(ENG) D&D - Hollow World - The Milenian Empire - Flip eBook Pages 1-50 (2024)

.- for all levels of play

Design: Anthony Herring Editing: John A. Nephew Coordination: Jon Pickens Cover Art: Robh Ruppel Interior Art: Bob KIasnich Cartography: Dennis Kauth Ranaom Hods0 and Q alIiliate mmpenles nave worldwide dinr#butm ngh18 8n [he wo tmoe for English lang age prDdu.3~ 01 TSR In* Distnbuled to the bok and hobby trade oy regon d oistnbdors Dsliib~led to the bk and hmby trade in the United Kingoom by TSR Lld s materid is protected under the mpyright laws of the United States of America. Ani repmdudin or orired use of the materid or art work printed herein is prohibited wiulout lh'e express wringn permission of ISBN 1.56076337 9384XXX1401 I a: I I I I

Milenian soldiers defeating our mighty warriors upon occasion are false. Even if they were true, such losses must be the divine will of the Pharaoh, whose wisdom is endless, and not due to the skill of the Milenians. “The typical Milenian spends too much time worrying about his social status and ‘bettering’ himself. Too much change, and too little ttadition. A baker’s son should become a baker as his father and father’s father before him. In Milenia, it is different. They do as they please without regard to family tradition. How unnatural! Milenians are too independent, chasing after misplaced goals and squabbling among themselves over ‘philosophy.’ They also spend much of their time performing the arts of drama, poetry, and sculpture. While most of the arts are performed to honor the Immortals, many are done simply for pleasure, which is very hard for me to understand. “Milenians seem to have little respect for family lineage or preparation for the afterlife. However, it must be admitted that they are a people of great faith. Milenians pay homage to many Immortals with festivals and celebrations. They erect grand temples to honor the Immortals, but, of course, none are so grand as the temples and pyramids of Nithia. “Milenians seek council from holy men called orades. These clerics are said to have great power, and the means to see into the future. This intrigues me. If it is true, than we Nithians must discover this power and use it for ourselves. Alas, so far we have had little success. You see, Milenians hide their oracles in remote places protected by strong magic. Our attempts to bring an oracle before the Pharaoh have always failed. But we do not give up easily . . .” Milenia according to a Jennite wzrior: “Long ago, our tribes roamed much of the land that is now the Milenian Empire. Their ranks of soldiers marched like cold, heartless statues and drove the aurd herds away. We “ followed the herds, as is our custom. not forget this injustice, and pray to “Milenians are never satisfied. Wh they not ride the plains, hunt the a be content with life, for nothiig but con good riders and some can use the beneath their boots. “It must be admitted that Mile been to the land of the Milenians. great stone cities where Mildans sw like ants. Between their cities are ri they are not human bein@. “I have also heard it said Tabstia! Grant us the revenge we

“But there is yet room in my heart for hope. I know all Milenians are not this way. Their traders once came to my tribe. They s, we tend to avoi blooming, and crops growing. It is like living in an eternal season of spring or summer. Halav and Peua have uuly blessed us with their Immortal grace. “Toward the east, the pastures become temslopes of these mountains grow dense can be quite chilly. I typically wear a woo cloak and fur-lined boots when uaveling to this region to visit the libraries of Laroun. “Along the northern coast, and inland along the River Silvius, are tropical forests and north (my uncle Tyron among them) make a fortune growing and seUig exotic plants and lumber. “Except for desert (praise Petra!), swamps, grasslands, plains, an though the land is varied and I I

The followin, _--- ..among nearby races, such as the Jennit , kagoro, and Nithians: ... nmonly t told Rumors these creatures are very real. "Legends tell of faerie folk who dance within the deepest forests. It is believed that those who witness their frolicking become cursed to wander the forests forever. There is also a favorite tale concernine a coven of medusae who D live in a cave in the mountains, where they guard the treasure of a long-dead hero. The When walking in tight formation Mile. nian soldiers fear nothing and cdot be legend states that some of the mountains are actually giants who were turned to rock by the stony gaze of the medusae. Once again, I warn you that these are merely tales to frighten young children, and I greatly doubt their veracity. "As I mentioned before, I live in Corisa. Ah, the metropolis! To truly understand us, you must visit one of our cities. Culture abounds. Theater, sculpture, architecture, scholastic achievements and discussions, all will reveal to you the greatness of our civilization and understanding of the world. Come to Corisa ... and heamazed!" killed. slaves and boiled in their blood. Milenians ride flying lio Oracles are blind but h see the future. Orades are really Imm Orades require human sacrifices There are no oracles anymore. Shrines are hidden p ute. devour their followers. Shrines are secret pl from it. by weak men called Senators. Milenians eat a special foo them from getting sick or Milenian ships sail to many lands, where they have many tals.

lciety rrom the journal of Senator Mhonon of "Our society is composed of a strict hierarchy of social classes. Advancing to a better class is very difficult. It can be a lifelong commitment involving much intrigue; you must learn who to trust as a friend, and who to fear as an enemy. It is much easier to lose ground, tumbling down the sodal ladder to a that we Senators o is anenemy, aad who Adronius. Most of elf from the Senate Except from the journal of Senator Minonon of Laroun: Senator =

to pass laws creating more than 100 provinces. Each new province means two more Senators, which means less power per Senator and less land to control. Typically, as OUT Empire grows, the boundaries of the 100 provinces are changed to accommodate the new territory. This is always a time of heated debate in the Senate, with much argument, bribery, and even deadly treachery. a Senator’s political power. Those from cities have the most power because they have the support of a greater portion of the population. A Senator whose province holds only a small hamlet populated mostly by farmers and herdsmen is rather low in status. This is why the re-drawing of province boundaries is so important-a Senator may be able to bring another village or town under his jurisdiction and increase his personal power and prestige. “Senators are the lawmakers of the Milenian Empire. They decide what are crimes and how those aimes should be punished. They “The province he represents is a measure of i ,

I I Citizen Excerpt from We, the Empire by Ciuzen Kyrhamos of Corisa, a Milenian ScholAr: Milenian-born men who own !and in the Empire are officially Citizens. Those are not fortunate enough to own’land commoners in the eyes of the Empue. and slaves cannot own land, and, ~th cannot be Citizens. “It is the right and privilege of Ci elect Senators and other politicians. Citizens may run for political offjce. towns. They get the best seats at public and meetings. “A Citizen who cannot pay his taxes with money or goods must sell enough of his land to cover what is owed. If all of his land must be sold, the hapless Citizen becomes a commoner and loses all of the righ privileges of being a Citizen of the Enipire. “By strict defiition, the Empemr and Senators are Citizens, but they are above the law and have rights beyond those of other Citizens. Of course, this does not mean that the Emperor or Senators can wantonly commi crimes-there is always the threat of assassination. Direct your attention to my previous work, Shadows of the Heart, for more information about the darker side of our political system. “Throughout this work, and my previo publications, I have capitalized the word ‘Citizen’ because it is a formal title. For example,. someone might say, ‘Greetings, Citizen Grippa of Corisa.’ Notice that th is also given with the person’s n reveals the province from which and where his taxes are paid. “The sodal class of Citizen has many subdivisions, which I have described below,, . , Although ideally all Citizens have equal rights, in truth, some are a bit ‘more equal than others. The following subdivisions listed from highest to lowest in rank.” “ . . . As I stated earlier in @s work, all “Citizens live in the best sections of th

