Vertebral, anal, cardiac, tracheo-esophageal, renal, and limb(VACTERL) asso-
ciation is defined as the presence of at least three of the above-mentioned six
manifestations. An estimated incidence of the VACTERL association is 1 in 20,000 to
35,000 live births although the diagnostic criteria vary. The VACTERL association is
highly heterogeneous in clinical presentation. It may represent a spectrum from the
less severely affected to the more severely affected. Diagnosis is difficult because of
the number of disorders that have overlapping features with trisomy 13 syndrome,
trisomy 18 syndrome, trisomy 21 syndrome, Feingold syndrome, and so on. The
incidence of trisomy 18 syndrome, a type of a chromosomal disorder, is estimated
to be 1 in 6,000-8,000 live births. It includes characteristic craniofacial anomalies,
clenched hand with overlapping of index finger over third, fifth finger over fourth,
underdeveloped thumbs, short sternum, cardiac anomalies such as ventricular
septal defect, and renal anomalies such as horseshoe kidney. Approximately over
50% of infants with trisomy 18 syndrome live less than one week. In 1983, Khoury et
al. reported VACTERL association combined with trisomy 18 syndrome. Here, we
report a case of a low birth weight female infant with VACTERL association, whose
second diagnosis is Edward syndrome, and that she also has another combined
anomaly, meningomyelocele. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported
case of VACTERL association with meningomyelocele combined with trisomy 18
syndrome in Korea.
Key Words: VACTERL association, Meningomyelocele, Trisomy 18
The congenital malformations; vertebral defects (V), anal atresia (A), cardiac malformations
(C), tracheo-esophageal fistula (TE), renal anomalies (R), and limb abnormalities (L)1,2)
combine to form the VACTERL association. The VACTERL association can be diagnosed
by the presence of at least three features of VACTERL association as mentioned above3). The
Received: 22 August 2013
Revised: 23 September 2013
Accepted: 3 October 2013
Correspondence to:
Ga Won Jeon, M.D.
Department of Pediatrics, Busan
Paik Hospital, Inje University
College of Medicine, 633-165
Gaegeom 2-dong, Busan 614-735,
Tel: +82-51-890-6497
Fax: +82-51-895-7785
E-mail: [emailprotected]
Case Report
VACTERL Association with Meningomyelocele Combin ed with Trisomy 18 Syndrome
Yu Kyong Kim, M.D., Ji Hoon Lee, M.D., Ga Won Jeon, M.D., and Jong Beom Sin, M.D.Department of Pediatrics, Busan Paik Hospital, Inje University College of Medicine, Busan, Korea
Neonatal Med 2014 February;21(1):74-78 http://dx.doi.org/10.5385/nm.2014.21.1.74 pISSN 2287-9412 . eISSN 2287-9803
By Korean Society of Neonatology.
All right reserved.
This is an Open-Access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution Non-Commercial License
by-nc/3.0), which permits unrestricted
non-commercial use, distribution, and
repro duction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
75Neonatal Med 2014 Februaary;21(1):74-78http://dx.doi.org/10.5385/nm.2014.21.1.74
most common case of VACTERL association is the three defect
combinations of congenital malformations, such as vertebral,
cardiac, and renal defects4). In a previous study, the associated
diseases with VACTERL association are trisomy 13 syndrome5),
trisomy 18 syndrome5), trisomy 21 syndrome6), Mullerian aplasia
syndrome5), Chiari malformation4), and so on.
The trisomy 18 syndrome includes characteristic craniofacial
anomalies, clenched hand with overlapping of index finger over
third, fifth finger over fourth, underdeveloped thumbs, short
sternum, cardiac anomalies such as ventricular septal defect, and
renal anomalies such as horseshoe kidney7).
In 1983, Khoury et al.5) reported VACTERL association combined
with trisomy 18 syndrome. Later, there were no reported cases
of VACTERL association combined with trisomy 18 syndrome.
We now present a low birth weight female infant with VACTERL
association, whose second diagnosis is Edward syndrome, and
that she also has another combined anomaly, meningomyelocele.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of
VACTERL association with meningomyelocele combined with
trisomy 18 syndrome in Korea.
A female infant, weighing 1,750 g at 39 weeks and 5 days, was
delivered by caesarean section because of prenatally detected
huge mass in the sacral area at 20 weeks of gestation. Her mother
was 41 years old and her father was 42 years old. Her mother’s
obstetric history was gravid 4, para 1. Prenatal ultrasonography
of the patient detected intrauterine growth restriction, polyhy-
dramnios, cardiac anomaly, huge sacral mass, and sacral
hypogenesis at 20 weeks of gestation. Amniocentesis was re-
com mended because of advanced maternal age and multiple
anomalies of the patient. The parents refused amniocentesis and
wanted to continue the pregnancy.
