The Evening Post from New York, New York (2024)

i PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE TORS, AT TKNDOLLAUS PER ANNUM, At ao. 27rias btbt, ofpositb thi customhouse. ATEi OT ADVERT IS lflS. ALP SQ.UARB, DAILY SUnes oilesa First in cent second and third inset lioet, each 15 cents: and 181 cunlttor every insertion. 1 Q.U ARE, DAILY 13 lines, or over 8 and less than I First insertion, 76 ccni second Mid third inscr koas.ea1 emu and 18 cents for every subse nent insertion.

AlVrilirH which the number of rt. T. times for insertion Id NOT MARKED, will bo in Sorted and char until order rd out. YEARLY ADVERTISERS, oauer included. 840 without me piper, Mi per annum 1 not, however, lor a let period than six mo tlis.

THE EVENING PUS 1 oii. THE COUNTRY, (usur.D TWICK A IfEtl,) AT FOUR. DOLLARS PER ANNUM, It published at the same office. Mew Yorltau4 New Ilnven Steamboat Line DAILY. room nj Will lave 31 o29 stoke of was the use The stean.boatsNEW YORK, O.ulnin B.

Stone, and NEW '7' Tt ll alternately loave New Yoik daily, Irom Eait Kivei Siearr.inial l'l loot oi ist man New liaron, at 7 o'ciotk, A. M. turning, willleave New Uavtsn, daily, at 7 o'clock, A M. Coaches will Kxc Hont Post VtKTfl be attl est amb Mw Haver, cn i YT. host.

KxC'Hont Post cn iron. KAVENdWOOD. ich wV. Returning street, Eaat nver, JtJititimAY NESDAY and NKSDAl ann half oat 10 m. I r.

Snnriar two ooaia i ion nboal landing in arrival me nncar niwra in rf rtford. I'rovidi i.eo, and lie on, daily; alao, to Litchfi Id, via iterburv.on Mondays, Wednesday! an I Frt 'ays, ar.d via Woodbuiy, on Tuesiavs, Thurs.las and Saturdays; aiso, to, via Walcottvitle.on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sa'uHnvs. N. U. T'l'e NewUavon Bteambost Company will or icip.uisible fir acWnge ofany ort, unless they are de.ivered in New Y.rk to the Cii tainsof Boats, or to fi'ir A John Saxton and New Haven, at theiiofnue.

Freight taken as usual. For further in. formation, to JOHN SA.iu. JV2 street. NHW STEAMBOAT ROUTE FROM NEW A VE To SACHEM'S HF.4.D, SAY BROOK, NEW LONDON AND NORWICH.

The Su amhoat THORN, A' Capt. A. Mccch, will leave rTr llavtn every Tuesday, iroilnv linn Sal'trdnv, mediately on arrival of the tx at New YorU, for pm iu ir.nvn places. i n'. WU.

llflturning, leave js.r,..;u a A. M. and tourhme at the a bovu Tnmtion places arrivein New Haven at aoout 3 taMawill'no in readiness at New London, on the 1 Uo. tn tO ton in 2 ton, and arrive in time to take the railroad cars tor Providence and Boston. For further infoi maiion, inrpire of io23tf J' HN SAXTON, 114 South at NEW YORK AND HAMUhSLl TvVICE A WEEK.

f9 On nnd after Monday, (Vibur2? the sttaiuboul ryShfrP' SUN. CnDtain James m)L will run as follows "1 I oaul XI nt ft clo. k. Great Neck at half past 1 hrog Point at qn irur befare 9, and Whitcstone at 9 IVaui rl pviirv WVdnesdav and Satur day, at 2 o'clock, P. M.

from Fulton Market Slip. 620 FOR PKEKSKII.L. VERPLANCK. OR ASSY POINT. Slt SING.

TARRYTOWIM, nnuiiic axil VONKRRb. Tlio stmlmboatUMO, II. TuikiU. will AiV Vy lave New York, from fxil rSris Chambers street, every ntommc, (Friday 3 excepted,) at 7 o'clock, landing a the prison irl. For rt ai ply at the ofiiee, foot of Barclay at i i NOT1CE.

