The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

rOUR MORNING NEWSPAPER ELEVEN THE SHREVEPORT TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1947 First Bale Brings $257.55 reached on another issue admini stratton of a pension plan for Ford employe. Al I EWS DEWEY ENDS SILENCE OVER UNION ISSUE FORD CO. WILL LAY OFF 55,000 FOR ONE WEEK CLAIM TRUCE VIOLATED BY DUTCH FORCES II 1 'm SHELL PLANS CASS COUNTY BLOCK TEST APPROVAL IS GIVEN ANCHOR GAS PROJECT Speak for I'rorrtiitioi of Orpiriiialion Indonesians Charge Troops Fired Upon on Two Separate Fronts Three Local Scout Troops Contrihute Three Scout troops in Shreveport yesterday contributed 10 each to the World Fellowship fund, which i used to reorganise Scout troops over-hens which were disbanded during the war. Troops who contributed to the und, with money they earned as a group are: troop 8, sponsored by Forernost-Dairyland with Erin E. Rentz.

Scoutmaster; troop 23, sponsored by Mangum Memorial Methodist church with C. C. Branch Scoutmaster; and troop 95, sponsored by th Shreveport Lions club with Waiter McWatcrs Scoutmaster. I I IK of Way Is Being Right (Continued From I'm One) tributed the production halt to a shortage of body parts cau-sed by the 13-day UAW strike against two Detroit plants of the Murray Corporation of America. The UAW struck Murray in its first "test" bid for insertion of a contract clause sidestepping penalty provisions of the new labor law.

The Ford-UAW strike crisis came over the same issue. Harder said 39.500 Detroit area Seven Million Cubic Feet Daily Estimated Take for Plants Cleared for Gas Pipeline Baton Rouge, Aug. 5 (P). Plans of the Anchor Gasoline com- pany to pipe natural gas from thej Lewlsburg field, to be processed at' Eola and Chcneyvllle. with the resi-; due used in carbon black manufac-; ture, today had approval of the state conservation department.

Conservation Commissioner Joseph L. McHugh today made public anj order granting the company's appli-; A It (iK.S MMIOITS I San Francisco iU. A new grass species has been frund north of hte on a pinpoint of land less than in acre square. California Academy Science botanists say no other piice in the world grows the species. It iM called agrostis arisuglumis.

workers would be idled by the shut-: down as well as 16.000 employes at the company's branch plants throuch-out the country. Although the union won at a year's protection in the Ford agice-jnipnt. lt polled "its strike machinery i for a new threat unless pact is Batavia, Java, Aug. 5 P). The Indonesian army charged tonight that Dutch troops on two Ironts had violated cease-lire orders In the East Indies, and both Dutch and Republican leaders Indicated their forces would answer shot-for-shot any resumption of hostilities by opposing units.

Republican army spokesman declared In a broadcast that a thrre-pronRed Dutch force operating In a central Java zone approxlma'ely 60 miles west of Jogjakarta had continued attacking for two and a half hours after last midnight, the ceasefire deadline; As a result of this artion, the spokesman declared, the Dutch seized the town of Gombong, on the trunk rail line linking Batavia with Jogjakarta, the republican capital. The spokesman's accusation was repeated In a republican communique which declared a violation also had occured near Demak. 15 miles east of the north coast city of Semarang. The Indonesians claimed a Dutch amphibious force which landed near Semaran? seized Demak and continued Its advance southward after the deadline. There was no confirmation of these actions from the Dutch who previously had questioned whether the Indonesians could enforce a cease-fire timon? republican troops.

FiThtine took place along the Aug. 5 Gov. Dewey today broke his if nee on developing 194A presldeii-t ni rampajpn iinneii by epeaklng e. th preservation of 'the rnn "io.e of union organization and bargaining." Deaevs rta'ement mne four davs returning from a Fno 'trn 'o'ir during re ti-h called to nerlare meif on fnrrlsn and cv of hi nnl rivals for pre 1 Sen. Robert A Tnit of Ohio.

Jsi ek leader to frix major iif frankly. 'v, the day a'a'e-r-e- aald: "Th r.f the- gov- of New York nfte in dedicated to the that the prn-r p.e ef ur.lon organi7ation nrl rol-Jer'ne bargaining mtiKt he pre- Tr.e statement fire Immediate "rrrrer, from in'in H'liander, 'if trie New York n'ste CIO ahiril more than Hollander aairj in New York 'ti'eva a'atemrnt today aiidden-1t to r.ecla In love with labor Bfter he "as ailent, the eprire discussion of the Taft-Hartley law ia the greatest fcvpocrary ever issued ry a response; government, official. In-bor will Deey'a re.nrd end no love stories for I.aoor day a ill him" cation, subject to the following conditions: General rules and regulations governing production of gas from the South Lewisburg field will determine the total quantity of gas transported from the field. The amount of gas required to OS iEIVFIELD raise oil from the Eola and Cheney-1 ville fields must be tendered to the operators there before any gas from) the Anchor corporation plant may be; sold to any other 6ource. i T-i rinimwi i in ry--Y---- 1i Walter Jiicnha, (left), or the First National Bank, and S.