Kythamos of Corisa, a Milenian scholar: affairs are tm much for a High Magistrate to handle alone. Magistrates are elected by the Citizens of their province and serve four-year terms. A province can elect as many Magistrates as the Senate deems necessary. Magistrates serve as subordinates to the High Magistrate and act with his authority. A Magistrate does not have the authority to pass judgment in court without fmt presenting the case to the High Magistrate, who can overrule or accept the Magistrate’s recommendation.” “In the larger provinces of our Empire, legal General - Excerpt from We, the Empire by Citizef Kythamos of Corisa, a Milem’an scholar: “A General is the commander of a single phalanx or garrison. A phalanx usually consists of 3,000 to 6,000 uoops. A garrison is often simply a phalanx that is permanently stationed within a province of the Empire. “Generals take orders directly from the Lord High General and carry his authority. Occasionally, a favored General will receive orders from the Emperor himself, which is considered an insult to the Lord High General.” - zholar - mcerpt from We, the Empire by Ciuzcn Kytharnos of Corisa, a Milenian scholar: arts (painting, sculpturing, musicianship, acting, singing, and so forth) are highly respected, as they should be. The most talented become celebrities, and receive gifts of money and goods. Some acquire wealthy patrons who pay their bills and keep them out of trouble with tax collectors. In exchange, the scholar or artist agrees to give the patron and “Citizens knowledgeable in the sciences and his family private instruction or pe “Academician magic-users who as scholars. Even though they and mistrusted, academicians respected for their knowledge religions are usually given the sam consideration as commoners.” Artisan Excerpt from We, the Empire by Ciu. greatly admired, though not so m scholars and artists. They seldom buildings, roads, bridge other grand structures.” Excerpt from We, the Empire Kythamos of Corisa, a Milem elected by the Citize “A Legalus is a pub Excerpt from We, the Empire by Kythamos of Corisa, a Milenian “The bulk of the Empire’s commoners labor to produce kinds, and merchants sell considerable influence on the Senate. Merchant

Merchants are always concerned about new tax laws and uade agreements between provinces and other counuies.” Commoners Excerpt from a treatise by Citizen Cydadnomus of Corisa, a Milenian scholar: “It is my belief that the majority of the population falls into this social class, mostly men who do not own land. Commoners are the menial laborers and the very backbone of our Empire. They are not granted the respect and privileges that Citizens enjoy. Citizens, becoming so dependent upon landowners that they are little more than slaves. The average soldier is also a commoner. “Commoners cannot vote, but must stiU pay taxes. They cannot legally refuse enlistment into the military. A male commoner who cannot pay his taxes is usually forced to serve a stint in the army or navy. Women who forfeit on their taxes, or those men who are too old or unfit for military duty, become indentured servants of the state, until they have paid off their taxes with labor. “I say this must change. For our Empire to truly flourish, it must strive to serve the majority, and not the select few.” “Many live and work on the land owned by Slaves Many slaves are Milenian. Most are captured Azcans, Jennites, Makai (a Neathar tribe), Merry Pirates, Nithians, ’luagoro, and Ttaldar. In cities and towns, most of the slaves are Milenian. They work in households and fields as menial laborers. Generally, they are treated much better than slaves of other cultures. Foreign slaves are most often kept outside communities. They work in gangs, performing haw can a soldier ain that a slaw w for faithful slaves to ? the most hazardous and strenuous labors, such as mining. However, not all slaves are menial Some are scholar-slaves who teach tho

- ___- Tymus, a Milenian scholar: people with a bright outlook on the future. We have built a strong nation with many unique customs. These traditions are what we are. To be as one with the Empire, you must take an active role in its culture. I cannot mess this enough . . .” ..ritings of Citizen Graniknos ,,- “We Mileniam are a wealthy and proud Athletics Sporting events are at the core of Mllenlan culture. All warriors are expected to be athletes. These men are driven by the spirit of the games and the joy of competition. Besides simple enjoyment, there are several other reasons why athletics is so crucial to the Milenian way of life: As education. Mileniam believe that in order to have a healthy mind ripe for learning, one must fEst have a healthy body. Children begin athletic programs at the tender age of three. All during their education, students participate in athletic events, building their bodies as well as their minds. sporting events is an excellent way to remain physically fit. Milenians place much emphasis on daily regimens of exercise and eating healthy diets. The Empire is a nation of athletes. warrior race. In times of both war and peace, athletic events allow soldiers to train and keep fit. Sports are an integral part of the military, and one of the reasons why the Milenians are such a deadly and disciplined force on the battlefield. To honor the Immortals. A victorious Milenian athlete does not consider his As exercise. Obviously, uaining for As military training. Milenians are a Many cont sts are held to hon one or more are very Immo pof als. *awing These athletic large 1 f stivals of spectators an the best athletes fr m ’ across the E pire. To honor the dead. When an im ortant aerson dies. thletic events mav e held Gymnasiarcbs are older men w

frown as I pass into the CourtyGd; I had best fmd them exercising when I return. “In the courtyard, the scholar Kassandion draws figures in the sand, likely demonstrating some new mathematical problem for the youths gathered around him. It fius my heart with joy to see the courtyard crowded with athletes boxing, wrestling, and practicing the parkation. Crasedeus plays his flute, giving a rhythm for the athletes to move by. Nearby, a youth digs with a pick. This not only loosens the sand, but is a valuable form of exercise. I recommend it highly. “As I move into the antechambers, I hear someone striking a punch-bag. In the bath house, men are bathing and oiling themselves. Tams has a thorn in his foot, and Panosos is helping to remove it. I believe I will take a massaee now. before beeinnine mv own A Milenian gymnasium, often called a knuckle-bones in the comer. I give them a etes train. Gymnasia are to schools and colleges. courtyard is a large hall ing place for athletes and e benches here for elves with oil before is also used for massage. .... ~. ..

Outside the gymnasium may be running tracks, jumping pits, and areas for throwing the javelin and diskos. There is also space for horse riding and parades. The Stadium with room for many more spectators. On the outer rim of the courtyard is an ernbirnked, paved track for horse and chariot racing. The inner part of the courtyard is covered with sand and used for boxing, wrestling, the pankration, running, jumping, and javelin and diskos throwing. Along the sides of the courtyard, stone bleachers hold spectators. Tunnels lead into the gathering halls and antechambers. Only the largest cities of the Empire have stadia. They may be found in Corisa, Demtor, Dophius, Laroun, and Tyrnus. The stadium of Corisa is the largest and can hold 50,000 spectators. The others hold between 10,000 and 30,000 spectators. Prizes Milenian athletes compete not only for a personal sense of achievement, but for valuable awards. Prizes are generally given only to the fust and second place winners of a contest. Typical awards include livestock, food and wine for an entire circle, a slave skilled at a craft, money, cups and bowls made of precious metals or other works of art, and fine weapons and armor. An especially desired prize is land, which grants the victorious athlete the social status of Citizen. The most coveted prize of all has no monetary value, however. It is a wreath of olive leaves given to the champion of each event by the Emperor. This takes place in Corisa during an athletic festival called simply “the Games.” Thus, the greatest prize of the Milenian athlete is the honor of victory. A stadium is simply a very large gymnasium Breaking the Rules Becahe success in comaetitions is dishonesty in the games brings down/ the m wrath of the ~mmortah. Repeat offenders may be Violators are disqualified and on rare occasions wen The Event$ The following are desc common athletic events. Archery: There are several archery. Some involve winner being the archer who shoo farthest. Others concem accuracy, archers shoot at diffic leather bags hung from a spear or tethered to a stake. Most archery c performed on foot, but some invo at targets while mounted. plenty of room to maneuver, virtually impossible to comer opponent. This discourag fighting, and ,encoyages waiting tactics. ‘Ihere are no rounds. Occasion fighter who forces a quick up on the ground. ‘Ihere are no weight cl&cau