All roods, fremht, bngape, bank bills. apeeio, or anv other kind oi prorty taen, siiip or put on board this boat mast at the nk of ths owners of auch goods, freight, jeU AKHANGEMtiN FOR FLUSHING, IIALLETT'S COVE, AND SLIP. FALIi ARRANGEMENT. CROTOS AND SING SKG. iVr: ei I' I.tti f.Kit of o28 The ELI GRAPH, STB ot S.Ode on atai ai rier the 131 in!" fiiafxfXweveiy Mm.aay au .11 mil arisen e.loC, 11 lit hllll iMl ine O'cloek, and Ta uch CftMoaatS ociocs iallr.

anJ Yonkers in at Tarryifwn, the f. orohio.oer kt I. I 'tt bord Frcicht, 7 V.A ti ntn she win leave ellll ajf. Ihen aorilantmi 'c E. HULSK K.Kl.inner ot the Captain or, lr.a Weat.conuroi arren a rcn.or at the risk of the owuers there of.

WIVTEU ARRANGEMENT FOR NEW HOCnr.LLE AND GLEN CO Vis OYSTER BAY AND COLD SPRING. vr flrT. I. Commence. STATES A lie MlV Caotain vill leave New Vr.rU from foot of Market very iu i i.iornine, nt eleven clock.

RETURNING. eve 11 wed unvntv. in; at 8' O'clock, riww kTj point qUnrter Oys er Bay a. pa. 8.

Peaco*ck hefore 10. and isew iy Dat9. Glen Cove quarter 03 lur 1. 7rr AND THr ru nrsai wt. 1 Ml ti a ni4 and fast sailing EMEilALD, Capt.

1 iir. wi 1 lenve the Murray street every 1 a ciuen. oil" Monday and airj' 6atne ev. Sunday morning, to th3 rnptiun on pjsaBov.

FOWKS, board, or to of Wcgt nn, Liberty sts. ISLAND FER 1 RY Fare 12J cents. JJtt.ioa nd after Monday, Aug. ainnmhoatS SAM gVti UOU' wiU make the IM1 S. 1.

1 Leave Whitehall, N. Y. tivO At 7 o'clock a. At 8 At 9 At 10 At 11 At 12 At 1 At 2 At 3 At 4 At 6 At 6 it 11 ii 11 11 11 11 m. p.

m. At 3 o'clock, a. m. At 9 At 10 At 11 At 12 At 1 m. At 2 At 3 At 4 At 5 At 6 At 7 N.

All perwne a. account of the .1 II t. 1 tne crows art UlI ill ply M. p. m.

NUMBER 11220. The superior sea steam packets GEORGIA, Capt. Rollins SOUTH Cotiey, and NEPTUNE, Capt. Wilson, have formed a line to leave Baltimore and Charleston every fourth day, at i clock, P. as follows leaving to 7 P.M.

aulO owners. iior.OKEN FER. RIES. The Steamboats HOBOKKJN iuiir.t 1 .1 between 7 ine Barclay street a. rn, of each hour ana ev wrj uuit un tit the iof prevents her, as follows: LMVoNewsrk.

Leaves New ork. 9 j' a. M. 10J o'clock, A. M.

.1 p. m. ruBTr mbo.t SPLEN ri miff hundred and thirty stx feet long on deck, twenty ninrn tliameicr Boilers She Steamboat Company. mc can "Vj0HN uhscriber, New lisven, HARLES w.HINMAN, Agent. COMMON SCHOOL Us Br a tSo following new NIN nas juai Sc.V' e'w York ChUdren.

By Geo. Le Row, UUU district School as it was. Mather's ecology. Towu's Sp ryi ,23 Futon op Leaves Baltimora. Gooraia Saturday.

Ulh Oct. H. Carolina Wed'day, 17ih Neptune Sunday, 21st Georgia Thun dav, Carolina Nepiune Friday, At Nov. Georgia Tuesday, 6th S. Carolina Smui day 10th 'piuue Georgia Bumlay, 18ih Carolina Tuiii'sduv, 22d Niiplune Monday, tiuth G.H,n;i i Friilay.SlJtli 'amlina memlay Dec.