FrlerMin. are shown above with Ihe flrt bale of cotton ginned In the area I hi aeii.n. The hank was high Milder when the hale, grown mi I rleroim's plantation, auctioned yesterday. (Times Photo) A Lid IM-Vf. No gas transported from the field may be flared, except in emergency.

At a hearing last week the company said it planned to construct a six-inch pipeline from the field, in Acadia parish, to Anchor's plants In Eola and Cheneyville. About, cubic feet of gas daily would be sold to the Louisiana Ice company for its Bunkie plant and one proposed at Opelousas. The remainder would be processed the Eola and Cheneyville plants to extract the liquid petroleum products, then u.sed to lift oil in the fields, re-processed and the residue sold to the Southern middling, atrlrt. low mldrtllner I i Marshall, Texas, Aug. 5 (Special) Shell Oil company was credited by some sources today with plans for early starting of a test on its block in the Bloomburg arcp of Cass county, with the tentative location staked on the Smith tract in the R.

Peters survey. The well Is expected to drill to the Smackover, with the sitcsriear the Texas-Louisiana border. L. A. Grelling of Tyler continued active in Cass county, taking additional leases in an area northeast of Springdale in the J.

Woodruff survey and east of Atlanta in the William Stewart and Jane Rlchey surveys. Three miles northeast of Calvert in Robertson county the Graham and Davaht No. 1 fa*gan Charles Hens-ley survey, an Edwards lime project, was at 4.885. Site for a new Paluxy test In the Sand Flat field In Smith county is the Shell Oil company No. 1 Sham-burger, staked 940 feet south of the No.

1 Shamburger in the J. M. Spil-lers survey. Preliminary work already has started. Construction will begin soon on an 83-mile pipeline, carrying natural gas from the Carthage distillate field In Panola county to Natchitoches.

Gardiner Symonds, president of Tennessee Gas Transmission company, announced. Right-of-way is being cleared. This line, 20 Inches In diameter, will supplement the firm's system supply of gas already moving over another lateral line from the pool to Monroe, La. It will carry gas already contracted for from three new large producers in the Carthage field. The Carthage-Natchitochrs line, it was announced, is part of a construction program of the Tennessee Gas Transmission company.

Approval of the Carthage project has been received. Pulaski Oil company Is trying to assemble a spread of some 2.000 acres in Cherokee county near Jacksonville. A Woodbine sand test Is contemplated If enough acreage is obtained. W. G.

Darsey of Tyler has started assembly of a block or leases in Sabine four to seven miles north of Hemphill, with initial purchases in the Caradine survey. In Nacogdoches, Humble Oil and Refining company has been buying lately, adding leases to its block 10 to 12 miles west of Nacogdoches. The buying has been in the adjoining J. Rivers, F. F.

Hlx and J. Wilson surveys. ii i strategic norm Java coasi mi ui hoh- ihtii mioa si net orai nary ana ordinary. (tank liny (lollon Oil I I ICI I II kt at ly before midnight, a front dispatch said. Before the Jogjakarta radio broadcast the republican charges of Dutch violations, field advices from Sema 1s of motor a ahortae, the deiherv ine nr bale of cotton grown in the state sold In Church Point recently for 50 rents a pound, but the market price on strict middling cc- -I t' I reile 'dirg up t.rev OIIIKl VI if Ilia ton la now quoted at 36 cents.

The Firaf. National biink. Shreve- port. e.trrriay SI renta a pound BRITISH WIVES ren'a more than the market prk- rang Indicated the cease-fire was working out well in that area, pre-' viously the scene of persistent snip-j Ins? and mortar fire. The cease-fire orders of the Dutch! and Indonesians complied with the call of the United Nations security! council for a termination of the 15-day-old conflict in the rich Pacific Carbon Black plant at Eola.

The1 company estimated it could use 000,000 cubic feet of gas a day. In another order. McHugh approved Sun-Sohio Oil company's application for integration of separate tracts In! the H. and L. unit of the Egan field In Acadia parish.