Boxers wear two types of gloves. Both ate made from the hide of an ox, and are between 10 and 12 feet long. The glove is wrapped around the boxer’s knuckles several times, then wrapped diagonally up to his elbow. Soft thongs are most commonly used for sparring and practicing with a punch-bag. They serve more to protect the fighter’s hands than to inflict damage. Sharp thongs are used in competition. A ring of hardened leather with sharp, projecting edges fits over the boxer’s knuckles. It is possible to bludgeon a man to death while wearing sharp thongs. Boulder Lifting: This is a contest of strength, in which contestants struggle to lift a boulder or other heavy object. Usually, merely lifting the object off the ground is enough, but some contests require the boulder to be raised above the athlete’s head. Engraved boulders may be seen throughout the Empire. A typical engraving might read, “Bruteus of Peli lifted me from the earth.” diskos is a circular stonc ‘cker at the center d by a line across the e diskos as far as track. Riders do shoes or use stumps, Chariot Racing: A chariot is a light cart mounted on two wheels. It has a rail at the front and sides. Passengers in a chariot stand. A racing chariot has room only for the driver, while war chariots hold a driver and javelin thrower or archer. Chariot racing is a SPON of the wealthy, for only the rich can afford a stable of racing steeds. The most common chariot race is with four horses, which stand side by side. The two middle horses are harnessed to a yoke extendiag from the chariot, and the two outer horses are harnessed by traces (leather lines). Competitions take place in stadia with banked, oval tracks or in open fields. In either case, a wooden or stone pillar, called a turning-post, stands at each end of the track. It takes great skill and steel nerves to make a fast, tight turn around the turning-posts. Accidents are most common in the turns, : chariots might flip or collide with one another. in which athletes hurl (usually a shield with a at serves as a

Jumping: Milenians practice both a running long jump and a standing broad jump with or without hand-held weights called halteres. These weights are made of stone and weigh between two and 10 pounds. By swinging his arms, the athlete adds impetus to his jump with the weights. Halteres also serve as dumbbells in weightlifting exercises. Jumpers leap from stone or wood slabs set into the ground. The turf beyond the take-off is either sand or loosened soil. Each jump is marked with a wooden peg. The Pankration: This brutal event is a combination of boxing and wrestling. Nearly anything goes, with only biting and gouging the eyes or other tender spots being disallowed. Strangleholds and arm or leg locks are the norm, and are designed to induce pain, causing the opponent to admit defeat. Pankratiasts do not wear boxing gloves. The Pentathlon: This is a competition of five events: diskos throwing, javelin throwing, jumping, running, and wrestling. The pentathlon is used to decide the best all-around champion. Pentathletes are highly regarded because of their skill in numerous sports. Running: Milenians practice both short sprints and long distance running. Some contests require the runner to wear leather armor and carry a round shield. The start and fmish lines of stadia and gymnasia are marked by stone pillars. Wresding: This is the oldest Milenian sport, and is viewed as both an art and a science. Grace and style are the most important factors. Milenians practice two types of wrestling. In the first, a wrestler wins by throwing his opponent to the ground, at which point the match is ended. This style takes place on sandy ground.

C11 ing The Milenian man wears a short-slewed linen tunic that reaches his thigh and is belted at the waist. He also wears leather sandals, or fur-lined boots and a woolen cloak in colder climates. linen or silk with a woolen cloak in cold weather. She wears leather sandals, or silk slippers if she is wealthy. colors of their clothing reflect their status. A wealthy person's attire is dyed in bright patterns or embroidered with designs of animals or monsters, and made of high-quality material. A poor person's dothing is typically off-white and made of coarse linen. greatly enjoy wearing jewelry. Finely engraved bracelets and necklaces of rare metals are most popular. Even slaves have jewelry of bright The woman wears a long, sleeveless gown of For both men and women, the quality and Milenians of both sexes and all classes government treas ries and are the coins memans mint coins of platinum, gold, electrum, silver, and copper. These coins are made in two sizes: the medallion and the emperor. Medallions are the same size as stand D&D@ coins and have the same values. (Remember this when referring to the conversion table below.) They are the common type of coin. One side is usu stamped with the date and a symbol ent is an excuse for pick, etc. The other side is stamped with the symbol of the Milenian Empire (a griffon). The emperor is much bigger; one emperor the equivalent in size and weight to 10 medallions. They are most commonly found

Sweeteners: cinnamon, ho Vegetables: beans, carrots, Viticulture: grapes for wine, various plants shells for dyes, flax for linen (see above) is a staple Milenians also eat bread and goat or auroch cheese. They are very fond of sweetcakes made with honey and bran. A common dish (which most foreigners find repulsive) is okla, which consists of whole, ground fd mixed with various spices. The concoction is buried in clay urns for up to a full week, allowing it to ferment. Okla is served cold. It is believed to be very healthy and a natural aphrodisiac. Funeral Practices is assodated with a Milenians have several methods of laying the dead to rest. Citizens are most often buried in family tombs, where many generations lie. These are built into the sides of hills or diffs and capped by a heavy stone. Some are very elaborate with carved arches and stone pillars. The family tombs of commoners are little more than mass graves. A deep (10' to 15') rectangular hole is cut into the bedrodt, the dead laid to rest, and the grave filled with layers of clay and pebbles. With each new death, the grave is re-dug to a depth just above the previous occupant. Thus, the corpses rest one atop the other, with a layer of day and pebbles between them. be burned on ritual pyres. This occurs most often in times of war, when many bodies must be dealt with quickly. Slaves are typically burned, rather than entombed. Exceptionally loyal or beloved slaves may be entombed as a -=+-re of resper L~~~ and J ,ce eaks on behalf of proceedings. Alternatively, commone the crimes comm in the Empire, s are common

Punishments Defined Death is execution, and takes many I different forms, depending upon the compassion or cruelty of the High Magistrate and the details of the crime. Enslavement is for life. The criminal is sold at market to the highest bidder, with the proceeds going to the government. Exile means the criminal must leave the Empire, either for life or for a specified time. An exile who returns before his time is up may be legally slain by any Citizen of the Empire. Fines are paid to the government; a set fee in money or equivalent goods. Those who cannot pay usually receive a sentence of indentured servitude. Hogging is a public beating with a whip or flail. The number of lashes corresponds to the severity of the crime. Indentured servitude is the equivalent of being a temDo off in labor.* Mysticism