At birth, she had respiratory difficulty and required ventilator
care. Apgar scores were 4 at 1 min and 7 at 5 min. Her weight was
1,750 g (<10th percentile), height was 39 cm (<10th percentile),
and head circumference was 29.5 cm (<10th percentile). She was
presented with a 6.0×7.0×7.0 cm sized protruding mass on the
lumbosacral area suspected to be meningomyelocele, prominent
occiput, clenched hand with overlapping of index finger over third,
fifth finger over fourth, clinodactyly and polydactyly of fingers,
locker bottom feet, dorsiflexed big toe, prominent heels, and
syndactyly of toes (Figure 1). Orogastric tube was not advanced,
and the chest radiographs revealed coiled orogastric tube in the
proximal blind end of esophagus. Chest computed tomography
(CT) showed proximal blind end of esophagus at the level of the
aortic arch and fistula connecting distal esophagus with trachea
at the level of the bifurcation, revealed tracheo-esophageal
fistula, type A8) (Figure 2). The horseshoe kidney was incidentally
found in the CT scan (Figure 2). On spine magnetic resonance
imaging, sagittal T2-weighted image showed meningomyelocele,
sacral hypogenesis, and truncated cord (Figure 3). She had
cardiac de fects such as 2 mm sized atrial septal defect, 4.1 mm
sized peri-membranous ventricular septal defect, 4.3 mm sized
large patent ductus arteriosus, and pulmonary hypertension on
Figure 1. Photographs of patient. (A) A 6.0×7.0×7.0 cm sized protruding mass on lumbosacral area suspected to meningomyelocele. (B) Locker bottom feet, dorsiflexed big toes, prominent heels, and syndactyly of toes. (C) Clenched hand with overlapping of index finger over third, fifth finger over fourth, clinodactyly, and polydactyly of fingers.
76 Yu Kyong Kim, et al. VACTERL Association with Trisomy 18
She was diagnosed with VACTERL association with five defects,
namely vertebral defects, cardiac malformations, tracheo-eso-
phageal fistula, renal anomalies, and limb abnormalities. A high-
resolution chromosomal analysis performed on peripheral
blood did not show any anomalies other than trisomy 18. She was
diagnosed with VACTERL association with meningomyelocele,
whose second diagnosis was Edward syndrome. Her parents
wanted conservative treatment and refused any operative treat-
ments for multiple anomalies. She died on the 6th postnatal day.
The VACTERL association was first described in 1972, by Quan
and Smith1). It includes multiple congenital malformations:
vertebral defects (V), anal atresia (A), cardiac malformations
(C), tracheo-esophageal fistula (TE), renal anomalies (R), and
limb abnormalities (L). It is diagnosed by the presence of at
least three features of the above mentioned malformations1-3).
In 2011, Solomon et al.9) reported that 79% cases had three
defects and 7% cases had four defects. The most common three
defects were vertebral, cardiac, and renal anomalies, and there
were accompanying anomalies in patients with VACTERL
association. Cardiac malformations are present in 80%, vertebral
defects in 78%, renal anomalies in 72%, anal atresia in 55%,
tracheo-esophageal fistula in 52%, and limb anomalies in 47%
of cases4). Our patient had five defects, vertebral defects, cardiac
malformations, tracheo-esophageal fistula, renal anomalies, and
limb abnormalities.
VACTERL association is highly heterogeneous in clinical
(A) (B) Figure 3. Spine magnetic resonance imaging. (A) Sagittal T2-weighted image shows meningo myelocele which expanded underlying subarachnoid space and sacral hypogenesis (arrow), truncated cord (arrowhead). (B) Axial T2-weighted image shows meningomyelocele.
(A) (B) (C) Figure 2. Chest computed tomography. (A) Chest computed tomography(CT) images showing proximal blind end(arrow) of esophagus at the level of the aortic arch. (B) Fistula(arrowhead) connecting distal esophagus with trachea at the level of the bifurcation, tracheo-esophageal fistula, type A. (C) A CT scan showing horseshoe kidney.
77Neonatal Med 2014 Februaary;21(1):74-78http://dx.doi.org/10.5385/nm.2014.21.1.74
presentation and etiology2). It may represent a spectrum from the
less severely affected to the more severely affected. Diagnosis is
difficult due to the number of disorders that have alternate and
overlapping features with VACTERL, such as Feingold syndrome,
CHARGE syndrome, CATCH22 syndrome, Townese-Brocks
syndrome, Pallistere-Hall syndrome, Holte-Oram syndrome,
Fanconi anemia, and so on1-3). Feingold syndrome is different from
VACTERL association in brachymesophalangy, microcephaly,
cognitive impairment and V-Myc Myelocytomatosis Viral
Related Oncogene, Neuroblastoma Derived mutation; CHARGE
syndrome in colobomata, choanal atresia, and chromodomain
helicase DNA binding protein 7 mutations; CATCH22 syndrome
in deletion of 22q11.2, and hypocalcemia; Townese-Brocks
syndrome in dysplastic ears, hearing loss, and sal-like 1 mutations;
Pallistere-Hall syndrome in hypothalamic hamartoma, bifid
epiglottis, and GLI family zinc finger 3 mutations; Holte-
Oram syndrome in T-box 5 mutations; and Fanconi anemia in
hematologic anomalies1,2).