The 43.83-' acre unit will be composed of prop-' erty belonging to the Clement estate et al. Todd Ouldry and lloussicre- LOSING MATES TO FRAULEINS hr first key tor he nr naie rf rot ton grown the area thia year. R. H. fjixey.

repreaentl ni the hank, huheat bidder In en auction held at 11 a m. at fiOfl Kdwarda atreet. Neatly M) people gathered on th ai.ewalkln front of Mernl, Lynch, Perre. f'enner and Peene to wltnra ine hiddlnii for the fiOi-pound, atrlrt middling bhie. Joe Levy was eur-t mnrrr.

islands. WHERE DO YOU LIVE? 10 oeauiy mould Latrelllc. inlhiard lrm I'age One) by army officers Is essential if we are to make a success of the tasks be MADE -TO-ORDER be MADE-TO-G HUNT'S CLAIHOKNi: TKST NO. 1 JAMES MAY I) KILL DEEPEN face powder The bale was grown on the planta- ahead," he said In SUNRAY MAKES a statement at er by that expert at by that exp Mon. of s.

Frierion, Gayle, by a Hamburg yesterday. negro tenant. Virgil Williams. The; An Englishman who worked with The Hassle Hunt Trust No. 1G.

W. GII BID FOR Borrow on the money you cotton was picked Mo.uiay and ginned the Allied control commission for, James, wildcat In section 10-22-4W mrly yesterday by Kirk Railsback. It three years in Germany Thomas vesterdav wa.i reported to have need from us, rcgordlcss of brousht 257.55. iBatc. Londoner said In a nuh-' reached the rienth of 7.500 OCTANE PLANT WHERE you live.

Two con-enient locorions: 500 Wol- Walter Jacobs, of the hank, letter that "the chances of a feet without having made any oil plained that the bank had purchased husband being as good as lost the shows. the first bale grov. in this area to he moment he sets foot in Germany are Further operation Is reported as in a cotton display that was about 75 25." nendins decision as to susnended pending decision as nut Street. Monroe, and 1217 Texas Avenue, Shreve- set up In the bank lobbv vesterdav. "Chief reason Is that German girls whether the test is to be taken any port.

People COme from olljOn tablea flanking the bale the six have been trained to love home life 'deeper Seeks Purchase of Big Kefinery Near Duncan Oklahoma over ine country to Dorrow for more than British women," he In reports yesterday of wells aban department of agriculture specifica said. giving her the proper entree to make-up. Our Consultant blends it right before her wide-awake eyes. Gives her individual attention instructs her oh the subtle 'uses of making the most of this important beginning in her life. At $2.

$3, J5. Introductory box urn from us on their cars, or ol- i tion, are exhibited. The display ha.l doned Triangle Drilling company has been Issued permit to plug and abandon two old tests in Bossier parish, The arch deacon of Brighton, the mOJT Onvrninq Tnev Own. WC been arranged In stimulate inv lntr.i Sunray Oil corporation which a tj i rn nn Rev. Jamea H.

L. Morrell, nuggested orren iena irom wu.uu ro est in cotton ana to serve as an in ten minutes Rational exhibit. The six grades of nv, lecn ntom. cot ton- "'-''mined by length of fiber pitoi.u it: cow Butler, Pa. Ml J.

E. Sloan's six-year-old cow, Daisy, which had twins last year and shortly before that a calf weighing 254 pounds when it was eight weeks old, recently gave birth to triplets. I and cleanliness. are strict middling i waiting longer than neces- sory. We ore headquarters 8 another attraction of the frauletns I the Sheppard in section 20-17-j following a recent visit to Hw and the Sheppard In section I "There Is no equality 'nonsense about 1 19-17-llw.

The same company has sexes there. The man Is defi-lalso taken an abandonment permit initely the head of the house." for the Thlgpen-Herold No. A-9 in Meanwhile the German girls who 13-17-12W. In the same parish J. T.

have married Britons were arriving Parks and A. T. Farr, also have here in growing numbers and to been given permit to abandon the No. mixed receptions. Some said they i Lodiwick Lumber company in 17-found friendship.

Others" reported 19-Hw. In Sabine parish Sam Sklar, they met. hostility and evidence of shreveport operator has taken out tor CASH. Come and get it' Jealousy from British women. WE PAY MOST MONEY FOR USED CARS and TRUCKS Central Motors, Inc.

Distributors for Piidce. Plymouth and llndje Trucks Market ml Lake I'hone MOTORS SECURITIES Company, Inc. Opposite Charity Hospital 1217 Texas Ave. abandonment permit for the No. 1 Puh in section 30-9-13w.

Abandonment in Caddo parish has been authored for C. H. Bigsby No. 1 Agurs in section 35-20-16W and for the No. 1 Joyce in 35-20-16w.