4 INrotune Mtiinlav, mil Ceorzia Wednesday, 12th s. Uaroliiia Sunday, IWh Noptnne Thursday, ia'Uh imria Miui'lay. XUH 8. Carolina Friday, SsSih. Leave Charlciton.

Geotgia Friday, Will Oct S. Carolina Tuusday. 23d Neplune G. orgia Wednelay. 31st" S.

Caioiina Sunifcy, Nov. 4 Neptune Thursday, 8th Georgia Mondny, Ijtli S. Carolina Kriday, 16th Neptune TueHlay, 20; Gtornia Jaturuay. leh H. Carolina Nupiune Sundny, yd Dec.

Geonria Thurlay 6th S. Carolina Monday, 10th Neiiione Friday. 14th Georgia Tuesday, lh S. Auorday, iJrl Neptune Wednesday, i6th Gertia Carolina i Theao nackots are of the first claps, cornrannded by officers in v. horn travellers ay have full and besides evory comfort they are fitted and found strictly according to the late law of Congress, lor the safety of passengers, as per certificate of the nspectors.

Ann 1'assage from. Haiti more Philadelphia $33 Tickets to be had at the Baltimore steamboat of fice in Philade'phia, or on board tho boats. i iro im? mTcnV tf Lower end Spear's wharf, Balti aore. NEW JEJtSEY RAIL ROAD AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. New Vorb, Newark, EUzabetlitown, Kan way, and New KrtumwlcK.

WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Jersey City to Newark 371 cents; Elizabethtown BO cents; Rahwny C2J cents; New Brunswck SI. Paeatnsreri who procure their ticket at the Licktt Offices Twite a ferry ticket gratis. 1KW UKU.NSmUJL TKAliil. (Kvery day Sundae excepted.) Leave Nsw Yoek, I Leave New Bbvnswick, At 9 o'clock, A.

M. I At 7 o'clock, A. M. 4 P.M. 2 P.M.

NEWARK ACCOBIMODATION LINE. day except rinday.) Leave New York, At 9 o'clock, A. M. 11 AM. 2 P.

M. 4 P. M. 6 P. M.

Leave Newark, At 7 o'clock, A. M. 8 A. M. 10J A.

M. li P. M. 3i P. M.

5 P. M. NEWARK NIGHT LINE. HORSES. (Every night except Sunuay.) Leave Ntw York, I Leave Newark, At 8 and 11 o'clock, P.

M. At 9 o'clock, P. M. Fare in the Night Line 3i cents. The Ticket Office is at the foot of Courtlandt street, immediately adjoining the Ferry, where the boats start punctually at the above named hours.

At Newark the office is at the depot, foot of Market street, and at New Brunswick the starting place of the train J. The town truck in the city of Newark has been underlet, and passengers will lie carried to and from the deot, to meet mc arrival ana departure oi me rent3each. VCkAT TlriTT QrSTRU PommeneiiiB 1st October. 1839. In consco ieiice numerous frauds practised un der the Old Ticket arrangement, the New Jersey Rail Road and Transportation Company nave oeen constrained to adopt an entire new Ticket System, whereby Tickets purchased by fassengers wui De Uil ana aiicr i rood only lor me uay on wmcn mey are purtiwocu.

ht lot iVib Steam 1 ivovemxci i oo hn Alt l.UUiniU Ufcwniu will run as follows, daily.Sun dv excepted keave n'elneV Flushing every morning at 8 cioca. HalUi'a Cove 45 Ravcn wood ic Returning leavr. New "iork, 3 15 no. New York.OeU 25. For Philadelphia Daily, (Sunday excepted) at and iu clock, a.

u. From Pier No. 2, North River. A V. Ira line hv steamboat to fco uit Amnoy from thence to Jordan tow via railroad from thence in sleamboat, and arrive in Philadelphia at 1 o'clock, Fare in the above line, Si.

