst 2 Target Each enemy in burst Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d6 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you push the target 1 square. The target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You fly your speed + 2. You gain a power bonus to all defenses equal to your Wisdom modifier during this movement. If you don’t land at the end of this movement, you fall. Part the Seas M.nk Attack 27 Foes that try to stop you are knocked aside as you surge through combat, ready to unleash a blow that stuns an enemy in its tracks. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique Standard Action Melee touch Target One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit 1 dl 2 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is stunned until the end of your next turn. Iron Soul: If you make the attack using a mace or a staff, the target also falls prone. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You move your speed + 6. Any enemy that misses you with an opportunity attack provoked by this movement takes damage equal to your Constitution modifier and falls prone. Shatter the Mountain Monk Attack 27 An unshakeable concentration girds your body as your rock shattering strike overwhelms afoe. Encounter Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique Standard Action Melee touch Target One creature or unattended object Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d1 2 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you push the target a number of squares equal to 3 + your Strength modifier. If this attack bloodies the target, it takes idi 2 extra damage. If the target is an unattended object, this attack deals 2d1 2 extra damage. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You shift 4 squares and gain resist 5 to all damage until the end of your next turn. 72

Weight of the Anchor Monk Attack 27 Your attack hits with theforce ofiron, pinning an enemy in place as you race across the battlefield. Encounter 4 Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique Standard Action Melee touch Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Iron Soul: If you make the attackusing a light blade or a spear, you gain Ei +2 powef bonus to the attack roll. Hit 4d8 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.’ Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You move your speed + 6. LEVEL 29 DAiLY DisciPLiNEs Adamantine Hurricane Monk Attack 29 You are a blur as you move and attack, laying intofoes around you with a destructiveforce equal to~that ofthe mightiest weapons. . Daily 4 Implement, Psionic Standard Action Close burst 1 Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn. Primary Target: Each enemy you can see in burst Primary Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit 2d1~+ Dexterity modifier damage, and the primary target takes ongoing 110 damage~(save ends). If the primary target is already takingi~ngoing damage, that ongoing damage incr~as~s~b~ lO!~ Effect: You move your speed + 2. Any enemy that misses you with an opportunity attack provoked by this movement takes 10 damage and falls prone. Make a secondary attack that is a close burst 1. Secondary Target: Each enemy you can see in burst other than the primary targets Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit: 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the secondary target takes ongoing 10 damage (save ends). If the secondary target is already taking ongoing damage, that ongoing damage increases by 10. Falling Star Strike Monk Attack 29 You streak into the air, trailingfire and light. When you land, the impact staggers, blinds, and burns yourfoes. Daily 4 Fire, Implement, Psionic, Radiant, Teleportation, Thunder, Zone Standard Action Close burst 2 Effect: Before the attack, you teleport your speed, appearing up to 50 feet in the air above your destination space. You then fall without taking damage. Target Each creature in burst Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit 3d10 + Dexterity modifie~fi~e,~adiant, and thunder damage, and the target is bliñded(save ends). Miss: Half damage. - Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any creature thdt ends its turn within the zone takes fire damage equar~o~your Dexterity modifier. Titan’s Mighty Grasp Monk Attack 29 You rock your enemy withii3 devast~auin,~ attack, then wrap it in a steely, unbreakable embrace. Daily 4 Implement, Psionic Standard Action Melee touch Target One creature Primary Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit 5d1 2 + Dexterity modlfieridamage, and you grab the target. The target takes a penalty tochecks to escape the grab equal to your Strength1rnodifier~ Miss: Half damage, and you grab the target Effect: Until the grab ends,you can r~iake the following secondary attack against the target. Standard Action Melee touch Secondary Attack: Dexterity + 2 vs. Fortitude Hit 3d1 0 + Strength modifier damage. The target cannot attempt to escape the grab until the start of your next turn. TAXES, TITHES, AND THIEVERY Many isolated monasteries exist completely apart from the bounds of civilization, independent from any super visory, affiliated, or beholden group. On occasion, a small settlement grows up near an otherwise remote monastery, eager for the protection the monks offer frorn~the hazards ofthe wild Over time, a formal relationship might develop between the order and the community The monk~ might become landlords, collecting taxes or tithes. They might become overlords, passing laws and serving as both reli gious and secular leaders for the local population. Many arrangements bear equal measures of benefit and respon sibilit3~ but some dependencies are more extreme. A school dedicated wholly to discipline might subor dinate itselfto a local settlement, perhaps as ~ means of achieving enlightenment through service. Another order might exert a cruel dominion inflicting crippling taxe~s and growing wealthy offthe labor ofits subjects. Such an evil-aligned monastery might also send students roaming beyond their own environs to engage in banditry, waylay ing travelers and raiding neighboring communities. 0 z 3 CHAPTER 3 Monk 73

NEW PARAGON PATHS BAsILJsK’s FURY ADEPT “Look into these eyes and see the doom awaitin8 you.” Prerequisite: Monk The basilisk is renowned for its hunting prowess, and its pitiless gaze. Inspired by both the basilisk’s sinu ous movements and the immobilizing effect ofits gaze, a group of monks have developed disciplines that mirror this creature’s fearsome reputation. Your study ofthe basilisk’s fury has opened your mind to the emotions around and in you. Achieving this state empties your body ofthought and draws the sensations of others through your eyes. Foes that peer into your obsidian gaze are drained ofhope. All that remains for your enemy are apathy, stasis, and death. BAslusK’s FURY ADEPT PATH FEATURES Baleful Action (11th level): You can spend an action point to slow each enemy within 5 squares of you that can see you until the start ofyour next turn. Any enemy that takes damage while slowed in this way becomes slowed (save ends). Basilisk’s Boon (11th level): You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against effects that immobi lize, restrain, or slow. When you are subjected to an effect that petrifies you, you can make a saving throw against that effect. Ifyou save, the effect ends on you. Basilisk’s Fury (16th level): When you score a critical hit against an enemy using a monk or basi lisk’s fury adept attack power, that enemy is petrified (save ends). BAsILIsK’s FURY ADEPT DiscIPLINEs Eyes of the Basilisk Basilisks Fury Adept Attack 11 You drive your enemy back, then bind it in place with a 8aze. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique Standard Action Melee touch Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d1 2 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you push the target 3 squares. The target is then marked and im mobilized until the end of your next turn. If the target is already slowed or immobilized, it is restrained until the end of your next turn. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You move your speed + 2, ignoring difficult terrain. Any enemy that misses you with an opportunity attack provoked by this movement is slowed until the end of your next turn. The power ofyour mind transforms your body into stone. Daily + Healing, Psionic Immediate Interrupt Personal Trigger: An attack makes you unconscious or stuns you Effect You are instead petrified for as long as you would be unconscious or stunned by the triggering attack. You can spend a healing surge. If you do so, you gain a +2 power bonus to saving throws until you are no longer petrified. Stone-Shatter Strike Basilisk’s Fury Adept Attack 20 Your attackfreezes afoe, rendering it vulnerable to yourfollowup strike and threatening to transform it to living stone. Daily + Implement, Psionic, Psychic Standard Action Ranged 5 Target: One creature Primary Attack: Dexterity vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + Dexterity modifier psychic damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target is instead petri fied (save ends). The target takes a 2 penalty to saving throws against this effect. Miss: Half damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. Effect Once during the encounter while the target is im mobilized or petrified by this power, you can make the following attack against the target. Standard Action Melee 1 Secondary Attack: Dexterity + 2 vs. Reflex Hit: 3d8 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target falls prone and cannot stand up (save ends). If the target is petrified, this attack ignores the resistance granted by that condition and deals 4d8 extra damage. Special: When charging, you can use this power in place of a melee basic attack. Basilisk Nature Basilisk’s Fury Adept Utility 12 Defense CHAPTER 3 Monk z z S 74

FOUR WINDS MASTER “I am as powerful as the winds and as constant as the seasons.” Prerequisite: Monk Devotees ofthe four winds strive for peace and tran quility in all that they do. They recognize, however, that violence is sometimes necessary to achieve greater harmony. Just as destructive winds can carry away anything that stands against them, a monk of the four winds is an overwhelming force. FOUR WINDS MASTER PATH FEATURES Mystery ofthe Four Winds (11th level): After each extended rest, choose one ofthe following mysteries. The benefit ofthat mystery lasts until you choose another mystery. Mystery ofthe East Wind: You gain lightning resistance equal to one-half your level. In addition, whenever you shift, you can move 2 squares before or after the shift. Mystery ofthe North Wind: You gain cold resistance equal to one-halfyour level and a +5 bonus to saving throws against charm effects and fear effects. Mystery ofthe South Wind: You gain force resistance equal to one-halfyour level and a +4 bonus to initia tive checks. Mystery ofthe West Wind: You gain thunder resistance equal to one-halfyour level. In addition, whenever you spend a healing surge, you can shift 2 squares as a free action. FOUR WiNDS MASTER DiSCIPLINES Four Winds Ass~uIt Four Winds Master Attack 11 Psychic winds can carry you to your opponents, gusting hard when you strike to scatter yourfoes. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique Standard Action Melee touch Target One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit: 1 d8 + Dexterity modifier damage. You lift the target 10 feet into the air, where it is immobilized until the end of your next turn. At the end of your next turn, the target drops safely to the ground in the space it last oc cupied or in the nearest unoccupied space. Aftereffect You slide each creature within 5 squares of the target 5 squares. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You fly your speed + 2. If you do not land at the end of this movement, you hover until the start of your next turn, at which point you land safely in the space below you or in the nearest unoccupied space. Gusting Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to make an attack and the attack hits, you shift your speed after resolving the attack. Mysteries Revealed (16th level): After each extended or short rest, you can choose two mysteries and benefit from both at the same time. The benefit ofthe mysteries lasts until you choose another two mysteries. In addition, whenever you shift, you can instead fly the same distance. Ifyou don’t land at the end of this movement, you fall. You anticipate imminent danger and call thefour winds to whisk you to safety. Encounter + Psionic Immediate Interrupt Personal Trigger: You are hit by an attack Effect You are insubstantial until the start of your next turn. After the triggering attack is resolved, you fly your speed + 2. If you do not land at the end of this move ment, you hover until the start of your next turn, at which point you land safely in the space below you or in the nearest unoccupied space. Four Winds Tempest Four Winds Master Attack 20 You take to the auto lash out with a vicious attack, then call on thefour winds that hold you aloft to batter yourfoe. Daily 4 Implement, Psionic; Varies Standard Action Melee touch Effect: Before the attack, you fly a number of squares equal to your speed + 2. If you do not land at the end of this movement, you hover until the start of your next turn, at which point you land safely in the space below you or in the nearest unoccupied space. Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude Hit 4d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: The target is affected by the four winds tempest (save ends). While the target is affected by the tempest, whenever the target starts its turn, roll a d4 to determine the effect. 1. The target takes 10 lightning damage, and you push it 4 squares. 2. The target takes 110 cold damage and is slowed until the end of its turn. 3. The target takes 10 force damage, and you pull it 4 squares. 4. The target takes 10 thunder damage, and you slide it 4 squares. I z C uJ z Breath of the Four Winds Master Utility 12 Four Winds CHAPTER 3 Monk 75