Major Orders Halav (Patron of Warfare and Matera (Patroness of Childbirth and Women) Peua (Defender of the Holy Empire) Protius (Patron of Sea Travelers) Zargos (Patron of Darkness and Magic) Weapon-Making) Minor Orders Asterius (Patron of Trade and Merchants) Faunus (Patron of Wine and Herdsmen) Ixion (Patron of the Sun and Harvest) Khoronus (Patron of Timekeeping) Koryis (Patron of Slaves) Palartarkan (Patron of Magic) lhrasda (Patroness of Justice) Twelve Watchers (Patrons of Twelve Crafts; armor-making, baking, bow-making, jewelry-making, leatherworking, mining, shipbuilding, smithing, stonecarving, weapon-making, wine-making, woodcarving) Valerias (Patroness of Love) Zirchev (Patron of Forest 'Iiavelers) Science and Philosophy Milenians are thinkers. They excel at alchemy, botany, mathematics, physics, and zoology. Philosophy is best described as both an art and a science. Schools and colleges are located around the Empire for the study of each branch of science. The most gifted students often go on to study magic at the Imperial Academy of the Arcane in the city of Corisa. Common theory postulates that magic is the very essence of creation. Thus, since magic is part of everything, an understanding of all of the arts and sciences is needed to truly comprehend magic. The sciences of mathematics and physics have had a tremendous impact on architecture. Milenians have a keen understanding of structural strength and how to form straight lines. This is evidenced by ir!homes with potted

General Skills The following are skills available to Milenian characters. Players must spend skill slots for them as usual. See pages 81-86 of the Rules Cyclopedia for complete information on skill rules. Appraising (Intelligence) This skill is commonly picked up by gem merchants, thieves, and others who deal in valuable objects. A successful skill check allows the appraiser to correctly estimate the value of an antique, art object, piece of jewelry, cut gemstone, or other crafted item. If the roll is failed, refer to the following table to determine the character's wrongly appraised value. Failed By 0fT BY 1-2 10% 3-5 50% 6-9 100% 10 + dlOO X 10% If the roll was even, add the percentage to the object's value. If odd, subtract the percentage. If the result is zero or less, the appraiser imagines the object to be worthless or fraudulant. The character can also identlfy fakes by succeeding at a skill check. If the appraiser fails his roll, he simply can't determine the authenticity of the item. Boxing (Strength) The character has received training in me Milenian art of boxing. Use the rules and Boxing Unarmed Combat Mastery Eble on pages 11 1- 112 of the Rules Cyclopedia. A boxer wearing sharp thongs inflicts ld3 points of damage plus any Strength bonus. A sharp thong is similar to a cestus (see pages 62 and 64 of the Rules Cyclopedia).

:I I not possible to both trample and slice an opponent at the same time. other chariots. By succe the driver maneuvers i blades rip into the opponent's wheel or horses. The enemy must immediately make a skill check at a -4 penalty or crash. The attacking driver must then succeed at another normal skill check or sash also. If the driver flips or crashes his chariot, he may attempt a skill check. Success means he has landed without injury. Otherwise, he suffers 3d6 points of damage, which may be modified further by the DM depending upon the circ*mstances. Take careful note of the differences between the Chariot Combat and Chariot Driving skills. Chariot Combat enables a person to make attacks from a chariot, Chariot Driving allows a character to attack with the chariot itself; conversely, only Chariot Combat helps a character make missile attacks from a moving chariot without penalty. Diskos Throwing (S The character has studied the various techniques of throwing the diskos. During competitions, the athletes roll a skill check. The one who succeeds by the most is t diskos is never used as a weapon; it is simply too inaccurate. Blades and spikes may also be used to attack Etiquette (Charisma) A person skilled at Etiquette knows proper table manners, styles of dance, how to dress properly, and how to address officials. Por unusual situations, such as when meeting the Emperor or a Senator, a skill check should be rolled. If successful, the DM can make suggestions to the player to help his character avoid a blunder or insult. If the roll is missed, the playm is on hi own, and must role-play the: situation however he sees fit. skill can create duplidocuments, and can The most commonly so on. Th; Empire is of paper shuffling. and a serious es the character's rol been successful. If a skill check for the .,. a Jumping.skil1 of 12 $ihjj: make a running leap or a standing jump of ' -I '-

Knot Tying (Dexterity) Oration (Charisma) This skill is commonly learned by seamen. but is also a favorite of thieves. A character with this skill can tie all kinds of knots: ones that slip, hold snug, slide slowly, or come untied with a rug. This skill is also useful for escaping knots. If the character is bound with a knorted rope. he can attempt a skill check with a - 3 penalty. If he makes it, he's free. An oration is a specch given in a fopal, dignified manner. Characters with this skiU arc able to swag large crowds of people with verbal persuasion. The DM should modify the skill check by taking the nature of the oration and rhc mood of the crowd into consideration. Typically, successful oration will impcqve the crowd's reaction by one step. Remember that when a crowd disperses, they will havq time to think more clearly about what has bean said, and doubts may creep in.

A rms and ArmcSnlrlipm nf the Frnnin ? rmor z Milenians wear only two typesbt armor: normal leather and cuir-boulli aough they Cuir-Boalli rance value of 300 Leather greaves and vambraces. master wou Round Shield

Milenian Character Specializations - The following information expands upon that found about Milenian player characters in the HOLLOW WORLD” boxed set. This chapter introduces specialized subclasses of the common classes of cleric and fighter. sen during character generation. Specialized Characters perform a specifc role in Milenian society. They have benefits and penalties that make them unique. These characters perform their specialized tasks to the exclusion of all other careers or professions. A PC can have only one specialization. Unless stated otherwise, a specialized character must still follow the rules of his standard class. For example, a specialized fighter still uses the Fighter Experience Table, gains the same number and type of Hit Dice, etc. Special Compensation: Remember that all Milenians receive a + 2 bonus to hit and + 1 bonus to damage when using spear-type weapons (javelin, pike, spear, and trident). If a specialization is desired, it must be choClerics of Halav (Patron of Wdue and Weapon-Making) Specialty clerics of Halav, known as “RedHairs,” are skilled at making war: devising tactics, training soldiers, raising morale, outfitting troops with arms and armor, and so forth. Many of them serve as officers in the Imperial Army or Navy, as well as high-ranking positions in the temple of Halav. Customs: Red-Hairs gain their name because they dye their hair blood-red in honor of Halav. Their helmets are adorned with red crests. Motto: “Stand before one’s enemies as a brave leader of men.” Benefits: Red-Hairs gain a + 2 bonus on attack rolls (not damage rolls) when battling humanoids (such as Beastmen, gnolls, goblins, ogres, orcs, trolls, etc.). These clerics receive a few general skills that do not cost any skill slots, and can be learned in addition to the& normal maximum number of skills. At 1st level, RedHairs gain the Leadership general skill. At 5th level, they get the Military Taxtics skill. At loth level, they receive the Craft (weaponmaking) skill. Bonus skills can be improved as per the standard rules. Penalties: When battling humanoids (see above), a specialty cleric of Halav must make a Wisdom check. A cleric who fails flies into a blind rage. An enraged cleric musf attack (with spells or weapons) and will not retreat, surrender, nor take priswers. If all humanoids are slain, the cleric must make another Wisdom check to regain control. Failure meam he continues to attack the nearest target, possibly even his own comrades! After each round, the cleric may uy to snap out of it by rolling a Wisdom check. Cultural Weapons: Red-Hairs use spears, short swords, and the special sunbolt javelin (see the Arms and Armor section). Cultural Armor: These clerics use cuir-boulli armor, helmets, and anyshields. Typical Skills: If the optional skill rules are used, a Red-Hair must take Ceremony (Halav) at 1st level, and must learn Etiquette before other skills. Clerics of Matera (Patron of Childbirth and Women) Matera is an enigmatic figure whose history is unknown. She is thought to be a primordial spirit, and has appeared to her followers as a ghostly woman concealed by an aura ck &e Light. Her specialty clerics are known as “Midwives.” They aid in childbirth and care for women’s needs in general. Their order is cdet the Cult of the Mqtera. I