orwara uecs. paeseu rs to Philadelphia $2 25. X3" IU ClOCK line Dy Biiaiiiiieni iu jwiiu niiniu i from thencto Bordentown by raiiroaa; irotn tnence in steamboat, and arrive in rhiladeipnia at a ciock, M. Fare S3. FREEHOLD AND MONMOUTH LINE By the 6 o'clock boat, via railroad to Height town; from thenre to Freehold by stnges.

ra to rreeiioia, PRINCETON AINU 1 ltr.i u.r, ny the 6 Sl 10 o'clock boat. Fare to Prinreton. 81 50 to Trenton Si Forward deck passnee to Trenton, are to Perth and Soutn Aumoy, cents. All bajrgage at the ntk of its owner. ,4 in A LLiaa, agent.

NEW YORK AM HaRLAEM KAIL ROAD. Mi WINTER ARRANGEMENT. rpHK Cars leave Walker street an liar I I (TU.a fvaa a. laem every nour, taamg Bieam st mu u. street, from 7 a.

m. untU 5 p. m. then by norses until 9 p. m.

From waiKor street ana oriy oenu wi horses every hull hour, from 6 30 a. m. to 7 30 p. m. untU further notice.

On and after the 1st day 01 Liccemoer, me iare will be as follows New York. From Walker street to lCih street i 4Ya 4 Yorkville IH ti Harlem 25 Harlein. From to Yorkville to42d street to 16th trea to Walker street Extra Cars will be furnished, when required by NB Passengers observing any neglect of duty hv thoe einnloved bv the Company, are requested to make the complaints at the office, 77 Bowery. By order 01 tne tsonra. n30 J.


Lines, land, Ireland, Scouaml and via Lnve puw, 61 South street, jar Wall street. The subscribes, having compleud their arrangements 1 1. a firuf rnr.niv. in tne uuitcu iviiikuui" ik lability, bg leave 10 leturn their at a' etui thanks to their and extended tneiKIS tor ine suppori incy nave huherto received. Hopuig they will sull merit a share of ihiic patronage, they wish inform thiir Old i rr.ends residins in the United States and the Cannula, that Uu are uow prepired to ike engage inonts to bring out passengers, with quuk d.srialch on hoard first

leaving Liverpool weekly. Persons sending lor their friends may rely that the utmost atteniion will ne mown rncm. rj.ngnBciiicnia land the naaseneers at the lollowinj port3 Viz: New 1 oil, Boston, i taiu New Orleans, Mobile an! Urafts given lor the accom.toou:"."'. nts can aUo be de with the subscribers for the ira portation of Dy tneir line. The communication is brought so close by the steam ahis between this port and Kng'and, that those sen Jin for their friends have every facility and as us BURGUNDY, Rockett, RHONE, J.A Wotten, ual in all caies whare the peisons sent lor decline com th.i mouey IS relund Ml to tiiese irum wnom ia received.

Passage Cernlicates ana uraus can oe lor warded by the packet snips lining ucnto iur 1 a n. 1 1 nc. 1. of each and on the 1st, 7th, lSili, 19th and 25ih month, by the steam ships. Forlurther particulars, apply by letter, (pon paid) ffir nf tbe siibscriber.

"Ar ot ciimi, 61 South st near Wall st. N. B. The subscribers to state that in add tion to ihe above, they are the agents tor me regular pacacu riHTiIl US fiiiWS For LONDON, on the 1st, 10th and SOih of each maiiin. LIVERPOOL on the let, 7ih, 13th, 19th and 45; of each month.

NEW ORLEANS eekly. MOBILE SAVANNAH do CHARLESTON do Passengers coming from the country can have their haitiiaae stored tree 01 expense umu rrrnia. their provisions pui up a are ever rend to u. lilll. wo aia 'i eive any in.wrrn ilion in our 7, 1 in ihia ec*ntrv.

as well as the .1 communications from resident lannd holders and to. per intendents of public woiks on the vubjecL 0I8 TURKISH DYE ATKINSON'S Turk I Ttre fm ehanpin Grcv or Red Hatr. oti the FRANCOIS lit, Win. W. Pen, EMERALD, Win B.