SOARiNG BLADE “My sword is more than a weapon—it is my spirit.” Prerequisite: Monk, trained in Acrobatics Battle is notjust a physical contest—it is a spectacle, a dance ofparries and thrusts, of slashes and ripostes. True mastery ofthe blade adds soaring form and motion, transporting the struggle into aerial art. What sets you apart from earthbound combatants is your melding of discipline and precise swordplay. Your training and your psionic power grant you incredible mobility; your focus hones your edge. SOARING B1~ADE PATH FEATURES Focused Parry Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to make an attack and the attack hits, you gain a bonus to all defenses equal to your Constitution modifier until you make an attack or until the end ofthe encounter. Soaring Blade Style (11th level): You gain a +3 bonus to Acrobatics checks. In addition, when you would make an Athletics check to climb orjump, you can make an Acrobatics check instead. Soaring Blade Training (11th level): You gain proficiency with all simple and military heavy blades. You can utilize a heavy blade for any monk power usable with a light blade. Ki Blade (16th level): You channel psionic energy through your heavy blade. After each extended rest, choose a damage type: cold, fire, or lightning. Your melee attacks using a heavy blade deal extra damage ofthat type equal to your Constitution modifier. In addition, when you score a critical hit using a heavy blade, the attack deals 2d10 extra damage ofthat type. SoARiNG BI~ADE D1scIPUNEs Sword Fall Leap Soaring ~I~e Attack 11 You leap across thefield ofcombat. iNhen you attack, your blade work cuts one enemy deeply and slashes allfoes nearby. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique Standard Action Melee touch Requirement: You must make this attack using a heavy blade. Target One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit 3d8 + Dexterity modifier damage, and each en emy adjacent to you takes damage equal to your Constitution modifier. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You make an Acrobatics check to jump with a +10 power bonus. You are considered to have a running start, and the distance of the jump isn’t limited by your speed. Level 21: You make the Acrobatics check with a +20 power bonus. CHAPTER 3 Monk Charge the Clouds Soaring Blade Utility 12 You soar above thefight, avoiding yourfoes’ attacks as you pass. Encounter + Psionic Move Action Personal Effect You fly your speed. This movement does not pro voke opportunity attacks. If you don’t land at the end of this movement, you fall. Storm of Raining Blades Soaring Blade Attack 20 You are carried aloft by your psionic power, touching down three times to hack through and scatter yourfoes. Daily + Implement, Psionic Standard Action Melee touch Requirement You must make this attack using a heavy blade. Effect: Until the end of your turn, your movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. Before the attack, you fly 3 squares. If you don’t land at the end of this movement, you fall. Primary Target One creature Primary Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit 1 d8 + Dexterity modifier damage. Effect: You fly 3 squares. If you don’t land at the end of this movement, you fall. You then make a secondary attack that is a melee touch attack. Secondary Target One creature other than the primary target Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + Dexterity modifier damage. Effect You fly 3 squares. If you don’t land at the end of this movement, you fall. You then make a tertiary attack that is a close burst 1. Tertiary Target: Each enemy you can see in burst Tertiary Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit: 1 5 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you slide the tertiary target 2 squares. Miss: Half damage, and you slide the target 1 square. ~, “it 76

TIGER CLAW MASTER “I am the hunter. You are my prey.” Prerequisite: Monk The tiger claw style is an ancient, honored path. Its practitioners have incorporated techniques from different traditions, but the style retains a central feature: the tiger claw. A practitioner curls his or her fingers toward the palm to make a claw. Through iron discipline, the monk transforms each digit into a rigid talon capable ofraking and rending. Mastering tiger claw maneuvers builds your strength and hardiness, and your strikes shred enemies. You spring at your foes with astounding speed. With true mastery, you take on the charac teristics ofthe celestial tiger. Coarse orange and white striped fur covers your body. Your hands become clawed paws and a tiger’s visage replaces your features. With great green orbs for eyes and a mouth filled with sharp teeth, you embody the tiger claw style. TIGER CLAW MASTER PATH FEATURES Tiger Claw Style (11th level): When you make an attack roll, you can take a 2 penalty to the roll. If the attack hits and you trigger your Flurry ofBlows power, that power deals 4 extra damage. Pouncing Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to make a charge attack, you move your speed + 2 as part ofthe charge, your movement for the charge doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks, and you can reroll one attack roll made as part ofthe charge. Tiger’s Endurance (16th level): When you use your second wind, you regain additional hit points equal to your Strength modifier. In addition, the bonus to all defenses granted by your second wind equals 2 + your Strength modifier. TIGER CLAW MASTER DiSCIPLINES Tiger Claw Rake Tiger Claw Master Attack 1 You sprint across the battlefield, and your tiger claw tears your foe and leaves it in debilitating agony Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique Standard Action Melee touch Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit 3d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target takes a —2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn. If the target moves more than 2 squares on its next turn, it takes 5 damage. Special: When charging, you can use this power in place of a melee basic attack. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You move your speed 2, ignoring difficult terrain. Any enemy that hits you with an opportunity attack provoked by this movement takes damage equal to your Strength modifier, and you mark the enemy until the start of your next turn. Tiger Frenzy Tiger Claw Master Utility 12 Pain clarifies your mind, letting~you strike with ease atfoes that come too close. Daily + Psionic, Stance Immediate Reaction Personal Trigger: You are bloodied by an attack Effect: Until the stance ends, any enemy that ends its turn adjacent to you takes damage equal to your Strength modifier. a a 0 z a Awaken the Tiger Claw Master Attack 20 Celestial Tiger As you spring atyour enemy,your body transforms into the celestial tiger a relentlessforce ofunearthlyfury. Daily + Implement, Polymorph, Psionic Standard Action Melee touch Requirement: You must charge and use this power in place of a melee basic attack. Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex. Make the attack twice. Hit 4d1 0+ Dexterity modifier damage, and you knock the target prone. If you hit with both attacks, the target takes 2d1® extra damage. Miss: Half damage. - Effect You assume the form of the celestial tiger until the end of the encounter. While in this form, you are im mune to fear effects, your Flurry of Blows power deals extra damage equal to your Strength modIfier, and you gain a +2 power bonus to speed. CHAPTER 3 Monk 3 77

TRANSCENDENT PERFECTION “I am more than thisflawed vessel.” Prerequisite: Monk The mystics oftranscendent perfection believe the mortal body is a faulty receptacle that prevents them from attaining a higher form. They strive to over come the body’s limitations and attain their true potential. Just as importantly, they believe that they must foster reason and enlightenment, and help others transcend the body to embrace a state ofhar monious existence. By following the transcendent path, you learn to overcome your physical limitations by solving the riddles of past masters. Each conundrum you unravel opens your mind to greater possibilities. You first learn to shape your words to encourage behavior and alter impressions, to move without interference, or to deny movement to those who oppose you. You learn to close wounds and van quish ailments with a touch. Upon mastering the techniques oftranscendent perfection, you can deny your enemies’ attacks by elevating your conscious ness above pain and despair. TRANSCENDENT PERFECTION PATH FEATURES Enlightened Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you shift your speed and are insubstantial until the end of your next turn. You ignore difficult terrain, and you can move across water and other liquid surfaces. You sink ifyou end your turn on such a surface. Riddle of Conversation (11th level): You gain a +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Insight, and Intimidate checks. You also gain training in one ofthose skills. In addition, whenever you use your Flurry ofBlows power, one ally adjacent to you or to a target ofthat power can shift as a free action. Riddle ofAwareness (16th level): You see invis ible creatures and objects within 1 square ofyou. In addition, enemies do not gain combat advantage for flanking you unless you are adjacent to three or more enemies. TRANSCENDENT PERFECTiON DI5CIPuNE5 Riddle of Motion Transcendent Perfection Attack 11 Solving the riddle ofmotion lets you control yourfoe’s move ment and keeps your enemiesfrom doing the same to you. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic, Psychic Attack Technique Standard Action Melee touch Target: One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Will Hit: 3d6 + Dexterity modifier psychic damage, and the target is either immobilized until the end of your next turn or you slide the target a number of squares equal to its speed. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: Choose one of the following effects. You move twice your speed and gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks provoked by this movement; or you can ignore forced movement until the end of your next turn. Riddle of Health Transcendent Perfection Utility 12 Your knowledge lets you cleanse the body ofinjury and incapadtation. Encounter + Healing, Psionic Minor Action Ranged 5 Target: You or one ally Effect: The target spends a healing surge and makes a sav ing throw. If the saving throw is against a poison effect, it gains a +5 power bonus. Riddle of Invulnerability Transcendent Perfection Attack 20 A pulse ofpsychic power tears at your enemies, exploiting the weakness oftheirflesh and enhancing your resilience. Daily + Implement, Psionic, Psychic, Stance Standard Action Close burst 1 Target: Each enemy you can see in burst Attack: Dexterity vs. Will Hit: 3d1 0 + Dexterity modifier psychic damage, and the target gains vulnerable 5 to all damage (save ends). Miss: Half damage. Effect: You can enter the riddle of invulnerability stance. Until the stance ends, you gain resist 5 to all damage. I CHAPTER 3 Monk