Customs: Midwives wear full-length, flowing gowns of white linen, elaborate headdresses, and white veils. They often make pilgrimages to the Shrine of Fertility (see the Milenian Campaign Book) for ceremonies involving the birth of “chosen” children. Midwives are very secretive about their ritual practices, much of which remains a mystery to the men of the Empire. Motto: “The pain of childbirth is a bitter fruit, but one whose seeds are the very future of the Empire.” Benefits: Midwives are respected members of society. As such, they can ask and expect (by law) to receive hospitality at the home of any citizen of the Empire. Once per sleep, Midwives can employ a special hypnosis power that affects men only. It is in all game details similar to the cham person spell except that the effect cannot be dispelled. It can be detected by the detect charm spell and can be removed by an oracle. Penalties: To be a Midwife, a character must have a minimum Charisma of 14. A Midwife must come to the aid of any woman who is being abused or threatened, even at the risk of personal injury. Failure to do so results in the Midwife being stripped of all clerical spells until she repents by praying at the Shrine of Fertility for one full sleep. Cultural Weapons: Midwives can only wield a special weapon called a stiletto, which is usually concealed as an ornament in their headdresses. See the Am and Armor chapter of this book for details about this weapon. Cultural Armor: The specialty clerics of Matera wear no armor or shields. Typical Skills: If the optional skill rules are used Midwives must take Ceremony (Matera) at 1st level. They must acquire Healing before, learning other skills. , Petra’s specialty clerics, called “Holy Defe dets,” are reno ned warriors and the prote tors of the Emp e’s many cities, towns, and vi it lages. Her temp es are usuallv the first seldom refuse a Milenian. They have

Cultural Weapons: Specialist clerics of Petm can wield javelins, spears, shortswords, and the special ffange mace (see the Arms and Armor chapter for details). Cultural Armor: Holy Defenders can use cuirboulli armoc, helmets, and any shields. Typical Skills: If the optional skill system is being used, Holy Defenders must spend a skill slot for Ceremony (Petra) at 1st level. They must learn Bravery before other skills. Clerics of Protius (Patron of Sea Travelers) Protius is an ancient Immortal who is the tiful, terrifying, and treacherous. His specialty clerics, called “Mariners,” perform ceremonies to appease Protius and protect seafaring Milenians. Because of the large population of fishermen and sailors in the Empire, the religion of Protius has a strong following. Customs: Mariners wear linen tunics dyed green and adorn themselves with necklaces of seashells or pearls. They often serve in the Imperial Navy as navigators who use skill and ceremony to avoid the hazards of the sea, notably storms and monsters. Motto: “The sea is fickle: She can be your best friend, granting life and prosperity, or your worst enemy, bringing death and desuuction.” very embodiment of the sea: bautiful, bounGriffon R1 aerial without permissio mands: one who a traitor to the Benefits: Mariners have a swimming movement rate equal to their ground movement rate. If a Mariner begins to drown, he might receive aid from the sea itself, such as help from a friendly dolphin, a strange current that sweeps him up andonto a beach, etc. The chance of this aid is 20% + 2% per experience level of the cleric. The DM may modify the Mariner’s past deeds into consideration. Mariners also have access to the following this percentage, taking special circ*mstances or of griffon feathers.

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:reduction = lhis hook is jammed witn information concerning the Milenian Empire: its history, its holdings, and its secrets. Additionally, the book presents the DUNGEON MASTER’” with rules, information, and adventures for running a campaign within the Empire. If you are a player, stop reading now! This book is meant for the DUNGEON MASTER’S eyes only. The DM should also read the Adventurer’s Guide carefully, preferably before reading the Miledan Campaign Book. Within these pages, the DM will fmd a detailed history of the rise of the Milenian Empire in the Known World, its subsequent fall and its rebirth in the Hollow World. The average Citizen of the Empire has only a vague understanding of this history, while scholars know considerably more. It is up to the DM to decide how much information to give the players at first, and how much to keep secret until discovered by the player characters during play. In brief, the Milenians are a strongwilled race of scholars, artisans, artists, and warriors. However, above all else, they are a race of conquerors. While the Senators and Emperor may quarrel over many issues, all are united in the belief that the Empire will one day rule all of the Hollow World. Milenians place great emphasis on maintaining good physical health. The majority of them exercise daily and adhere to strict diets. Personal hygiene is also very important to these people. Even the smallest villages throughout the Empire have bath houses, which are very popular gathering places for the Citizens. Milenians also realize the importance of education. Whether the son or daughter of the lowliest commoner or a Senator’s child, nearly every Milenian can receive a formal education at very low cost. In virtually any city, at virtually any hour, groups of young men and women can be found sitting on the steps of the words of a scholar. dmus to behold, be temples, and civic b these SttUCNreS. Shrines to vanous LL

History of the Milenian Empire To understand the workings of the complex machine that is the Milenian Empire, one must first understand the functions of its parts: its history, its places, and its people. Our story begins long ago in the Known World . . . Exodus In 1000 BC, gnolls invaded Tradaran lands in a region of the Known World now called Karameikos. Though the Traldar were a Bronze Age culture with a proud warrior uadition, the surging tide of gnolls overwhelmed their battle lines and began to destroy the entire nation. The war ended with both sides nearly obliterated. The Traldar were plunged into a dark age that lasted until AC 900, when the Empire of Thyatis ultimately conquered Halav of Luln banded er, and began a cam- , which was much

stepped forward and led the immigrants slowly inland to the deep forests of the continent, which reminded them of their homeland. Here, they formed a nation called Milenia in honor of their late king. Empire King Milen left no heirs. Open councils were held, and several nobles were elected to represent various factions of the populace. These men devised a democratic system of government consisting of two ruling bodies: the Senate and the Emperor. These same men were elected by popular vote and formed the fmt Senate. They, in turn, elected the first Emperor, Androsar I. Thus, the Milenian Empire was born. Androsar had served King Milen as the courageous Lord High General of his army during the gnoll invasion of 1000 BC. Androsar's prowess as a military leader, and his reluctance to retreat from the invaders, is well recorded in ancient texts, which are still read by Milenian scholars to this day. Some of these sources even hint that he may have had something to do with King Milen's death during the exodus. Even so, the fm Senate recognized Androsar's talents, and unanimously elected him Emperor. Under the guidance of Emperor Androsar, the Milenians conquered and assimilated neighboring tribes of men. Most of those vanquished were fair-skinned descendants of Neathar and darker-skinned Oltecs. The mixing of these races resulted in the olive skin and brown hair common to Milenians today. Tribes that resisted conquest and absorption were driven forth. In a historical time frame, it was not long before the strength of the Milenian Empire in the Southern Continent was well established. As centuries passed, Milenian culture diverged from that of the ancient Traldar. The Milenian dialect evolved into a language in its own right. Milenian warriors utilized iron weapons, but kept the traditional types of to their ancestors. i Death and Rebikth = Dissolute incompetent military, while the Em hordes of primitive tri Milenians for ignorin Immortals Halav an the Milenians' prayers World. Within 5 long scorned. I In the HOLLOW WORLD" settina, transplanted Milenians lappeared along e -t"