ST. AUGUSTINE GRASS I'ndoiihtedlv Ihe Smith's Hnet l.awn LAMBERT'S I ROSENFIELD Wl laiborne at SI Phone 7-: Vincent 6t 7 IE ici Kentucky Woman Is Charged With Neplect of Infant Son Mrs. Louisa Schreck. 27, who wts arrested Monday night at a local hotel where she had registered as man and wile with a soldier from Barks-dale Field, yesterday was charged by the Caddo parish Juvenile court with contributing to the neglect of her minor son. The probation officer handling tha case said that Mrs.

Schreck, who has been before the city court in Shreveport twice this year on charges of vagrancy, took her 18-month-old son with her to the hotel. She registered the night before with a different few days ago announced opening of; a district office in Shreveport for! its land and geological division is seeking to purchase from the govern- merit the. 100-octane refinery at; Beckett, Okla. The company submitted two outright purchase for $5,100,000 for us3 in placa. the second $7,100,000 on i an operating 4ease with purchase op- 1 tion to be amortized over a 10-year period.

The plant according to the War Assets Administration cost to build approximately $14,212,000. Among other bidders for the plant were British-American Oil corporation, Toronto, Canada, Rock Island Oil company, Wichita, Conti-: nental Oil company and the Skelly Oil company. Sunray's bids were the highest. The property comprises approximately 85 acres. It is equipped with two-stag catalytic cracking and gas' concentration unit, alkylation and! isomerltzatlon units, auxiliary facill- i tie? including ethyl blending cooling towers, loading racks, garages, 1 and some 40 utility and functional steel frame, brick and concrete struc- tures plus 12 dwelling units.

There 1 is crude storage tank capacity for I 580,000 barrels. Acquisition will give Sunray three refining plants at Allen, at! Santa Maria, and the Beckett plant. I It is announced by Floyd L. Martin, vice-president directing the refineiy division that if the Sunray bid is accepted the company plans to spena more than a million dollars to mod- 1 ernlee the plant to a throughout capacity of 25.000 barrels dally, and to tie It in with the plant at Allon. Extension of pipeline facilities will be done Immediately between Allen and Beckett which Is near Duncan, as Sunray has bought a 93-mlle section of pipeline which will be moved from location to complete the between-plants service.

The new plant will employ 185 men and women when in full operation If sold to Sunray. company officials have Matchless in Kentucky Bourbon Flavor! i man, signing the hotel register as man, wife and son. The Infant was tsken to the detention home. ELLEN KAYE'S AS IT SAYS ON THE LABEL: "7 ere is no (A in better in iAe marie if Every state in the Union except Maine. Rhode Island, North Dakota, anil Oregon Is represented in the 1.664 students that attended the University of New Mexico summer session.

ft A "COLLAR-BUTTON" CASUAL IN GABARDINE for the 9-to-15's by Ellen Kaye a Junior exclusive ot The Fashion softly, femininely tailored with new treatments at pocket, cuff and collar long sleeves a long line of gold collar-buttons down the front. Assorted colors. 19.95 LaFitte Field Unit Tlan Presented to Commission 4Vf I 1 1 1 1 4 'TUtat JTs.ichT 80U80" w'i' ft- sC Wr takp as much pride in making it. as you takr in serving it! That's why Old Forester, Inirn in 1870, is thr finest Kentucky Straight Bonded Bourbon in the "home state" of famous Bonds! To make Old Forester as flavorful, as uniform and fine as Brown-Forman standards demand, we pamper every drop of this great whisky throughout every step of the distilling process! Enjoy it today! Baton Rouge, Aug. 5 (TP).

Unitization of a portion of the La Fitte oil field In Jefferson parish was considered at a hearing held by Conservation Commissioner Joseph L. McHugh here today. A decision in the case, it was announced, will be contained In an order issued by the conservation department within 30 days. There was no objection to the proposal that the Texas company, principal lease holder in the field, operate it, with proceeds going to other Interested companies on a percentage basis. The area which the Texas company seeks to unitize is the Dupre cut, covering about 640 acres in the field.

II II ttlio a ia ii.iU Mow yov co fl Old hy ttt tot. I Kj Always hare a bottle of Campho-Pheniqus on hand because when applied to minor burns, Campho-Phenique acts as a mild surface anesthetic to help ttop pain. Also combats infection. Soothing and stainless. Famous over fifty years for minor burns, cuts, cold sores, non-poisonous insect bites.

Use as directed. Ask your druggist for CAIY1PHO-PHCniQUE ANTISEPTIC DRESSING 1 VutV.f i jfrgff "I Congress to Heconvene at Noon, Jan. 6, 19 til 3 MOT 1 Washington, Aug. 5 (Pi. President Truman t.odny signed a roneresslonal resolution fixing Tuesday noon.

Jan. 6, 1B4R, as the time for beginning the I second regular session of the 80th 1 congress. I BROWN-FORMAN distiuihj corporation, inc..

The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.