UNSEEN HAND “I am the unseen blade, the killer in shadow, thefinal reckoning.” Prerequisite: Monk, trained in Stealth A covert clan of enigmatic monks engage in assassina tion, espionage, and sabotage. They are mercenaries, taking commissions from the powerful or the venge ful. Members ofthe Unseen Hand are bound to the order for life—the clan’s mysteries are too sensitive to allow any member to withdraw or resign. Secrecy and subtlety lie at the heart ofyour train ing. As long as your enemies cannot identify your purpose, you have them at a disadvantage. You might achieve this subterfuge through cunning disguises, skulking through shadows, or misdirection. Mas tering the higher mysteries helps you manipulate darkness, leap across vast distances, and penetrate your enemies’ minds. Being a trained killer is not so different from being any other kind ofwarrior, but you must ensure that your tactics and techniques do not alarm your companions. At the same time, you must maintain friendly relations with the Unseen Hand clan or face ostracism, retribution—or worse. UNSEEN HAND PATH FEATURES Arms ofthe Unseen Way (11th level): You gain proficiency with the hand crossbow. When you use your Flurry ofBlows power, you can target an addi tional creature within 10 squares ofyou with that power by firing a loaded hand crossbow that you are holding. This does not provoke opportunity attacks. Unseen Action (11th level): When you spend an action point, you become invisible until the end of your next turn. Flit Through Shadows (16th level): Whenever you shift while you have concealment, you shift 2 extra squares. UNSEEN HAND DISCIPUNES Unseen Hunter’s Pounce Unseen Hand Attack 11 Dartingfrom the shadows, you strike yourfoe hard as your power twists its mind and clouds its senses. Encounter + Full Discipline, Implement, Psionic Attack Technique Standard Action Melee touch Target One creature Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex Hit 2d1 0 + Dexterity modifier damage, and you are invisible to the target until the end of your next turn. If you use a weapon other than your monk unarmed strike to make this attack, the attack deals extra damage equal to your Constitution modifier. Movement Technique Move Action Personal Effect: You have concealment until the end of your next turn, and you shift your speed. At the end of this movement, you can make a Stealth check to hide. Unseen Scrutiny Unseen Hand Utility 12 You erase yourselffrom afoe’s mind, invisibly shadowing its movements. Encounter + Psionic Minor Action Ranged sight Target: One creature you are hidden from Effect You are invisiLle to the target until you attack it or until the end of the encounter. While this invisibility lasts, whenever the target moves, you can shift a number of squares equal to your Dexterity modifier as an imme diate reaction. Unseen Ambush Unseen Hand Attack 20 You slip through space to cut down afoe with a crippling attack, then step away to vanish in the shadciws. Daily + Implement, Psionic, Teleportation Standard Action Melee touch Effect: Before the attack, you teleport your speed. Target One creature you are hidden from Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex. If you use a weapon other than your monk unarmed strike to make this attack, you gain combat advantage for the attack. Hit: 3d6 + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is stunned and gains vulnerable 10 to your attacks (save ends). Miss: Half damage. Effect: After the attack, you teleport your speed. If you teleport to a square that grants you concealment or cover, you can make a Stealth check to hide. CHAPTER 3 Monk I z C z I U S C C 79

CHAPTER 4 PsioN I “Your nightmares serve at my command, and nothing can saveyou now.” THE POWER ofthe mind is yours to do with what you will. You can assume control of another creature, move objects and monsters with the merest thought, or reshape the matter ofthe material world into more useful forms. Although you recognize that psionic power can be focused and honed in many ways, your specialized training and your respect for the magic ofthe mind give you insights that few other psionic characters can match. Your power is a perfect combination ofnatural talent and disciplined training. You might have always had a knack for piercing the veil ofthe mate rial world with your mind. As a child, perhaps you caught faint fragments ofthe thoughts ofthose around you, or learned to nudge small objects by concentration alone. But it is only with the dedicated training that is your life’s work that you discover the full extent ofyour gifts. Regardless ofwhich path your psion character fol lows, this chapter presents numerous useful options. + Playing a Psion: The psion’s relationship to psionic power and place in the world ofthe game, with all the information you need to bring a psion character to life. + New Build and Class Feature: Shaper psions use their psionic power to alter and transmute the material world. The Shaper Focus class fea ture allows you to project your consciousness and create mundane objects using only the power of your mind. + New Powers: With the new powers presented in this chapter, a psion can tear reality asunder, summon creatures from nightmare, pry open a foe’s mind, or assail enemies with thoughts of pure destruction. New Paragon Paths: Five new paragon paths provide psion characters with a host of options for expanding their power, from the firestarter’s roiling flame to the thrallherd’s ability to control another creature’s body and mind. CHAPTER 4 Psion 80)


PLAYiNG A PSION Sweat on his brow, hands tight on his sword, Gorna watched the shambling mass ofcreatures slouchforthfrom the darkness. Gaping mouths shrieked in eyelessfaces, insectoid legs scuttling across unyielding rock. A dozen, a score, and still they kept coming. At the head ofthe throng stood the creature they had come tofind, the creature they hadfoolishly thought they could kill. Its writhing tentacles lashed the air as it raised its clawed hands, and in their minds, the illithid laughed. Itsfirst assault had taken out Rathelle, their best hope of countering the mindflayer’s power. She lay at itsfret now in a crumpled heap, no sign ofl!fe in her eyes—but even !fGorna had wanted to leave her behind, they were sur rounded. There was nowhere to run. As the aberrant horrors surgedforward, Gorna and the others cast silent prayers to any gods they knew. They hoped at least that death might come cleanly, quickly. Then, sw~ft as thought, the mindflayer’s armsfril. Its servants stopped, their inhuman eyes staring questioningly at their master. The creature turned as !fin thought, the air rippling around it. And then the power ofthe illithid’s mind blasted outward, sweeping over its own allies and render ing them senseless. The mindflayer stood rigid, its back to itsfoes. “Hurry,” Rathelle whisperedfrom the ground where she lay,face set in concentration as she struggled to speak. “I can’t control itfor long Nothing is more potent than the mind. Arcane magic, primal spirits, even the divine power ofthe gods themselves—the potential of sentient thought is greater than all these things. It is a simple truth, but one that few have grasped. You are one ofthose few. You are a psion, devoting yourselfto utter mastery of your thoughts and dreams, hopes and fears, identity and potential. Through the mastery ofyour mind, you master the world. Although the rigorous path ofthe psion most corn monly appeals to those who seek order and answers in their lives, your motivations are entirely your own. Did you start down this path for the knowledge and power it would bring? Did you have a natural talent that you could never fully master until you stumbled on the leg ends and teachings ofthe psions who came before you? Were you training your mind for some other purpose, only to discover that your efforts tapped a wellspring of power you never knew you possessed? INTELLECTUAL EXERCISE As a psion, your thoughts control your environment— but only as well as you control your thoughts. Your life is centered on intellect and understanding, logic and experimentation. The stronger your mind, the more controlled your thoughts. The broader your CHAPTER 4 Psion imagination and the narrower your focus, the greater the power you can project. Academic psions devote themselves to research and study; adventuring psions engage in various forms ofmeditation as a means of maintaining their intellectual edge. Strict, methodical process is your preferred way ofreaching your decisions and accomplishing your goals. You are likely drawn to rigid studies such as mathematics or alchemy. It is important for you to understand and master every step of any given task— be it translating an ancient codex, brewing a potion, developing a new discipline, or cooking a stew. For a psion, the process is just as important as the result. ScHools AND STUDIES The methodical attitudes at the heart of a psion’s technique lend themselves to formal study. Psions were the first psionic class to form scholastic tradi tions, and the first to develop unifying theories of psionic energy. A psionics college is not necessarily a specific location. It’s a combination ofphilosophy and methods of study, a means ofteaching more than a place ofteaching. The various psion builds and focuses are an exten sion ofthese scholarly traditions. Are you a telepath, a telekinetic, or a shaper? Do you prefer orbs and crystals, or would you rather wield a staff? Do you practice ritual magic or alchemy? Which ofthe vari ous psionics origin theories do you support? These traits were likely shaped by the psionics college that instructed you. THE LIFE OF THE MIND You recognize that the mind, composed in equal part ofthought, memory, and emotion, is the most vital aspect ofthe self. The body is a vessel, a tool. Some psions discount the existence ofthe soul, seeing it as an aggregate of memories and personality viewed through the lens ofworship. Most psions believe that the soul represents the catalyst that allows the intellect to burn bright. It is the mind that ultimately provides awareness, memory, and personality. YOUR LIFE BEFORE Some individuals are drawn to the art ofthe psion because it fits their personality, aptitudes, and ambitions. You might have heard tales ofthe psion colleges while engaged in other scholarly pursuits and become intrigued by this mysterious path. You might have been actively learning the techniques ofwizardry or some other class, discovering in the process that you carried the rare psionics potential within you. 82

You might have recognized that potential early on, seeking psion instruction to help you deal with it rather than following the largely self-taught path of the ardent. Ifyou hail from a community in which psionics is viewed with suspicion or superstition, you might have thought you were learning arcane magic only to discover that your master was preparing you in secret for another path. Regardless ofyour background, the one thing you almost certainly had in common with other psions even before you began your instruction is a strong sense of order and logic. Without such a mind set, few can master the rigid disciplines ofthe psion class. ROLEPLAVING A PSION You see the world through a lens of order, but this does not imply any particular personality or align ment. Rather, you look for patterns in all things, the connections between events. Whether it’s the study ofpsion disciplines or alchemy, rural economics or astrology, mathematics or the progression ofhistory and culture, you need to comprehend how each step leads to the step that follows. You work constantly to expand your knowl edge of a wide variety of subjects, using what you’ve learned to anticipate what comes next. You believe that all problems can be solved through the proper application oflogical reasoning and the knowledge ofwhat’s come before. You view people who act wholly on impulse to be irrational. Instinct, however, is another type ofknowledge to you, and you respect those who properly respond to it. Ifyou are like most psions, you work hard not to act on emotion. Though you have no need to sup press or conceal your emotional side, you make every effort not to let emotions influence your choices and decisions. Even when emotion does overtake you, you remain logical and methodical about how you pursue its goals. You are just as likely as any other character to seek vengeance against a foe that threat ens or harms your loved ones, but you are far more brutally thorough in planning out and executing that retribution. The best psions use their powers to protect others. They share their knowledge, believing that with their power comes an obligation to use it wisely. Darker psions lose themselves in that power. They begin to see other sentients as puppets to be manipulated. To such psions, the strong are entitled—even obligated— to dominate the weak. Such a path is an easy one to follow without meaning to, and underlying all your training is the knowledge that you must tread care fully as your power grows. MANiFESTATION The corona ofpower marks an ardent,just as a monk is identifiable by his or her unique combat tactics. But no single sign accompanies the manifestation of a psion’s disciplines. When manifesting a discipline, a psion’s eyes might blaze with silver or violet light. A discipline might be accompanied by a faint chiming or unintelligible whispers heard only in the minds of its target. In some cases, a psion’s power manifests as sensation fed directly into the mind. Decide what form your own manifestations might take, and whether they are consistent or vary from power to power. For example, you might decide that powers dealing the most potent damage are accompa nied by a flare oflight in your eyes, and that a charm is felt in its target’s mind as a wave of hazy memories. The average commoner sees no functional differ ence between a psion and a wizard. Those who do recognize the obvious difference in traditions and trappings between the two classes also typically know ofthe psion’s proficiency at controlling the minds of others. As a result, among the common folk who do distinguish between the two classes, psions are often viewed with more suspicion. z 0 z >- ~.1 4 PsioNs IN THE WORLD >- I U CHAPTER 4 Psion