Orne, eiLVIE DE GRASSE, L. Wie dernoldt, POLAND, Anlhcny, Jr. ALBANY, J. Johnston, Jr. head, Wliiskeis, or Eye Brows, by a single application, to a peitnanent Brown varying to a complain ack wiihmt stamina either he hamls or linen sale by at" Onion's 189 Broadway and fc.

M. and Gi.m' 1J7 Bowery, corner Uraod s'reet, of HsuijrkPiksita. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, DEC EM RE 11 6, 1838. PASSAGE DIRECT TO CHARLESTON HAVRE PACKETS UNION LINE. s.

c. Iu SO ortiO hours. To sail from New York on the 8tb. 16th, and 24th, and from Havre 1st, 8th, and 16th of every month. LOUIS HTILLIPPE, J.

Caatoff, rom new xora. rrom navre. loth Nov. 8th March 24i June Nov. 16ih March.

8th July. Slh Dec. 21th March. 16th Jidy. Itith Dec.

i 8th April. 5Mth July. Jlin lrc. LAduch*e3SE D'ORLEANS, lCtb ApriL new. A.

Kicliaidaon. Sth Aue. 8th Jan. VILLE DE LTON.C. Stoddard, 24lh April.

inn in. 6ti Jan. May. 24 It Auz. 21 Jiu.

16ih May. 8ih Sept. 8th Feb. 2 lth May. lotn sept.

16! Fell. Pih June. 24th Sept. C24th Feb. 1 ICth June.

I 8th Oct lt Jan. ICth AprU. 8th Aug. ah Jan. 1st May.

16ih Aug. Itith Jan. Sth May. let ept 1st Feb. ICth May.

8lh Sept. 8th Feb. 1st June. 16th rVpt 16th Feb. Bill June.

1st Oct 1st March, lijth June. 8th Oct. 8th urch. 1st July. 16l Oct 16th March.

Sth July. 8ih Nov. 1st April. 16th Ju'y. 8th Nov.

8lh April. 1st Aug. 16th Nov. These are all vessels of the first class, and ably commanded, with elegant accommodations for pas fort and convenience, including wines ar.d every description. Goods sent to the subscriber at INew ore, will be forwarded by their packets Ireeot a charges, except those actually incurred.

WM. WHITLOCK. South street. C. BOLTON, FOX LIVINGSTON, nl5 22 Broad street.

PASSAGE FROM AND REMITTANCES TO IRELAND. BY WEEKLY OPPORTUNITIES OFFICE 273 Piabl steeet. Persons desirous of sendinc for their friends from Great Britain or Ireland, can, by applying at the a bove office, secure their passages in first rate American ships sailing from Liverpool.every week throughout the season and with a certainty of their bting forwarded by steamboats from tho different ports in Ireland with that care and attention whiih has always been observed towards all whose passages have been settled for with the subsenber as well as without fear of their being unnecessarily detained in Liverpool and should the persons sent for not coinc out, the passage money will be returned to the; parties irom wh na it was received. For the greater accommodation of those who may wish to send money to their friends, the subscriber has now completed his arrangements 'or drawing on the National Bank of Ireland, and is prepared to give drafts fur eny amount, payable at sight and at any of tne Drancnes in trie lollowmg places Athlone Be.llina Bnl.inasloe Belfast Boyle Carriek On Suir Casiirl Castlebar Castlurcagh Charleville Clonmetl Cork Dublin Dungarvan Aberdeen Austruther Airdrie Bang Bathgate Burntisland OENEUAli 1 me IN IRELAND. Ennis Enniscorthy Fermoy Galwav Kilkenny Kilrush Limerick Longford Loughrea Mitchelstown Moate Ncnagh New Ross Roscommon LN SCOTLAND.

Fort William Gallaskeils Glasgow Gruntown Hawick Inverness Cns Ic Douglass Invcrary Dalkeith Inverkeithing Dingwall Johurgh Dumfries Keith Dundee Kelso Falkirk Kirkaldy Roscrea Tallow Thurles Tipperary Tralee Tuum Waterford Westiort Wexford Kirkwall Langholm Lea ill Lewick Montrose Nairn Oban Portree Perth Stirling Storm way Stormness Farrea. Also, exchange on London and Liverpool at sight, in sums to suit purchasers. Apply to SAMUEL THOMPSON, 273 Pearl street, PACKET Olf lOE. 43 Pccx Slip, next door to lot South street. FOR LONDON.