coast of the southern Atlass Ocean, far south of the Traldar Kingdoms. They returned to the democratic system that had made the first Empire strong and swiftly elected a new Senate. A man named Titanion, who adhered to the beliefs of the earliest Emperors, was elected hy the Senate to be the fmt Milenian Emperor in the Hollow World. Emperor Titanion I returned the Milenians to the path of conquest. They routed the Jennites from the southern plains and erected fortresses to ward off the fearsome Tanagoro warriors of the northeast. They virtually exterminated the dinosaurs of the region; these beasts are rarely found in the Empire today. Because of their location on the coast, it became crucial for the Milenians to develop a navy. While on the Southern Continent of the Known World, they had no need of ships. The Milenians had forgotten the shipbuilding skills of their ancient Tradaran ancestors. They had to relearn the craft from the musty archives of cultural memory. It was a slow p~ocess, hut one required to ward off the menacing vessels of the Merry Pirates. Now, the Milenians have a strong navy, and have become comforrahle traveling the sea. Fishermen have also taken to the ocean, and fsh is one of the staple foods of the Empire, as it had been for the ancient Milenians. The first real test of the Milenian navy occurred in AC 422, when a tremendous sea battle (known as the Battle of Corisa) took place in the Gulf of Corisa. An invading fleet of Badarm ships was met by the Imperial Navy and defeated. Scores of the ancient hulks still litter the ocean floor. The graveyard of ships has become a haven for aquatic monsters of all sons, and a potential treasure trove. The Battle of Pharos took place in AC 535 within the Bay of Laroun. A fleet of Merry Pirate vessels pillaged the town of Pharos. The pirate fleet was intercepted hy the Imperial Navy on its way to the city of Laroun, where the Merry Pirates planned to continue their rampage. Caught in the channel between the em. These wrecks have clean of treasure by local om, Milenian armies have marched in formations across the raided or allied with

Inters he rouowing are some 01 me most important locales in the Empire. More special areas can be added if desired. Note that all Milenian settlements, even the smallest villages, are surrounded by stone walls. Agrisa Fort Built on the hilly slopes of the northern shore of Lake Agrisa, this fortress protects the Empire from rare intrusions from the south. The fort holds a garrison of a 3.000-man army and a 2,000-man navy. The fleet of war galleys plies the waters of Lake Agrisa, protecting the fshermen of neighboring Phos from arnphibious dinosaurs and other aquatic menaces. The Empire’s southern expansion initiates from Agrisa Fort. Galleys from the fort travel Lake Agrisa’s tributaries, ever searching for n.- realms to conquer and new lands to settle. irisa = This is the capital city of the Empire, aLu has agrowing population of 250,000. It is a marvel to behold (due mainly to the taxes collected from other cities). Its monumental structures are fashioned of white limestone quarried from the mountains southeast of Laroun. The streets are paved with this same stone. The Citizens of Corisa boast that it is the cultural center of the Empire. ing places of the city: The following are some of the most interestAcademy of the Arcane This building stands two stories tall with many balconies and walkways supported by elaborately carved stone pirmars. It is made of a strange red stone, and is said to have been conjured from thin air over 1,000 circles ago. In the flickering light of the Hollow World‘s sun, the crimson stone appears to pulse with an inner light. 11 is here that young Mil across the Empire conve masters of magic. Stu The arena cans nents, and experimentation. A walled garden behind the Aca botany. A dank and noisy dungeon b Academy houses a wide varie sters. Current inhabitants in chimera, a gargoyle, a experimentation. and can have

T I Over a dozen magical and alchemical laborarories are scattered around the Academy. In these, students gain "hands on" training. The entrance to the library is guarded by two obsidian golems. Only those speaking the current password may enter unmolested. If these golems are reduced to 0 hit points, they shatter, causing an incredible noise that can be heard up to 300' away. The library is a huge, windowless chamber illuminated by continual light spells. Scores of towering shelves hold thousands of scrolls and books. Most pertain to philosophy, history, magical theory, mathematics and the other sciences. No spell books can be found in the library-the academicians are much too secretive about their magical research to allow others to see their books. Scribes can be found here at all hours, working to translate, catalogue, and update the archives. Obsidian golems (2): AC 3; HD 6; hp 48 each; MV 120' (40'); #AT 1; Dmg 2d4; Save F3; ML 12; AI. N; XP 500. At the srudenr marker, high quality magical and alchemical supplies are sold at about half the price of similar merchandise found in the rest of the Empire. Only enrolled students may purchase items here, which include such things as blank spell books, scroll parchment, scroll cases, writing utensils, rare inks, spell components, and a wide variety of glassware and other laboratory equipment. The Acropolis The traditional residence of the Emperor stands majestically on a tall, flat-topped hill. It is a three-story palace made of spotless white limestone. Its western facing is lined with tremendous pillars reaching from the ground to the roof high above. The Emperor enjoys a

breath-taking view of the Atlass Ocean. The Acropolis also houses temples to Halav and Petra, as well as a garrison for the Emperor’s highly trained personal guard. The entire Acropolis is shielded by a stone wall 20‘ tall and 15‘ wide; warriors can actually ride their horses along the top of the wall. The Agora The open heart of the city is a vast plaza where crowds may gather to talk, make speeches, and market their wares. This is the place to go to hear rumors concerning nearly anything, from such trivial matters as gossip about celebrities to important issues, such as impending elections. The Harbor The city’s harbor has undergone considerable construction over the years. The headlands are protected by 20’ walls topped by numerous towers, each equipped with one heavy catapult and two ballistae. The one entrance into the harbor is guarded by a huge bronze chain. Normally, the chain is lowered deep into the harbor so ships may pass over, but it is raised when the dry must defend itself from invading fleets. The Senate Like the Acropolis, the Senate is a titanic three-story building. Huge steps lead up from ground level to the second floor, the main entrance. The Empire’s 200 elected officials gather in the impressive Senate Chamber, where they heatedly debate current issues, pass laws, represent their people, and engage in political intrigue. An observation gallery NnS above and around the Senate Chamber. Occasionally, important visitors and Citizens are allowed to observe the Senate in session. The remainder of the building contains the various Senators’ offices and those of minor functionaries. The Temple of Petra and Halav Milenians honor many Immorta Halav and Petra. Shrines and temp1 in elegance from mere statues to ela gathering halls can be found throu Empire, and on the streets of the of Corisa in particular. However, only one temple is as “The Temple.” This glorious structur stands at the foot of the Acrop main temple of both Halav and Petra central sanctum seats 5,000 fo staffed by 500 clerics whose n by 1,000 servants and slaves. cent thrones facing Halav and Peua do awe-inspiring figures limestone painted in natural gold-plated scale armor, whi with a gown of shimmering gold. The Theater arts: comedies, dramas, and traged ite actors and playwrights are treate alty, though the people are may be paraded through the streets ered with coins one day, and pelted ten produce the next. The Theater is cut from the city’s forming a deep depression. It seats spectators, and is filled to capacity opening week of any performance. then fluctuates greatly, depending quality of the production. Milenians greatly enjoy th n-mta txt to Corisa,

A 5,000-man garrison protects the city and its mines. The best metal-crafters in the Empire reside in Demtor. Their precious wares are transported overland and down the Dophius River for sale throughout the nation. Dophius Standing on the hanks of the Dophius River, this city has a population of 50,000. The 3,000-man garrison is responsible for pauolling the river to as far south as Phos and as far north as Corisa. Known as the “River Watch,” they control virtually all river uaffk and hoard ships in the name of the Emperor to search cargos for untaxed goods. Because of its central location. Dophius is a favorite stopping place for both overland and river traffic. News from all across the Empire converges on its busy streets and docks. Emperor’s Walk This city of 30,000 is where the wealthiest Citizens of the Empire come to vacation. Standing proudly along the road leading into the city are the 30’ tall statues of every Emperor since the first, Androsar I. The fabulous homes of rich nobles and politicians stand on the slopes of a tall hill, at the top of which is a bubbling hot spring. The warm waters cascade down the terraced hill, forming naturally heated baths of varying temperatures; those toward the top are warmest, while those near the bottom are quite cool. The custom is to begin bathing at the lowest tier, then slowly move upward taking warmer and warmer baths. The pool at the top is hot indeed! The homes of commoners and civic buildings (the true city proper) are clustered at the base of the hill. A force of 3,000 soldiers is garrisoned here, and charged with keeping the peace, as well as protecting visiting nobles and their luxurious homes. Milenians in the e known as the “Emction of a palace and orite vacationing spot I Flavian Fo i rn shore of the River dense forests and e river. To aid them in I I r’ CL 111 “IC Cmpire, =IC a garrison of 30,000 cavalry force.