Among scholars and adventurers, psions are well known and treated with an equal mix ofrespect and wariness. As a psion, you wield some ofthe most overtly impressive psionic powers, even if not necessarily the most powerful. You are highly knowledgeable, possessing methods ofresearch and discovery that even other spelicasters lack. And most importantly for some, your numbers are growing. THE BiRTH OF UNDERSTANDiNG Psions cannot claim the earliest formal psionics organizations, a distinction that belongs to the oldest monastic traditions. But those early traditions tended to be religious or spiritual in nature, leaving psions to form the first specifically psionics-focused orders. Psionic power was poorly understood in the first generations following the Dawn War, and only rarely recognized as a form ofpower unto itself. The formal studies that would eventually grow into the psion class and its colleges are thought to have originated with a priestess ofbun named Pharaelis. Although she was not the first to study the pecu liar energy that empowered the earliest psionic characters, Pharaelis was one ofthe first to under take a significant and methodical analysis ofit. Even though they recognized that psionic energy was dis tinct from divine magic, Pharaelis and her students took it on faith that these powers had their origins with bun and other gods ofknowledge and the mind. Over the course of her studies, Pharaelis developed psionic ability ofher own, though clerical magic remained her life’s work and focus. After her death, the acolytes who carried on her studies founded the earliest ofthe formal psion colleges. MIND OVER MAGIC The spread ofpsions was rapid at first, as those who demonstrated a natural talent for psionics found a formal means of channeling that power. But with that rise came unrest. The widespread clerical temples and established schools ofwizardry did not care for this new challenge to their power. In many cases, those organizations sought to maintain the study of psionic power as a subset ofthe arcane or the divine. On the fringes of civilization, psions often failed to gain a foothold, or had to teach and learn their disci plines in secret. In the dark ages between the earliest empires, psions had greater success. The common folk gave fealty to anyone who could protect them from the hor rors ofthose terrible times, or who could teach them to protect themselves. When later empires formed, established psion colleges and cabals were already in place, distinct from the divine and arcane factions that had fallen and risen again alongside them. A significant development in the psion tradition came in the tiefling empire ofBael Turath. Seeking CHAPTER 4 Psion advantage in its war against Arkhosia’s dragonborn, the empire encouraged psionics study among its people. Arkhosia, in turn, countered with new psion ics traditions ofits own. Psions never became a major factor in that war, since both sides already fielded potent magic, but the open acceptance of psionics survived and flourished after both empires’ fall. PsioNs TODAY Just as in previous ages of darkness, the number ofpsions has increased since the fall ofNerath. As the influence ofthe Far Realm presses more heav ily against the threshold ofreality, psionics grows more pervasive throughout the world. Even in areas pressed by less sinister threats, the common folk typically welcome wanderers possessed of strange powers—and hope desperately that those powers can protect them. The spread ofthe adventuring psion is a relatively recent phenomenon. For most ofthe class’s his tory, psions have remained largely devoted to study, research, and experimentation. They worked alone or gathered in colleges and cabals, and ifthey engaged in battle, it was in defense oftheir communities. Although scholarly psions still outnumber adventur ers, a growing number choose the explorer’s life, braving the hazards ofthe wild alongside members of other heroic classes. Some adventuring psions seek to counter the growing aberrant threat, or to push back against the more general darkness that threatens to overwhelm the scattered motes of civilization. Others hold the purely personal goals offortune, glory, and power. Still others adventure as scholars, taking to the field in order to test and research their theories regarding the origin, nature, and purpose ofpsionics. Psions get along well with other studious charac ters, including wizards, clerics, warlocks, and bards. Indeed, though a small number ofwizard schools and psionics colleges still view one another as rivals, many work together, pooling their substantial knowl edge for the benefit ofboth. The most academic ofpsions sometimes take a less than reverential view of other psionic characters. In the eyes of such elitists, the members ofthe other psionic classes are mere dabblers in psionic power, forever squandering their true potential. Adventuring psions see things differently. Although only monks share a dedication and a focus with which psions can easily identify, ardents and battleminds are equally well respected for their results. Some psions even maintain a secret envy ofbattlemind and ardent characters, recognizing that their emotional and instinctive approaches to psionics represent aspects ofthat power outside a psion’s control. 84

NEW BUiLD — The shaper psionjoins the psion build options presented in Player’s Handbook 3. This section also includes a new discipline focus geared toward shaper characters. SHAPER PsION Psionic energy is a boundless sea ofpotential, limited only by the imagination. Objects that exist nowhere but in your mind can be made real with enough cre ativity and focus—whether born offanciful dreams or mind-blasting nightmares. You see the world as a canvas awaiting your mental brush, ready to be painted with the beauty and the terror ofthe mind. These creations live only as long as you bend your mind to keeping them real. The world is your canvas, and you are the artist of reality itself. z I NEW ClASS FEATURE When you choose your Discipline Focus, you can choose Shaper Focus instead of another option, such as the ones in Player’s Handbook 3. Shaper Focus: You gain the powers shaped con sciousness and minor creation. Shaped Consciousness Psion Feature You shape afragment ofyour consciousness, bringing it into existence to extend your scope on the battlefield. Encounter + Conjuration, Psionic Minor Action Close burst 10 Effect You conjure a fragment of your consciousness in an unoccupied square in the burst. The fragment lasts until the end of the encounter or until you dismiss it as a minor action. The fragment occupies its square, and you and your allies can move through it. When you take a move action, you can also move your fragment a number of squares equal to your speed. You can see, hear, and use psion powers as if you were in your fragment’s space. Your fragment can be attacked. If it takes any damage, it disappears. It is immune to your attacks. Minor Creation Psi.n Feature You create somethingfrom nothing. Encounter + Conjuration, Psionic Standard Action Ranged 5 Effect: You conjure a nonliving, nonmagical object that appears within range, either in an unoccupied square, in your hand, or in an ally’s hand. The object lasts until the end of the encounter or until you dismiss it as a free action. The object you conjure is a single weapon or an item listed under “Adventuring Gear,” page 222 of the Player’s Handbook. At the Dungeon Master’s discretion, you can create some other nonmagical object no larger than one that a Medium creature can carry. SUGGESTED OPTIONS The world is yours to shape as you desire. You chan nel the latent psionic energy in your environment, molding it to serve your needs. You shape psionic power to unleash lethal attacks or conjure useful objects from your own mind. With the right focus and power, you can even create creatures that do your bidding. Summoned creatures are the foundation ofyour shaper psion tactics. Such creatures are created only through your daily disciplines. Call on them spar ingly, and choose at-will and encounter disciplines that support this theme. As it does for all psions, Intelligence powers your attacks, so it should be your highest ability score. Charisma is an important secondary ability for a shaper, since it helps you control or empower your creations. Since summoned creatures depend on your hit points, you should also keep your Constitution high. Conjuration and summoning powers allow you to make the most ofyour secondary role as leader. Suggested Class Feature: Shaper Focus* Suggested Feat: Buiwarked Construction* Suggested Skills: Arcana, Bluff, Dungeoneering, Perception Suggested At-Will Powers:force shard*, static mote* Suggested Daily Power: summon thought servant* *New option presented in this book. CHAPTER 4 Psion ~.1 D 1.1.1 z r 4 4 85

Mind Lock Psion Attack 1 NEW POWERS The powers presented in this section offer new options for psion characters. Many ofthese new powers are particularly useful for shapers, though psions of any build can benefit from them. LEVEL 1 AT-WILL DISCiPLINES Dimensional Scramble Ps on Attack Your attack causes space tojumble andfragment, scattering creatures into diffeTent positions. At-Will + Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Teleportation Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Target: Each creature in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit 1 d6 Intelligence modifier damage, and you teleport the target to a square adjacent to the burst. Augment 1 Target: Each enemy in burst Augment 2 Target Each enemy in burst Hit 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you teleport the target to another square in or adjacent to the burst. Force Shard Psion Attack 1 A shard ofpureforce appears in the air atyour mental corn mand, creating a hazardforyourfoes. At-Will + Augmentable, Conjuration, Force, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Ranged 5 Effect: You conjure a force sh~F~i in an unoccupied square within range. The shard lasts until the end of your next turn or until expended. Any enemy that enters the shard’s space or ends its turn there takes force damage equal to your Charisma modifier. In addition, you can make the following attack using the shard. Minor Action Ranged 5 Target One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage. Effect: The force shard is expended. Augment 1 Effect: You conjure a force shard as above, and you can also move the force shard 5 squares as a move action. Augment 2 Hit 2d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage. CHAPTER 4 Psion Your attack locks down an enemy’s ability tofocus, hindering its movement. At-Will + Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn. Augment 1 Hit As above, and the target also cannot shift until the end of your next turn. Augment 2 Area burst 1 within 10 squares Target Each creature in burst Static Mote Psion Attack 1 A mote ofroiling lightning hinders yourfoes before exploding in t~ devastating burst. At-Will + Augmentable, Conjuration, Implement, Lightning, Psionic Standard Action Ranged 10 Effect: You conjure a static mote in an unoccupied square within range. The mote lasts until the start of your next turn. Any creature that starts its turn adjacent to the mote is slowed until the end of its turn. After the mote ends, you make the following attack. No Action (Special) Close burst 3 centered on the square the mote occupied Target: Each creature in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage. Special: You can take this free action only as the first action of your turn. Augment 1 Hit As above, and one target is pulled 1 square toward the center of the burst. Augment 2 Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage. LEVEL I DAILY DiscIPLINEs Living Missile Psion Attack 1 You bind an enemy with a thought; then hurl itinto another foe. Daily + Implement, Psionic Standard Action Ranged 10 Primary Target One creature Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit The target is immobilized (save ends). Miss: The target is slowed (save ends). Effect: While the target is immobilized or slowed by this power, you can make the following secondary attack. Minor Action (1/round) Ranged 10 Effect: Before the secondary attack, you slide the primary target 10 squares. Secondary Target: One creature adjacent to the primary target at any point during the slide Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the secondary target falls prone. The primary target takes half damage and falls prone. Miss: Half damage, and the primary target falls prone. 86