An estimated incidence of the VACTERL association is 1 in
20,000 to 35,000 births although the diagnostic criteria may
vary3,4). Genetic causes of VACTERL association account for only
a small percentage of patients. The VACTERL association is very
heterogeneous in etiology, and there are diverse mutations in
homeobox D13, phosphatase and tensin hom*olog, zic family
member 3, interstitial deletions of chromosome 17(del(17)
(q22q23.3)) and so on2,9,10). In our patient, the high-resolution
chromosomal analysis was reported to be normal other than
trisomy 18.
The VACTERL association can be associated with trisomy
13 syndrome5), trisomy 18 syndrome5), trisomy 21 syndrome6),
Mullerian aplasia syndrome5), Chiari malformation4), and so on. In
1983, Khoury et al.5) reported VACTERL association with trisomy
18 syndrome in two patients. Patients with isolated esophageal
atresia or tracheo-esophageal fistula associated with trisomy 18
syndrome had also been reported11-13).
The trisomy 18 syndrome or Edwards syndrome is a chromo-
somal disorder caused by the presence of an extra chromosome
18, full, mosaic trisomy, or partial trisomy 18q. The incidence
is estimated to be 1 in 6,000-8,000 live births7). The prevalence
of trisomy 18 syndrome increase with the increasing maternal
age14,15). In this case, as the mother of the patient was 41 years
old, she was recommended amniocentesis, but she refused
and continued the pregnancy. Approximately 50% of infants
with trisomy 18 syndrome live less than one week, and only
approximately 5-10% of infants survive beyond the first year,
who are mostly mosaic trisomy or partial trisomy 18q16). Re-
cently, most infants with trisomy 18 syndrome are prenatally
diagnosed7,16). Trisomy 18 syndrome includes characteristic fetal
growth retardation, polyhydramnios, craniofacial anomalies,
meningomyelocele, clenched hand with overlapping of index
finger over third, fifth finger over fourth, underdeveloped thumbs,
short sternum, ventricular septal defect or horseshoe kidney7,15).
We report a low-birth weight female infant with VACTERL
asso ciation with five features, and another combined anomaly,
meningomyelocele, whose second diagnosis is Edward syndrome.
1) Shaw-Smith C. Oesophageal atresia, tracheo-oesophageal
fistula, and the VACTERL association: review of genetics and
epidemiology. J Med Genet 2006;43:545-54.
2) Solomon BD. VACTERL/VATER association. Orphanet J Rare
Dis 2011;6:56.
3) Agochukwu NB, Pineda-Alvarez DE, Keaton AA, Warren-
Mora N, Raam MS, Kamat A, et al. Analysis of FOXF1 and the
FOX gene cluster in patients with VACTERL association. Eur J
Med Genet 2011;54:323-8.
4) Solomon BD, Pineda-Alvarez DE, Raam MS, Bous SM, Keaton
AA, Velez JI, et al. Analysis of component findings in 79
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5) Khoury MJ, Cordero JF, Greenberg F, James LM, Erickson JD. A
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6) Solomon BD, Bous SM, Bianconi S, Pineda-Alvarez DE.
Consideration of VACTERL association in patients with
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7) Cereda A, Carey JC. The trisomy 18 syndrome. Orphanet J
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9) Solomon BD, Bear KA, Kimonis V, de Klein A, Scott DA, Shaw-
Smith C, et al. Clinical geneticists’ views of VACTERL/VATER
association. Am J Med Genet A 2012;158a:3087-100.
10) Felix JF, Tibboel D, de Klein A. Chromosomal anomalies in the
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78 Yu Kyong Kim, et al. VACTERL Association with Trisomy 18
11) Torfs CP, Curry CJ, Bateson TF. Population-based study of
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12) Depaepe A, Dolk H, Lechat MF. The epidemiology of tracheo-
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Toxicol 1993;7:405-21.
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KH. Maternal age- and gestation-specific risk for trisomy 21.
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Trisomy 18 증후군과 척수수막류를 동반한 VACTERL Accociation
인제대학교 부산 백병원 소아청소년과
VACTERL association은 척추기형, 직장항문기형, 심장기형, 기관식도기형, 콩팥기형, 사지기형의 여섯 가지 선천기형
중 최소 세 가지 이상이 나타나는 경우에 진단할 수 있다. 생존 출생아 20,000-35,000명 중 1명의 비율로 매우 드물게
발생하는 질환이며 임상양상이 매우 다양하고 trisomy 13 증후군, trisomy 18 증후군, trisomy 21 증후군, Feingold 증후
군 등과 임상 양상이 중복되기 때문에 진단이 어렵다. trisomy 18 증후군(에드워드 증후군)은 특징적인 안면 모습, 특징
적인 손발의 이상, 심실중격결손과 같은 심장기형, 마제신과 같은 콩팥 기형을 동반하며 50% 이상이 1주일 이내에 사
망한다. 1983년에 VACTERL association 이 trisomy 18 증후군에 동반된 증례보고가 있었으나, 이후에는 보고된 바가
없다. 저자들은 고령산모에서 부당경량아로 태어난 여아에서 VACTERL association과 척수수막류를 동반하며, trisomy
18 증후군을 진단한 증례를 경험하였기에 이를 보고하는 바이다.