River. Here, construction of a new fort has begun. The Dagol River is surrounded by many miles of rich farmland; a prize the Empire is willing to fight for. Lake Agrisa The briny waters of this huge lake are unnaturally warm, and as a result, fog banks continuously swirl on its surface. The lake is said to have no bottom; this is not true, though it is very, very deep. Over the centuries, scholars have been intrigued by the lake and its strange properties. Some theorize that it is warmed by fiery dragons sleeping within its greatest depths. Others claim that the lake is the birthplace of the Sun. and as the waters continue to grow warmer, someday a new Sun will emerge in a geyser of steam and fue to take the place of the old. While these theories make for amusing tales, the majority of Milenian scholars who have investigated the lake correctly believe it is warmed by volcanic activity on the bottom. Even so, Lake Agrisa is indeed a strange place. Aquatic dinosaurs do swim in its depths; their long, graceful necks and huge fins can sometimes be seen cutting through the fog. The fuhermen of Phos are very superstitious, as might be expected since they never know what they might catch in their nets: Odd fsh of all shapes and sizes thrive here, as well as unique mussels and astaceans. At the bottom of the food chain are unusual bacteria and plankton that metabolize the minerals from the volcanic springs at the lake bottom, or manufacture food with heat energy the way normal plants make food with sunlight. It is rumored by the fishermen of Phos that a hidden underground waterway winds through the mountain chain known as the Emperor’s Rampart, connecting Lake Agrisa to the Bay of Lvoun and the open sea. It is believed that this mysterious canal is known to the Merry Pirates. A favorite tale on the fuhing docks of Phos pertains to sleek, white “ghost” ships that have ‘been seen waters of the lake like pqowling ever, the Imperial Navy has never OEC reported encountering shch vessels. A decade ago, a small; expedi to locate the hidden river, but returne failure. The Empire oEc!ially d canal exists, and that reported foreign vessels on the lake are the fog. But to the disgnuntle have seen them, the ominous ships re mystery. I I Laroun -~ This coastal city of lOD,OOO is high1 ed for its libraries, schol+s, A trail from the city lea& to the s mountains, where limestone is quarrie sive slabs of the white she are taken city to be worked by ,+om, then by land and sea to be used in ci the Empire. Laroun’s garrison of 1,500 so ors serves to govern this Ici boring Pelai. Tlme war gil responsible for keeping from koun to Grisa +en, the Bay of Laroun free df marauding and monsters. LaXm I the hot spring of the Emperors’ Walk. Lentys Fort

from the thick forests and mountains to the southeast. They also serve as reinforcements in the event of a Jennite, kagoro, or Nithian attack on the Tythus Fortress to the north. Mining and logging communities are beginning to spring up in the nearby mountains and forests. The men of Lentys Fort are alr charged with overseeing and protecting th settlers. Moreus With a population of 3,000, Moreus is a seaside community of fishermen. Though under the protection of the Imperial Navy, the fshing vessels of Moreus are often harassed by the Merry Pirates. Pelai Though this is a relatively small city of 20,000 people, it is the center of an underground movement to establish a new government. The rebels, secretly led by a group called the “Kings of Milenia,” wish to break up the imperial government into a collection of independent city-states. The main liveliihood is fshiig, while many farmers live and work in the surrounding counuyside. Pelai is not a wealthy city, and is drab in comparison to the rest of the Empire. A feeling of oppression lingers here. Pharos Located on the Island of Amora, Pharos is a small town of 3,000 individuals. Fishermen and farmers comprise the majority of the work force. Herd animals and other livestock roam the length and breadth of the island. Although the garrison of Laroun maintains a presence here, the people of Pharos feel cut off from the rest of the Empire and greatly fear attacks by the Merry Pirates (though such attacks seldom occur). Phos

I This snrine is at the bacK or a box ciu~yun. Here, many circles ago, a tribe of m Beastmen was totally wiped out by the Milenians. The bones, rusting weapons, ting armor of the dead still litter the g In the midst of this carnage stands the Halav, a clay image, finely crafted. Over the.many circles he has been here, the oracle of Halav has covered the walls of the canyon with paintings depicting Halav’s greatest victories. Though the oracle is blind, his hand is sure and his imagination keen; the paintings are masterful works of art. He often comes here alone to reminis the past and Donder the future. , who enjoy bathing in th upon the moss-covered te The shrine is one of Halav’s favorite places. @‘-rim VI Shadows (Zargos) = This shrine is a darkened cave; the only light being a blood-red glow from the Icon of Zargos. Few ever come to this place, as it is greatly feared. Legends state that the oracle of Zargos is of the undead, and as likely to eat you as read your future. It is rumored that the oracle mumbles insanely in the darkness, listening for omens to the wind passing through a mound of skulls. It is also whispered to children on stormy nights that tunnels at the shrine go so far into the ground that they open upon another world of cannibals and screaming fiends. Whatever the case may be, Zargosian magic-users and clerics occasionally visit the shrine to consult the oracle. Shrine of Whisper Winds (Petra‘ A smal,, duded .--, ... kes this shr-.... difficult to find. A hot spring bubbles at the heart of the shrine, surrounded by stone ledges blanketed by moist, green moss. On one of these flat outcroppings stands the Icon of Peua, a clay statuette. Tromeas is a farming town with a tion of 10,000. Much of the food produced here are sold to the tress Tythus and Fort Lentvs. >- Housing 150 ,___ =--= ~-, the city 0- is second in size only to Corisa. Built coast where the River Silvius spills forests. It has become the logging The 5,000-man navy of Tyrnus with keeping the shipping lanes Kingdoms open and free of the skill and tenacity of the naval garrison has not been Atlass Ocean, Tyrnus is crafting capital of the Empire. the centuries. - - Valley of Night I This is a rocky place of stunted trees sinkholes, where undead creatures and other evil monsters above this region, casting the shadow. Perpetual fog Night even more and tricks the eye, m

1 the gnarled trees and strange rock formations look like leering monsters. Within the valley stands the Tower of Night. This spiraling tower of obsidian was created by Zargos (alias the Immortal Nyx) to house the dreaded Book of Zargos. Clerics and magic-user followers of Zargos, known as Zargosians, occupy the tower, working in their dark laboratories and temples to further the goals of the longdead Zargos; most notably to extinguish the Hollow Worlds sun. An illusion causes the tower look like a huge, dead tree; just like many of the other trees looming in the fog. Exactly what aw& .. within the alien Xprda