Psychic Dissolution Psion Attack 1 A psychic wind scours yourfoe, shredding it to a dark haze. Daily + Implement, Psionic Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and ongoing S damage (save ends). Effect: When the target takes ongoing damage from this power, each square adjacent to the target becomes light ly obscured until the end of your next turn. Summon Thought Servant Psion Attack 1 The power ofyour mind summons an obedient servant that can fight with you or come to an ally’s aid. Daily + Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic, Summoning Minor Action Ranged 10 Effect: You summon a Small thoughtservant in an unoc cupied square within range. The servant has speed 8. You can give the servant the followingspecial commands. Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature; Intelligence vs. AC; 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature; Intelligence vs. AC; 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. Augment 1 Effect: As above, and you can give the thought servant the following additional command. Opportunity Action: Triggered when a dying ally adjacent to the servant starts its turn; targets the triggering ally; the servant makes a Heal check to stabilize the target or to allow the target to use his or her second wind. Telepathic Projection Psion Attack 1 Youforce your own will into an enemy’s mind, manipulating thefoe like a puppet under your control. Daily + Charm, Implement, Psionic, Psychic Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit 3d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the target is subject to your telepathic projection (save ends). While the target is affected by your telepathic projection, when you start your turn, the target makes a melee basic attack as a free action against a target you choose. Miss: Half damage, and the target makes a melee basic attack against a random creature. If this attack targets one of your allies, the target takes a -2 penalty to the attack roll. Borrow Training Psion Utility 2 You reach into an ally’s mind to borrow the knowledge you need. Encounter + Psionic Minor Action Ranged 10 Target: One ally Effect Choose one skill in which the target is trained and you are not. Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +5 power bonus to skill checks with the chosen skill. Buoyancy of Thought Psion Utility 2 Your mind catches you whenever you mightfall. Encounter 4 Psionic Immediate Interrupt Personal Trigger: You take falling damage or an attack knocks you prone Effect: You reduce any falling damage by a number of points equal to your level, and you are not knocked prone by the triggering attack or the triggering fall. Dimensional Stowaway Psion Utility 2 You establish a psychic connection to an ally, bringing it with you when you teleport. Encounter+ Psionic, Teleportation Free Action Melee 1 Trigger: You teleport or a creature teleports you Target One ally adjacent to you before the teleport Effect You teleport the target to a square adjacent to your destination. Mind Shroud Psion Utility 2 You slow your movement to shroud yourselfin a shimmering haze, clouding all creatures’ minds against your presence. Encounter 4 Psionic Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you have superior cover and you are slowed. LEVEL 3 AT-WILL DisciPLiNEs Crushing Turmoil Psion Attack 3 Your attack crushes your enemy’s confidence and resolve, hin dering its ability to shrug offdebilitating effects. At-Will 4 Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to the next saving throw it makes before the end of your next turn. Augment 1 Hit As above, and the target also takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn. Augment 2 Hit 2d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the target takes a 2 penalty to attack rolls and saving throws until the end of your next turn. LEVEL 2 UTILITY DisciPLiNEs “1 0 c~. z 4 CHAPTER 4 Psion

Fuse Form Psion Attack 3 The energy ofyour mind scours yourfoe to hinder its move ment, and it can bind multiple enemies together with unbreak able psychic bonds. At-Will 4 Augmentable, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and if the target moves more than 2 squares on its next turn, it takes 5 damage. Augment 1 (Fear) Hit As above, and enemies take a -2 penalty to attack rolls while adjacent to the target until the end of your next turn. Augment 2 Primary Target One creature Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit 1d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and if the primary target moves more than 2 squares on its next turn, it takes 5 damage. You make a secondary attack that is an area burst 1 centered on the primary target. Secondary Target: Each enemy in burst Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit: 5 ÷ Intelligence modifier damage. Until the end of your next turn, the secondary target cannot move to a square that is not adjacent to the primary target, and the primary target cannot move to a square that is not adjacent to one or more seèondary targets. Kinetic Trip Psion Attack 3 Your attack constrains your enemy, bowling it over unless it stands its ground. At-Will 4 Augmentable, Force, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Ranged 10 Target One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage. On its next turn, if the target moves more than half its speed, it falls prone. Augment 1 Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage. On its next turn, if the target makes a move other than a shift, it falls prone. Augment 2 Target: One, two, or three creatures Psychic Anomaly Psion Attack 3 You conjure a shimmering anomaly ofpure psionic energy, which disrupts the minds ofnearbyfoes. At-Will 4 Augmentable, Conjuration, Implement, Psionic, Psychic Standard Action Ranged 10 Effect: You conjure a psychic anomaly in an unoccupied square within range. The anomaly lasts until the end of your next turn. You can make the following attack using the anomaly. Opportunity Action Melee 1 Trigger: An enemy starts its turn in a square adjacent to the anomaly Target: The triggering enemy Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and you slide the target 3 squares to a square adjacent to the anomaly. Augment 1 Effect: As above, and your allies can flank with the psy chic anomaly. Augment 2 Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn. LEVEI. 5 DARY DiscIPLINEs Force Spheres Psion Attack 5 Your powerfocuses into protective spheres ofshimmeringforce that can be hurled at your enemies with a thought. Daily 4 Force, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Personal Effect You set four force spheres spinning around you in your space until the end of the encounter or until you expend them. While you have at least one force sphere, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses, and you can make the following attack. Minor Action (1/round) Ranged 20 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the target falls prone. Effect: You expend one force sphere. Inflicted Mindscape Psion Attack 5 As you reach into your enemies’ minds, the ground beneath their feet becomes a clutching mire ofmadness. Daily 4 Implement, Psionic, Psychic, Zone Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Target: Each enemy in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit 2d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed (save ends). Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any enemy that ends its turn’within the zone is slowed until the end of your next turn. Sustain Minor: The zone persists. I CHAPTER 4 Psion 88

Summon Ebony Stinger Psion Attack 5 Wisps ofblack shadow coalesce toform a, monstrous scorpion under your control. Daily + Augmentable, Implement, Poison, Psionic, Summoning Minor Action Ranged 10 Effect: You summon a Medium ebony~stinger in an unoc cupied square within range. Thestinger has speed 7 and climb 3. The stinger has a +4~bpnus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. You can give the stinger the following special commands. Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature; Intelligence vs. Reflex; 1d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the stinger grabs the target. Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature; Intelligence vs. Reflex; 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends). Augment 1 Effect: As above, and any cretature grabbed by the ebony stinger takes a -4 penalty~to ché~ks to escape the stinger’s grab. Thunderous Exit Psion Attack 5 A blast ofthunder rocks your enem’ids,’dllowin8 you to escape in its booming wake. - Daily + Implement, Psionic, Teleportation, Thunder Standard Action Close burst 3 Target: Each creature in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier thunder damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: You teleport 5 sq~ãi~s. LEVEL 6 UTiLITY DIscIPuNEs Explosive Force Psion Utility~ Yourforce attack releases a pulse of e~nerj3y that leaves nearby creatures vulnerable tofollow up at?acks. Encounter 4 Psionic Free Action Personal Trigger: You hit an enemy within 10 squares of you with an unaugmented psion at-will force attack power Target: Each creature adjacent to the enemy you hit Effect: The target grants comIiata~d~antage until the end of your nextturn. t Intellect Prism Psion Utility 6 Motes oflight.swirl toform a crystalliie p~ism in the air, sharp ening your senses and extendin~~yqur pr~sence on the battlefield. Daily 4 Conjuration, Psionic Minor Action Ranged 5 Effect You conjure an intellect prism in an unoccupied square within range. The prism lasts until the~end of the encounter or until you dismiss it as a minor action. You can use your attack powers as if you were in the prism’s space. As a move action, you ~ii move the prism a number of squares equal to your Intelligence modifier. While the prism is adjacent to you, you gain a +3 bonus to Perceptibn checks. The prism can be targeted by melee and ranged attacks. It has a +4 bonus to all defenses and hit points equal to your healing surge value. If the prism drops to 0 hit points, it is destroyed and you are dazeduntil the end of your next turn. Mental Void Psi.n Utility 6 When an enemy strikes at your mind, the attack only boosts your resilience. Encounter 4 Psionic Immediate Interrupt Personal Trigger: An enemy attack targets your Will Effect: You gain a +4 bonusto Will until the end of your next turn. If the triggering attacl~ misses, the attacker grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn. Shared Recovery Psion Utility~ You tap into the mind of anally, letting us or her recovery grant a temporary boost to your own vitaltt,~ Encounter 4 Psionic Free Action Personal Trigger: An ally within S squares of you regains hit points or succeeds on a saving throw Effect: You gain temporary hit poihts equal to twice your Intelligence modifier. LEVEL 7 AT-WiLL DIscIPuNEs Ectoplasmic Servant Psion Attack 7 A conjured shower ofglistehiftg ~lfrn~takes humanoid shape at your command, spraying yourfoes •with’ caustic acid. At-Will 4 Acid, Augmentable, Conjuration, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Ranged 10 Effect: You conjure an ectoplasmi~ s&vant in an unoccu pied square within ~~The~serva,nt.lasts until the end of your next turn or until expende~1. Any enemy that en ters the servant’s space or ends it~ turn there takes acid damage equal to your ~harismani&iifier. In addition, you can make the following attack usiñgthe servant. Minor Action CIose burst 1 Target: Each enemy in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier acid damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn. Effect: The ectoplasmic servant is expended. Augment 1 Effect You conjure an ectoplasmkservant as above, and any enemy that starts its turn in or adjacent to the ser vant’s space is slowed until the ~nd of your next turn. Augment 2 Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier acid damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn. 0 z 4 CHAPTER 4 Psion 89