LIVERPOOL, BRloTOL, NEW ORLEANS, MOBILE, SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. THE subscribers, in returning there sincere a to thi ir frit an. i patrui.s for the very iiinral support they have niet wi.h heri beg to inlorm them andtlie pub'i; gi nnrally that 1 hey con inuelo engage passengers on the most reasonable terms lor the abive pons, in first class American packet ship, also fur vauoua other ports iu the United States and Great Britain. Tho accommodations in these ships fot cabin, second cabin, and steerage passengers, aro such as cannot fail to p.tase the moot and give perfect itiafaction to those who may embark by them, and the greatest possible care wili be taken to secure comfort to passengers during the voyage. These shifts will bo commanded by careful and skilful men, and the punctuality of their sailing may be depended on, which will preven any inconvenience arumg from a protracted Slav in New York, a id which will be the care of the subscribers studiously to avoid and they hope by a strict attention to the interest of piysengrrs, to mem a continuance of that patronage and pieference which has been so hbnrally bestowed ou their line bith eitc.

The days of sailing of the regular packet ships are as follows To London rn the 1st, 10'h and 20 of each month. To Liverpool on the 1st, 7t.i, 13di, I9.h and 2otb. New Orleans weekly. Mobile do. Savannah do.

Charleston do. Ami when found necessary, other ships will be despatched at luierval to meet the demand. For further parti, culars, apply personally or by leitet, (postpaid) which will be promptly alteuded to at the office or the miiiioii bers, w. ot J. 1.

Arawi 43 Peck slip, next door to 151 Souih st. For the better accommodauon of passengers, and in oruer to meet the present demand ships will be despatched for New Orleans twico in each week during tha Pavsengers coming from a distance can have their luggage stored free expense until ths ship is ready to sail and every article necasary for a voyage to any pan of the world, put up with the greatest punctuality and dispatrb.ou the lowest terms. OLD ESTABLISHED 1F1CE. PASSAGE OF Corner of Pine and South streets. The subscribers having completed their arrangements, for the year 1839, for the purpose of bringing out Steerage passengers by the transient ship as well as by the Packets, beg leave to inform their friends and the public in general, tnat first class Snips will be spatched from Liverpool for this Port weekly, by which conveyances 1 1 1 I.

1 Keeioents can seno ior ineir iiieuua irum iciiiuu, rng tand, Scotland aad Wales, thus atTording an opportunity to have them brought out by the Packets or by transient Ships, as heretofore, at a much 1 educed rate of passage. The communication between lhs Pert and Liverpool corner I is now brought so close by the tMenm Ships that those sending for tlieir fi lends have every facility as usual in all cases where the person sent for declines coining, the money will be refunded to those fiom whom it may be received on their returning us the passage certificates. For further particulars apply (if by letter post pud) at the office of the subset ibers, RAWSON McJIURRAi, cor. Pine and South sts. The subscribers also, beg to state that in addition to the above, they are agents for the regular packet ships sailing from ihis port, as follows: For LONDON, on the 1st, 10th and SOih, each month LIVERPOOL, on the 1st, 7ih, 13th, I9tb and 25th of each month.

NEW ORLEANS, weekly. MOBILE, do. SAVANNAH, do. CHARLESTON, do. AU of which are first class vessels, by which passage can be engagtd for the above Ports, on tne most teasonable erms.

oSS PASSAGE FROM GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Peisons wi.hiaf to send for their frtends from any part of Great Britain or Ireland, can 1 enter into enifaeemenu with the subscriber for their passages in first class American Ships, saibr.g from Liverpool weekly ana inoee winning 10 renin money will be furnished' with Drafts an the Bank frelsn 1. the National Bank of Scotland. R. C.

Glyn Co. Bank t. i a 1 1 a. 1 rrs, L.onaon Doyie, ijow, rain oauacra, lud lin.ecc. Application tone made to SAMUEL THOMPSON.