- Political intrigue runs rampant in the Milenian Empire. Political assassination does OCCUT; and not even Emperors are immune. Thefollowing are four of the most influential factions struggling to change the status quo. Many other guilds, brotherhoods, and secret societies exist. Generally, however, rather than trying to bring about a major change in the political order, they seek to gain power on a local scale by electing off~uals who support their cause. Many of these organizations will do whatever is necessary to see that their man is elected, such as rigging the elections, or using force IX blackmail. Cult of Matera Women cannot own land, and therefore cannot be Citizens of the Empire. In general, women come second in all things to men. While most are content with their role in souety, a growing number of women don’t like it and are doing something about it. Centuries ago the Immortal Vanya sensed this discontent, and seized upon it as a means of destroying the Empire from within. While she was a mortal, Vanya was a wartior-princess of the Kerendan people, and fought in the Known World against the Milenian Empire on the Southern Continent. She was captured and forced to become a slave. After suffering at the hands of the Milenians, she eventually escaped and later reached Immortality in the Sphere of Time. Vanya has always held a grudge against the Milenians. Not long after the Milenians were transported to the Hollow World, Vanya took the form of a woman made of blue light, and appeared in the dreams of the most influential and rebellious women of the Empire. Calling herself simply “Matera,” Vanya told the women that she would help them achieve dominion over the Empire, if they would in turn honor her. The clerics of Matera, who are When the women Senate, the Empew Myrina will unanimo

. ,..., . .2,4.. .. &.& #' *.'& ' ,, .). ' mmress 01 me Mileman tmoirc! grow? The masses would starve and die! Bur Of course, the women's plan has not gone totally unnoticed. Hearing strange rumors through their networks of spies, a few Senators have become suspicious. A secret imperial investigation has begun. It is now a race: Will the Emperor and Senators uncover the conspirators and their plot, or is it already too late? Female player characters can be clerics of Matera, as described in the Player's Book. However, like other Midwives, player characters should not be aware that Matera is also Vanya. How much these player characters know about the cult's influence over the Senate is up to the DM. They might only be aware of the cult's general goals: To gain independence for women and control over men. The Followers of Zargos = Over a century ago, a wizened old man came to the Academy of the Arcane in Corisa and petitioned for membership. He claimed to be a scholar named Zargos from Laroun, where he studied magic alone for many years. Zargos demonstrated spells never seen before-he was quickly admitted and given a teaching position at the Academy. The old man was not what he seemed. In truth, Zargos was a mortal form of Nyx, an Immortal of Entropy. Nyx wanted to bring darkness to the Hollow World so that her undead minions and other creatures of the night might flourish. It was not long before ZargoslNyx began teaching a strange philosophy: That the magic of the Milenian mages of the first Empire (in the Known World) was more powerful than that of today due to an anti-magical effect of this world's sun. Zargos claimed that the Academy should put all of its efforts to dimming or extinguishing the sun, and thus plunging the Empire into an eternal night where magic could flourish unhindered. world with no sun? How would the crops This theory hordfied most academicians. A e iwlf apart. The mages ent reaction, and was dreams of her followers and continwed the dead .darkness may yet com

, countered in populated areas. They rely on spies and other hirelings for news of the Empire, especially with regard to the Academy of the Arcane. Clerics of Zargos are controlled by the DM as NPCs. They should be used as the enemies of the player characters. Some of those who left the Academy gave up their study of magic to become clerics of Zargos. They believe that Zargos grants them their spells, and do not know that Zargos is really Nyx. Benefits: In addition to their normal spell casting abilities, at 1st level, clerics of Zargos can cast a darkness spell (a reversed light spell) once per sleep; at 2nd level twice per sleep; and at 3rd and higher levels, three times per sleep. Though not undead themselves, these clerics can, at 5th level, control undead as a Because of their evil name, clerics of Zargos Cultural Armor: They cuir-boa armor and As with the clerics users are only NPCs. suuctive, and feared characters. -. .... ,

ofZargos. Their ultimate goal, and that of the clerics as well, is to destroy the sun, bringing eternal darkness to the Hollow World. Benefits: Because they possess the Book of Zargos. these sorcerers have access to a few spells not normally found in the Hollow World. Zargosian sorcerers (of the appropriate level) automatically add to their spell books the following spells: 1) shield, 5) lightning bolt, 9) animate dead, and 12) weather control. Penalties: Due to exposure to the Book of Zargos. sunlight burns them, causing 1 hit point of damage per round. Normal light (such as from a candle or torch) or magical light has no special effect; only the rays of the sun harm them in this way. Zargosians wear heavy robes to protect their pale skin. Cultural Weapons: Zxgosian sorcerers may use the dagger and staff. Cultural Armor: They wear no armor and do not carry shields. ”ings of Mileni - - inere exists a group of 13 powenui uuzens who believe they have the hereditary right to rule the Empire. Having failed to climb the politicd ranks, these men have saught another means of gaining power outside the established system. Using ancient genealogies and history texts (and often a bit of creative forgery). these 13 Citizens have traced their ancestry back to the ancient Tradaran kings. calling themselves the “Kings of &enia:’ these men have formed a rebel organizat based in the southern coastal city of Pelai. Here, where anti-imperial sentiment was already the norm, the 13 “kings” found eager followers. The kings also have the backing of the Traldar Kingdoms to the north, whose leaders see this as the perfect opportunity to bring the Milenian Empire undec their sway. The kings have about 1,000 followers in Pelai, and another 1,000 scattered throughout s on land and sea, both Pelai and Pharc bellion is successful, The Kleon

anger, Kleon struck his master and tried to strangle him. Archeos survived and saw to it that Kleon was executed. At that time, there already existed in the Empire an underground movement of slaves whose goal was to overthrow their oppressors and claim independence for themselves. Kleon was heralded as a mmyr to the cause. The rebellious slaves took the name Kleonite to describe themselves and honor the dead slave. Membership in this secret society has swelled to approximately 20,000. There are about 5,000 Kleonites in the southern city of Laroun, where their leader, Suabos, work in the limestone quarries. The remaining 15,000 Kleonites are scattered around the Empire. When the Kleonites take aggressive action, it is usually against especially cruel masters. The slaves are subtle, disguising the killings as accidents or political assassinations. For the moment, however, aggression is not their main objective. Suabos and his followers are patient. They realize that as the Empire grows it becomes more and more dependent upon slaves to feed it and build it. The Empire’s expansion shall be its undoing. One sleep, it will have spread itself too thin. Disgruntled slaves will greatly outnumber their masters, the mperial garrisons will be stationed even farther from the Empire’s core. Then, at the capital city, rebellion will burst forth with the strength of a volcano. The Kleonites are expert at gathering and spreading information. Many of them are the slaves of Senators, and even the Emperor himself. Their eyes and ears are always open. Spoken in passwords and hushed whispers, news travels across the empire by the slaves of cargo ships and wagons. The Empire is fully aware that many of its slaves are discontent, but has no idea of the extent of the Kleonites’ subversive activities. In the arrogant eyes of the Empire, this secret society is not a threat. I MilfNiaN COiNS NPC NaMf GfNfRatOR Step 1: Roll Id10 to determine the column. Step 2 Roll Id20 to determine the name. Step 3: Roll ld12 to fmd amale or funak s I 16 CoM- Ha.&- Koss- Pan- w- I

(ENG) D&D - Hollow World - The Milenian Empire - Flip eBook Pages 1-50 (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

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Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.