Ego Whip Psion Attack 7 Your psychic attack hits like the crack ofa whip,flooding your foe withfeelings ofcrushing worthlessness. At-Will 4 Augmentable, Fear, Implement, Psionic, Psychic Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the target takes a 2 penalty to attack rolls and a —2 penalty to all defenses until the end of your next turn. Augment 1 Hit: As above, and the target also takes a -2 penalty to saving throws until the end of your next turn. Augment 2 Hit 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the target takes a —2 penalty to attack rolls, all defenses, and saving throws until the end of your next turn. Kinetic Buffer Psion Attack 7 A burst offorce protects you even as it slams into your enemies and knocks them back. At-Will 4 Augmentable, Force, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Close burst 1 Target Each creature in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit 1 d6 ÷ Intelligence modifier force damage, and you push the target 1 square. In addition, you gain a +2 pow er bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn. Augment 1 Target: Each enemy in burst Augment 2 Close burst 2 Target Each enemy in burst Hit 2d6 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and you push the target a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier. In addition, you gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn. Matter Dissipation Psion Attack 7 Your attack leaves an area ofghostly translucence that tears at creatures lingering within it. At-Will 4 Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Zone Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Target Each creature in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier damage. Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any creature that ends its turn within the zone takes damage equal to your Charisma modifier. Augment 1 Effect: As above, but any enemy that ends its turn within the zone takes the damage. Augment 2 Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier damage. CHAPTER 4 Psion LEVEL 9 DAILY D1scIPUNEs Echoing Boom Psion Attack 9 You unleash a burst of devastating thunder whose booming echo lets you scatterfoes across the battlefield. Daily 4 Implement, Psionic, Thunder Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Primary Target: Each creature in burst Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit 2d8 + Intelligence modifier thunder damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you can make the following secondary attack. Immediate Reaction Ranged 10 Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of you is hit by an attack Secondary Target The triggering enemy Effect: The secondary target takes 5 thunder damage, and you slide the secondary target 1 square. Sustain Minor~ The effect persists. Inflict Pain Psion Attack 9 Your thoughts work their way into afoe’s mind like razor-sharp needles, crippling it with excruciating pain. Daily 4 Implement, Psionic, Psychic Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares Target: Each enemy in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the target is slowed and takes ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn. Malicious Lightning Psion Attack 9 A burst oflightning lingers asfour sizzling motes, each ofwhich erupts atyour command. Daily 4 Conjuration, Implement, Lightning, Psionic Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Primary Target: Each enemy in burst Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit 2d6 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage. Miss: Half damage. Effect: You conjure four lightning motes in unoccupied squares in the burst. Each mote lasts until the end of the encounter or until expended. Any creature that starts its turn in a square adjacent to a lightning mote takes light ning damage equal to your Intelligence modifier. Starting on your next turn, you can make the following attack using a lightning mote. Minor Action (1/round) Close burst 1 Secondary Target Each creature in burst Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit: 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage, and the lightning mote pushes the secondary target 1 square. Effect: The mote is expended. 90

Summon Phantasmal Kill Psion Attack 9 YourfoTs worst~~s di-e~nanifested as a nightmarish monster that it cannot shake off Daily + Augmentable, Illusion, Implement, Psionic, Psychic, Summoning Minor Action Ranged 10 Effeàt:~~J~ü~iinon a Medium phantasmal killer in an unoccupie~quarewithin range. Choose one enemy i~ ~djac~t~t~ifheikiller to become its prey until the end of ‘~ the eñcou,~tèr.-’:iihekiller has speed 8, phasing, and gains a +4 bonus tolAC and Reflex against opportunity attacks ~,1~he kill~isi~is~ibstantial to all attacks from creatures ~otli~han~itsprey. When its prey drops to 0 hit points ~orat4he en~ of the encounter the killer disappears You ‘~ gjç~t~~e~killerthe following special commands. Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature that is the killer’s prey; Intelligence vs. Will; 2d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the target takes a 2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends). Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature; Intelligence vs. Will; 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the phantasmal killer pushes the target 1 square. If the target is the killer’s prey, it takes 2d6 extra damage and is not pushed. Augment 1 ~i!~:.-’~ ~ Eff~ct As’above but you choose two enemies adjacent killer as its prey When both crea Lli~ ,tui ;cho≤én’~s the killer’s prey drop to 0 hit points, the ~. killer disappears: LEVEL 10 UTILITY DisciPLiNEs Dimensional Shortcut Psion Utility 10 I ~- 1Yourpsionic power connects two points in space, allowing you to slipfrom one location to the other Daily + Psionic, Teleportation Move Action Close burst 3 Target: You and each ally in burst Effect. Ch~.?e a square within 20 squares of you Each ~- ge~~4elepi~rt~io’a square within 3 squares of the ~ ~as a free action Energy Mitigation Psion Utility 10 Yois9~il~ou1jnental strength to diminish the effect of a~f9,~sa~tac~ ~ Encounter + Psionic Immediate Interrupt Personal Trigger: You are hit by a close or an area attack - - Lifect: Yp~tajçe!haWdamage from the triggering attack. Force Barricade Psion Utility 10 A shzmmering7~ll offorce blocks attacks and movement Daily + Conjuration, Force, Psionic Standard Action Area waIl 5 within 10 squares — ~~:o-~-- ,~t,,(y.t,,x.,. - ~ Effect: Youconjurea solid, transparent wall of psionic force ~that lasts uñt1l~the:ëtid of your next turn. The wall can be up to 3’squar~es~high. The wall blocks line of effect and movei’~~ No creature can enter a wall square and t~ phasing creati7~e~,s cannot move through it Th~wallca~jl~eatta&ed, and attacks against it hit - automatically -‘n ~The wall has 50 hit points and an attack ‘on any sq~re de~aIs damage to the entire wall If the wall drops to ,~pit points the effect ends and each creature ~.withifl 2squar~s’ of the wall takes 10 force damage and S. ~ze~ fall ne.’ -~%~ Sustain Minor: The wall persists. TH~ ?H~REN’1C~PLANIES Many psionics scholars believe that psionic enei~gy com~s purest and most ~xaggerated form thei~ must be another from other planes—most commonly the Far Realm or the r source of more orderly thought in contrast to that madness Plane of Dreams Such s~cholars identd~ these as the phrenic This would be a realm of pure reason—ofintellect ~nd logic pla~s (or planes of pure thought)~ji~st as the Feywild the and undersi~1~ding ~itterl~ unmarred by the confrision ~f Shad6ve~fell~ añdthewôrld are th4lànes’of.mátter.-~ . . emotions.lt- is from ‘this realm that Thegifts of r~ason and [ke7all kno~ledgea~ie sages 5p~onics schol~rs unt~er ~udgment come mixing with~he influence oftl~te Fa1 Re~I~i stand that the Plane of Dreams is~born of the mind~,of in thre Plane of Dreams, and in turn p~odiicing the s~ntient sentient creatures in the mortal realm—a kind offantastic mind as it is known in the mortal world counterpart to the world Phrenic scholars, however, break A small number of psions and scholars even claim to with tradition by naming the Far Realm as a place not out- have communed with creatures from this plane of perfect side the cosmos but within it—a twisted reflection ofthe reason. Because such creatures are entities of pure thought, Plane of Dreams, as the Shadowfell is a dark reflection of according to these claims, the mortal mind is incapable of the natural world. As denizens of a plane of madness, the comprehending or observing their true form As a result, aberrant creatures ofthe Far Realm are nightmares given these alien entities are said to interact with mortals in the physical form. form ofhovenngcrystals ofperfectgeometric shapes (cubes, Philosophers who take this view believe that just as tetrahedrons, spheres, and so forth). Obscure legends speak there exist two echo planes ofthe mortal world in the form of an order of psions dedicated to conjuring creatures of ofthe Shadowfell and the Feywild, there must be two echo pure reason within construct bodies. These hybrids were planes ofthe Plane of Dreams. Thus, ifthe Far Realm rep- said to appear as clockwork geometric figures of bizarre resents madness and uncontrolled emotion distilled to its countenance—pure logic and order given physical form. Ill 1.1.1 C z CHAPTER 4 Psion

Psion Utility 10 Psion Attack 13 Trace Teleport You teleport ~y steaFzng the residual traces of another creatures pOWt ~ at.,- ~:. ~. -. Encounter + Psionic, Teleportation Immediate Reaction Personal Trigger: A creature within 10 squares of you teleports Effect You teleport the same number of squares as the triggering creature. LEVEL 13 AT-WILL DisciPLiNEs Brilliant Thought The power ofyour mz~dflares brilliant white blasting an en einy and clouding ~vision At-Will + Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Radiant Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude ~1 d8 + Inteli~e~c~[riodifier radiant damage Until the end ofyóur~héxt~urn, creatures more than 2 squares away from thetarg~t have éoncealment against the target ~‘ Augment 1 Hit As above, but creatures also have concealment against any enemy adjacent to the target. Augment4 1’ Area bur~t1iithhi~TO~squares - -Target Eachcreaturejiñ burst • Attack: lntelIigence~ii~ Fortitude. Make the attack twice. - .. -•. Hit ~2 ÷ intelhge~çe~nodifier radiant damage. If both ~ attacks hit the t,~drg~t is also blinded until the end of Inexplicable Attraction Psion Attack 13 ~Againstit*~ill~ti~zenerny is drawn close to another creature in the aft mat~of~’o~ur attack. At-Will 4 Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic Standard Action Ranged 10 Target One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit. 1 d8 + h~Iljence modifier psychic damage and you slide theta~g~t~3sqLiares to a square adjacent to any - tiieature~ .4. Augment 1 Hit: As above, but you slide the target and one creature adjacent to the target. tAu~me~t44~ ~ ‘.~TaigettOn~e dr t~~reatures - -. -~ . - ti~-~i~ - -, ~Ijit2d8+~IntelIigence modifier psychic damage, and you -j~ ~sqUares to a square adjacent to any crea sture If th&target doesn tend its next turn adjacent to that creature i~k~flIamage equal to your Wisdom modifier Kinetic Wave Psi.n Attack 13 ~ • A wave ~fpsidnicfo~c~ ls~soi~t to drive nearby creatures At-Will 4 Augmentable, Force, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Close blast 3 Target: Each creature in blast Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude • . .. ‘~—:-ro .. - Hit ,1rd6 + Intelligencemodifier force damage, and you ~-~shthe~4squares. Augment 1 (Zone) Effect: The blast creates a zone that lasts until the start of your next turn. The zone is difficult terrain. ~‘Aiignit4~pne) ~ - €làse bl~si~5.. ~-•. •~-.. ~..• - - Hit: 3d6 + intell~gence,modifier force damage, and you - rpiish the targ4t’a~number of squares equal to your Wisdom md~Iifler f~Thr~ Thèlblast creates a zone that lasts until the start of your next4~i~i The zone is difficult terrain and any creature ends its turn within the zone takes damage equaI~toyour Wisdom modifier FA1T1-{ ANO ~REAS@N, M~1ND AND SOUL The dividing line between the mind and the so I t~a -. is nothing D 1~li~lIr3 energy~ Iackingejjx~ part of ~ource of vigorous debate within different c~abaIs~coIleges, -~ creature’s personality or memories For them, ghosts an~ and psionics orders Among most folk, the soul is thoug~it ~ other incorjoreal ui~dead consist of1inot’only the soul but as the sourc~ of what make; a person~n individuaP ~ ~‘of~fra~m~nts ofthe mind as well— , fr~ ~,,.-÷-•-,.- ~?~W--~ ~. ~--~-.: Although certain aspects ofspersonalityaresmodlfiedby’ r~- ~ -• - A-tradical ~ fewipsionics ~ userst(most1of~whom ~ are dedi— memory and~experience, according-to~this.behef;the soul - cated academic psions).deny the. existence:of. the soul •~‘-‘ ~ • •• .~•‘ ~• - ~ - ——‘~ - :4 -~ . -- ~c-’-’~- - - - . stand~s át~every sentient creature’s core The essential entirely They maintain that the mind is the center of nátu~e of-a!l indi~id’uals—good or evil; kind or cruel-- mortality and an entity unto itself, pointing to phenon~ resides in the spark ofdivinity that grants them life. When ena such as the Speak with Dead ritual as proof that a mortal dies, the soul retains this essence as it travels memory and sensation endure within a body even after to the domain of the Raven Queen, and on to whatever the so-called spirit has supposedly fled. Such psionics lies beyond. users consider the traditional beliefs of th~ mortal races An opposing belief maintains that the soul is the energy to be superstitious nonsense—the fears of folk incapable that powers life, and that all personality comes from the of understanding the mind. Some even blame the gods mind—each person’s unique combination of thoughts, themselves for such beliefs, accusing the deities ofinventmemories, and emotions. Psionics users who adhere to ing the mythology of souls as a means of keeping mortals this philosophy believe that the soul that remains after beholden to them. CHAPTER 4 Psion N 92