I WEEKLY INTERCOURSE WITH IRE 273 Peart street. Application per Mail (post paid) will receive immedr at ention. "30 A NCHOR A second hand anchor, a bout 1600 lbs. for sale by W1LL1AJ1 riKLiyiJ.v, n26tf 62 South street. LAND.

A rrangemonts can be entered into with the subscribers for the bringing out of passengers from the cifle'ent parts of Ireland, (via. Liverpool) by the earl spring thips to sail in February. V.arch, April, May and June, from Livemol to New York. This will afford aa excel lent opportunity to persons sending fur their friends, as one of the firm Mr. James D.

Roche, wdl visit Ireland for the purpose ofmaking arrangements at the different ports o' Ireland, for the conveying of their passepgdrs to Liverpool. Kverv reliance may placed in the com. pony to do juktice'and observe dispaiei. If the persons have drafts payable at sight in every town in Ireland, On Da din, the Royal Bank of Ireland. Liverpool, Union Bank.

London, Frescott, Grote, Ames 8t Co. Scotland, Commercial Bank. Apply or address (i( by letter pos paid) to ROCHE, BROTHERS nl9 67 Souih New York Sl'RIXG ty. Apply ARRANGEMENTS 1'Ott SEXGERS. vv PASS Passage from Ireland, via Liverpool Office 67 Sooth street, New York.

v3L Persons desirous of sending for tbeir friends SI' from any part of Ireland, can nrw make ar Spfi tsnsem*nts with the subscribers for their pns sagc in first clnss packet ship, sailing every eight ot ten days frt'm Liverpool. 1 nse wishing to remit ranncy can nave dralUoa the eenKer8 comprising ail tnat may oe requirea lor com Bnk orillmd corjn Hires ui i A nni. nru xir? mjiiTHL'BS ivi to ROCHE. BROTHERS OO. 67 South St.

Who beg leave respectfully to inform the pub ic they have no connection wiih any other oflwe or pers'n in New York. nSO RKMllTANCEs AS L'KAF I TO AND PASSAGE FROM IRELAND, ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES. tft? Persons desirous of sending for their to Great Britain and Ireland, can make for their passaae with the sub scribers ou reus enable terms, in fir eJass ships, sailing from Liverpool weekly. Those sending money to their friends con have drafts at sight, free discount, on the Royal Rank ol Irelind. Apply or address, if by letter, post paid.

ROCHE, BROTHEKF. CO. 67 Souih St. H. W.

SCOTT, Eden iusy, Dublin. N. Hoche. Brothers St Co. have no connection with any other office or per son in New York.

ii30 FOR LIVERPOOL. Packet of Deee.nbcr. Thi pa ketsh VIRGINIAN, Isaac Harris, master, wi.l nail as above, her regular day. For freight or passage apply on board, at foot of Maiden lane, or to ROBERT KERMIT. nl7 74S st.

FOR iiEL.lZfc JlOJii)URAS. Refu'ar Trader. The brig NINA. Alexander, after, will sail for the above porU, December 10th. For liuht freights or passaa having exii'llent jmiujilalioa, apply to Caotain boaid loot Pike aUor FERNANDO WOOD, tiCS 133 Wdsliing'on st.

FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. The wull known, last ffJPard copper frstened brig POWHATTAN, fcChase, bbl. ouiihen, is now rca dytor busuie. For terms, apply to e5 10 Front st. FOR SALE.

The fast sailine coonered and copper fast ened packet ship CHARLEMAGNE, 442 1 tons burthen, built in this city. She carries a good cargo and is of a light draft of water. For terms, apply to WM. WHITLOCK, Jr. nolo 45 South st.

nOAL. The ha subscriber has now on hand and is constantly receiving Blundeli's best Orrell Coal, selected expressly for the use of families also, the very beat quality 01 tiea Asn ocnuyiaiu, which he will sell either in lump or any ici required, and in lots to suit purchasers at the lowest morket price. Apply at the yard 433 Water street or to SAML. THOMPSON, n30 873 Pearl st. CURE YOUR COUGH.