Void Shard Psion Attack 13 A shard ofnothingness holdsfast any creature that slips too close. At-Will + Augmentable, Conjuration, Force, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Ranged 10 Effect You conjure a void shard in an unoccupied square within range. The shard lasts until the start of your next turn. Any creature that ends its turn in or adjacent to the void shard’s space is immobilized until the end of its next turn. After the shard ends, you make the following attack. No Action (Special) Close burst 3 centered on the square the shard occupied Target Each creature in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the target falls prone. Special: You can take this free action only as the first action of your turn. Augment 1 Effect As above, and when the void shard is conjured, it makes the following attack. Free Action Close burst 3 Target Each enemy in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit The void shard pulls the target 3 squares. Augment 4 Hit 2d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the target is both dazed and slowed until the end of your next turn. LEVEI. 15 DAfl.Y DisciPuNEs Forced Serenity Psion Attack 15 Your attack imbuesyourfoe with lingering psychic energy, crip pling it with pain at any sign of aggression. Daily + Charm, Implement, Psionic, Psychic Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares Target Each enemy in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the target takes 10 psychic damage whenever it hits with an attack (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target takes 5 psychic damage whenever it hits with an attack (save ends). Living Barrage Psion Attack 15 You ensnare your enemies with a thought, then hurl them about like living weapons. Daily + Force, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Primary Target: Each enemy in burst Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit 2d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the primary target is immobilized (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the primary target is slowed (save ends). Effect: While at least one primary target is immobilized by this power, you can make the following secondary attack. Minor Action (1/round) Ranged 10 Secondary Target: One or two primary targets immobilized or slowed by the attack Effect: You slide the secondary target 5 squares and make the following tertiary attack against one creature adjacent to the secondary target during the shift. You cannot attack the same tertiary target more than once per round with this power. Tertiary Target One creature Tertiary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the secondary target and tertiarytarget fall prone. The secondary target takes 5 damage. Summon Thought Warrior Psion Attack 15 An idealized warriorformed ofthought energyfights alongside you. Daily + Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic, Summoning Minor Action Ranged 10 Effect You summon a Medium thought warrior in an un occupied square within range. The warrior has speed 7. It has a ÷4 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex. The thought warrior lasts until the end of the encounter. You can give the warrior the following special commands. Standard Action: Before the attack, the warrior shifts 1 square; melee 1; targets one creature; Intelligence + 2 vs. AC; 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, the target is slowed until the end of your next turn, and the warrior marks the target until the end of your next turn. Immediate Interrupt: Triggered when a target marked by the warrior moves or shifts; melee 1; targets the triggering creature; Intelligence + 2 vs. AC; 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the warrior shifts 1 square. Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature; Intelligence + 2 vs. AC; 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. Augment 1 Effect As above, and the warrior also has a +2 power bonus to opportunity attack rolls. Standard Action: As above, and the warrior marks the target (save ends). ‘I, C Li w z CHAPTER 4 Psion 93

Thought of Unmaking Psion Attack 15 LEVEL. 17 AT-WIU. DisciPLiNEs You reach deep into an enemy’s mind and past to undo its existence. Daily + Implement, Psionic Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit Ongoing 25 damage (save ends). If the target is bloodied or becomes bloodied while taking this ongoing damage, the ongoing damage increases by 10. Aftereffect The target is dazed until the end of your next turn. Miss: Ongoing 1 5 damage (save ends). LEVEL. 16 UT1uTV DisclPuNEs Dream Traveler Psion Utility 16 By taking on theform ofa creature ofdreams, you bypass the barriers ofthe material world. Daily + Polymorph, Psionic Minor Action Personal Effect: You assume the form of the dream traveler until the end of the encounter or until you resume your normal form as a minor action. While you are in this form, you are insubstantial and phasing, you gain a +5 power bonus to Stealth checks, and you are weakened. Kinetic Grasp Psion Util ty 16 You quickly create a psychic connection to another creature that allows it to holdfast where it stands. Encounter + Psionic Immediate Interrupt Ranged 10 Trigger: A creature within 10 squares of you is pulled, pushed, slid, or knocked prone Target: The triggering creature Effect The target is unaffected by the forced movement or is not knocked prone. Mind Blank Psion Utility 16 Swirling psychic energy surrounds you and your allies, wiping your presencefromyour enemies’ minds. Daily + Illusion, Psionic, Zone Standard Action Close burst 3 Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. The zone moves with you, remaining centered on you. While within the zone, you and your allies are invisible to enemies within the zone. Sustain Minor: The zone persists. Subjective Reality Psi.n Utility 1 b You reshape the reality aroundyou as you movefreely through it. Encounter 4 Psionic Minor Action Personal Effect: You ignore the effects of difficult terrain, challeng ing terrain, hindering terrain, obscured terrain, and cover until the end of your next turn. Cerulean Cage Psion Attack 17 Ghostly shards ofglowing blue surround yourfoe, threatening it ~fit attempts to move. At-Will + Augmentable, Force, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier force damage. If the target leaves its space before the end of your next turn, it takes force damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. Augment 1 Target: One or two creatures adjacent to one of your allies in range Augment 4 (Zone) Area burst 1 within 10 squares Target Each creature in burst Hit 3d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage. Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any creature that leav~s the zone takes force damage equal to your Intelligence modifier. Manifested Horror Psion Attack 17 Your enemy looks on you and sees its own worst nightmare, compelling it toflee or be crippled byfrar. At-Will + Augmentable, Fear, Implement, Psionic, Psychic Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit 1d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. If the target ends its next turn within 3 squares of you, it takes psychic damage equal to your Intelligence modifier. Augment 1 Hit: As above, and choose one ally. The target takes the psychic damage if it ends its next turn within 3 squares of you or that ally. Augment 4 Area burst 1 within 10 squares Target Each enemy in burst Hit 2d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. If the target ends its next turn within 3 squares of you, it takes psychic damage equal to 5 + your Intelligence modifier and you slide the target 3 squares. Telekinetic Haze Psion Attack 17 A haze ofpsionic energy shroudsyoufrom your enemies’ sight. At-Will + Augmentable, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Close burst 1 Target: Each enemy in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier damage. Effect: You have concealment until the start of your next turn. Augment 1 Hit As above, and you slide the target 1 square. Augment 4 Hit: 2d1 0 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you are invisible to the target until the end of your next turn. CHAPTER 4 Psion 94

Thought Guardian Psion Attack 17 Yt~scou’rdur enemies thoughts to hinder their tactics and .ci~ co~ju ~ju~didian ui their midst to threaten them. At-Will + Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Target: Each creature in burst Attack: ~ Intelligence vs. Will ~ - - Hit t-~InteIligence modifier psychic damage, and the .targ~ttak,~sJá ~4’penälty to attack rolls against you until the end ~next turn Augment 1 Hit: As above, and whenever the target attacks you before the end of your next turn, it takes psychic damage equal to your Charisma modifier. • Augmen$~4~(E~opjurataon) ~ Eff~t:~t~oriji~re a thought guardian in an unoccupied squa~4i~ith~.I,~rst. The guardian lasts until the end of yoné~&~Lirn. You can make the following secondary -: attackUSI~gthegUardIan. Opportunity Action Melee 3 Trigger: Any creature within 3 squares of the guardian attacks you or willingly moves away from the guardian Secondary Target: The triggering creature Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: S + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn. LEVEL 19 DAnY DisciPuNEs Cerebral Phantasm Psion Attack 19 ‘A hornd~páii~çnfllls your enemys mind letting youfol low up on~ur ajjies~ attacks against thatfoe with a psychic 3~currage. - - Daily + Implement, Psionic, Psychic Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Will f Hit. 4d6 ~t~I~g~nce modifier psychic damage Effect: The target is affected by your cerebral phantasm (save ends). While the target is affected by the phantasm, you can make the following secondary attack against the target. lmmediate1R~ction Ranged 10 1 Tri~er Ti~arget takes damage from an ally s attack whiI~within 110 squares of you Second)’Atta~k: I~itéIligence vs. Will .••••s• Hit.1 0 + intelligence modifier psychic damage, and each •~ènèr i~j adfa~1i?~öthê target takes 5 psychic damage. number of squares equal to ~ ~yourWIEd4~jj~iodIfier Flowing Terrain Psion Attack 19 The surfa~e beneath yourfeetflows atyour command crashing rintoyourfoe~s uk ~61lethal wave. Daily + Implement, Psionic Standard Action Close blast 5 Target: Each enemy in blast Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit 2d~ + Ii~IIig~Ee modifier damage and you knock th’e target prone~jhe target is then restrained (save ~: ends). ~4 Miss: Half damage, and you push the target to the nearest unoccupied square outside the blast. o ce Cube Psion Attack 19 You tra’pyourfo~within six impenetrable walls then hurl this [~~cubè ~jssthe battlefield as a weapon. Daily + Conjuration, Force, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Ranged 10 Primary Target: One creature Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit 2d1 0~~telligence modifier force damage Effect: You conjure a cube of force that surrounds and constrains the primary target in its space until the end of your next turn. The primary target and any other creature in its space cannot leave that space by any means, including teleportation or phasing. Other creatures cannot enter the primary target’s space. The cube blocks line of effect. The cube can be attacked, and attacks against it hit automatically. The cube has 50 hit points. If the cube drops to 0 hit points, it explodes and is destroyed, dealing 1 5 force damage to any creature inside or adjacent to the cube. Once before the cube ends, you can make the following secondary attack using the cube. S~d~’r~Action Ranged 5 ~ Requirement~ The cube must be within 10 squares of Effect~ Y~u:sIidet~e cube and all creatures trapped in the cuL~l5 squares. Any creature in the cube takes 5 damage ~talls prone. The cube takes 10 damage. • S&ond~~T~rget:.Each creature adjacent to the cube at :the end of~the slide ~.Seco~dar~A~ck:JnteIligence vs. Reflex ~Hit: 2d1 0c1- l.ñ,telligence modifier force damage, and the target falls prone. ~ EViLS MOST ANCiENT recounted liii the oldest legends the ~ Realm first breached the cosmos in the dark days ofthe Dawn War. Pelor,Ioun, and agod whose .naméi~ now lost .w~e responsible for fIrst finding then sundering the Living Gate that once barred the Far Realm from the Astral Sea Sihce,tIiattim~X~he influence of the Far Realm h~s .4- - ~‘. .‘~. ~i~• •J~• steadily iincreased rising an~l,falling inlong cycles that ha~e begu9 to peak5a~ain dur~ing~,th~e’current~gei The ñ ör~th~tis~kno~.L.,nof.the’ Far ,Real~’~.rêlation ship becomes., to~the Adventurers w~rld, the ~ who~,i~ave~.dclyed,4eçp~ into..~e Underdark and ex~loied the shores ‘of its bla&and sunless seas claim to have found.évidênce that the aboleths were established in that realm since long before ~he Dawn War’s end. A small number of radical sages main tain thatthese horrors might actually have dwelled within the world from the moment of creation. Such scholars question the widely held view that the world was shaped from raw nothingness, speculating that something must already have fexisted within the unformed stuff that was pushed aside to make room for the creations of the gods and primordials. For these scholars, the Far Realm’s pressure on the mortal world might not be a case of an alien madness seeking to invade and destroy a new realm. Rather, the creatures ofthe Far Realm might be seeking to take their old world back. CHAPTER 4 Psion 0 Li z 95

Summon Mind Weirds Psion Attack 19 YucalirjJhcha4o~cy creatures that attack yourfoes with their ‘~6wn worst.fed~rs~. Daily + Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic, Summoning Minor Action Ranged 10 ~Effé~t You summon three Medium mind weirds in unoccu ~: pied squ~es~within range. Choose one enemy adjacent to each wej~Jito become the weird s prey until the end of the ~ encó~unte~ ~ Each weird must have a different creature as its speed 8 arid phasing, and is insubstantial to creatuf~qther than its prey. Until all the weirds sum .:mon~d~4t~s:power are reduced toO hit points, you do not l~se~e healing surge lost when a creature you sum mon drops ~& 0 hit points When a weird s prey drops to 0 hit pOirit~the~weird disappears. When you use a standard acti~n~ora~riiinor~action to issue a command to a weird, -~ all summói~ed ~eirds can takethat action. You can give a w~irdtiiè fdli~iing special commands. Standard Action: Melee 1; targets the weird’s prey; Intelligence vs. Will; 3d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the target takes a 2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends). Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature; Intelligence vs. Will; 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the weird pushes the target 1 square. If the target is the weird’s prey, it takes 2d6 extra damage and is not pushed. AugmenTThfteleportation) Effect: .s~b~ye,.añd you can teleport any two weirds, swappin~their~pósitions, as a minor action. In addition, you can t’~Iep,ort yourself and one weird as a move ac tion~swappgpositions. LEVEL 22 UTIUm’ DlsclPuNEs Forceful Repositioning Psion Utility 22 Shimtherii~jbhnd~’offorce surround you and your allies, mov ing yOu i1~zto ~ette~r.po~itions on the battlefield. Encounter + Psionic Move Action Close burst 5 Target: You and each ally in burst EffectY~Iffslide the target anumber of squares equal to ~juni Wisdom modifier. Interdicting Thoughts Psion Utility 22 The pow~r ofyour mindforms a shield protecting you and your a lies om attack, even as it slows yourfoes. Encounter + Psionic, Zone Minor Action Close burst 3 Effect: The’burstf’creat~s a zone that lasts until the end of your next~iurii~Thezone moves with you, remaining centered on yd~While within the zone, allies gain a +3 power bonus tofá!ldefenses. The zone is difficult terrain for your enerni~*.-j~.. Summon Fleeting Thoughts Psion Utility 22 Your qulc tl~d~itig summons birdlike guardians that let you and your a’Il~,~sgar across the battlefield Daily + Augmentable, Psionic, Summoning Minor Action Close burst 1 Effect.You sumi~non three Tiny fleeting thoughts in unoc Eupied~qu~e&in the burst Each thought has speed 2 and fly~8~(bos~ei~ !Jntil alithe thoughts summoned by this power1are~reduced to 0 hit points you do not lose the I~iin~urfrlost when a creature you summon drops,to 0 hit points When you use a minor action to ~ issue a command to a thought all thoughts can take give a thought the following special ‘i ‘commands. Move Action: Melee 1; targets you or one ally; the thought and the target both fly 4 squares to adjacent squares. Immediate Interrupt: Triggered when an ally adjacent to the fleeting thought is hit by a melee or a ranged attack; the attack hits the Electing thought instead. Augmeñt.1’ . Effect~ Whed:afléeting thought drops to 0 hit points, one ~ ally withini2 ~quarès of the thought can fly 4 squares as THE FEY PERS1’BCTlVE Among the fey that dwell in th~ mortal world psi9nics is~n~ö~st often treated as just another form of spelk~ist ii~g The degree to which psionic power overlaps v~ith ‘traditional fey:abilitiessuch ascharrns and illusions’is seen as sim~le h~ppenstance Elves el~drin and othe~ worldly creatures~that have co’nnections to1the Feywild are no more or less likely to takeup the psi6ni~ arts than creaturesofanyotheri~ace... _‘? Creatur~s that dwell deep in the Feywild ho~vever often vi~w psionics with a combination of resentment and suspicion Although they have no objection to mortals gaining mastery offey magic by way of warlock pacts andsimilar traditions. many.fey see the growth of psionicsin the w rid as anattempt bythe nonfey races to steal their power. Some mortal scholars view the overlap from the other direction; Psionic energy is said by some to have existed in potential in the mortal realm since the beginning of time, even though it did not fully manifest until the threat ofthe Far Realm provided the necessary catalyst. Such sages believe that planar echoes of that potential were whatfirst granted the creatures ofthe Feywild their abilities. Since all elements ofthe natural world are exag gerated in the Feywild, the fey were able to tap into this potential power earlier and more innately than were the mortal races. Some fey take severe umbrage at the notion that their innate inabilities were somehow handed down from the mortal world. Such creatures have been known to attack scholars and psionic characters who espouse this belief too vocally. CHAPTER 4 I Psion 96

LEVEL 23 AT-WILL DIsciPLiNEs Prismatic Swarms Mind Trap Psion Attack 23 You ensnare yourfoe’s mind and instincts, hindering its ability to react in combat. At-Will + Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. If the target makes an opportunity attack or takes an immediate action before the end of your next turn, it takes psychic damage equal to your Charisma modifier. Augment 2 Target: One or two creatures Hit: As above, and until the end of your next turn, the target takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls whenever it makes an attack not on its turn. Augment 6 Area burst 2 within 10 squares Target: Each enemy in burst Hit: 2d1 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. Until the end of the targets next turn, it cannot shift, make opportunity attacks, or take immediate actions. Mindfire Explosion Psion Attack 23 An explosion ofpsionicfire scours your enemies and shrouds their sight. At-Will + Augmentable, Fire, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Target: Each enemy in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier fire damage, and creatures more than 5 squares away from the target are invisible to it until the end of your next turn. Augment 2 Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier fire damage, and creatures more than 3 squares away from the target are invisible to it until the end of your next turn. Augment 6 Area burst 2 within 10 squares Hit 2d8 + Intelligence modifier fire damage, and the target is blinded until the end of your next turn. Phantom Burden Psion Attack 23 You crush your enemies under the weight oftheir own uncer tainty, hindering their movement. At-Will + Augmentable, Force, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Target: Each enemy in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn. Augment 2 (Zone) Area burst 2 within 10 squares Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. The zone is difficult terrain for your enemies. Augment 6 Area burst 2 within 10 squares Hit 4d6 + Intelligence modifier force damage. If the tar get moves more than 1 square on its next turn, it falls prone at the end of the move and takes 5 damage. Psion Attack 23 You leave yourfoe surrounded by swirling motes ofpsionic en ergy that hinder its attacks. At-Will + Augmentable, Force, Implement, Psionic Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the target takes a 2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn. Augment 2 Area burst 1 within 10 squares Target Each creature in burst Hit As above, and you also slide the target 1 square. Augment 6 Area burst 1 within 10 squares Target Each creature in burst Hit 3d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and you slide the target 3 squares or knock it prone. The target takes a —2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn. LEVEL 25 DAILY DiscIPLINEs Far Realm’s Embrace Psion Attack 25 You tear aside the veil to the Far Realm, callingforth phan tasmal tentacles that attack and ensnare all creatures in their reach. Daily + Implement, Psionic, Psychic, Zone Standard Action Area burst 3 within 10 squares Primary Target: Each creature in burst Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the primary target is restrained and takes ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends both). Miss: Half damage, and the primary target is slowed and takes ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends both). Effect The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. Until the zone ends, you can make the fol lowing secondary attack using the zone. Opportunity Action Melee 1 Trigger: A creature starts its turn in a square adjacent to or within the zone Secondary Target: The triggering creature Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit: 10 + Intelligence modifier damage, the zone pulls the secondary target 1 square toward the zone’s origin, and the secondary target is immobilized (save ends). Sustain Minor: You take 5 psychic damage and the zone persists. uJ C z CHAPTER 4 Psion 97

(ENG) D&D 4a Ed. - Psionic Power - Options for Ardents, Battleminds, Monks, and Psions - Flip eBook Pages 51-100 (2024)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.