Cure Cough Mrs. M. N. Gardner's Indian Falsam of imiy doing wonders for the cure of Cough, Coins and all Lung commit It is wholly egeiabie and it professes to, that is, cure 1 vour cough. It haj now been tenyars.

iee 60 cts. For sale by oost of the DiujeiM to ih city. Dle supplied bv E. M. GC1CN, 1S7 Boweiy, cor.

Grand and Hart's, cor. Chamber st, aud Broadway. nSO ZiASH HARDWARE, GUNS CUT LERY. The subscriber desirous of reducing stock is determined to sell extremely low fi cash, and invites purchasers to examine his stock ol the following goods Fine and common table cutlery Rodger's, Crookes Westenholm's cutlery Scissors, Rodger's, shelf hardware of all kinds Jnppannrd, plated and Britannia ware Fdee tools, files, siws, Locke, hinges, screws, die, guns, pistols, rifles Powder flasks, shot bags and game nets Gun Smith's materialsand fishing tackle of all kinds Math. inatical instruments pocket books and Wallets Measuring tape? and lands chains Card cases and memoranda books Palette knives, lancets, drug scales Mortars and pestles o25 A.

W. SPIES, 192 Pearl st. NEWCASTLE COAL AFLO AT. Now landing from ship Hogarth, foot of Pike street, a cargo of Coarse WaLVnd, Newcastle Coal of Riipur.orq'iality and largo size, suitable for family and manufacturing purposes, for sale in lots to suit purchasers, by RANDOLPH, 250 Washington street, cor of Loroy Greenwich sts. cfc East Broadway and n26 Gotiverneur streets.

OU1C1DE AND MURDER It is a pnn ciple of law, that if one neglects to for himsel what will save his life. commns suicide, and one's nnc lect to do for another what will save another's life, murder. Reader, have you consumption Arc any oi your friends suffering under this awful discsset Save youi own life and theirs by obtaining Dr. Allen's Balsam oi Horehound, Liverwort nnd riiurrsy iioov nave )oua couah pain in the side? do you raise blotd Oh. horrible run oh.

fly to the corner of Grand st. and Row. erv. and obtain Ol c. ivi.

union, ur. will save you, n.i'hng else. Jiim ra Hani d3 JUVENILE ANNUAL, a Christmas gift from Furv Land, a splendid illustrated work for children, by J. Paulding beautifully bmnd. Peter Parley's Christmas Gift, for 1839, bound in fancy paper.

The Child's Gem, for 1839, with 12 fine engravings, edited bv a Lady. Together with a large variety of books for children, bound in everv style for sale by line, among which are Cordage Anchors Chains Oils Paints Tar Pitch Rosin Putty Varnish Mops Spikes Nails je6 tr? liSO 134 Bowery, ALAGA FRUIT 300 boxes bunch Muscatel Raisins. 1000 hfbxes do do do 1200 qr do do do do SOU boxes ao ZOO casks Sun do 200 Id casks Sun do 200 casks Grapes 200 hfdo do 300 boxes Lemons, cargo ofthe brig Washington, all of Giro brand, selected fruit, and warranted equal to any impoited ibis seasen, now landing at pier 10, East River, and for sale bv CHAMBERLAIN, BROOM CO. ot7 2w 103 Front t. SHIF STORES ami SHIP CHANDLERY The subscriber has constsntly on hand a general and fall assortment of all articles ia the abovo Pork Molasses Beef Suar Bread Coffee Butter Tea Cheese Rice Lard Brandy Hams Gin Mackerel.

Rum Shad Champagne Codfish Claret Flour Muscat Herring Porter Vincgnr Cider FERNANDO WOOD, 103 and 133 Washington st. PORK AND BEEF. Ail BARRELS country inspection Mess Beef JUU 200 do dodo Prime Beef 100 bbls city inspection Prime Beef 150 do do Mess do 150 do do Mess Pork 200 do Prime Pork 600 city cured Hams Far sale by JACKSON BOGERT, SDZ5 iron is tree THE LAST NEW NOVEL. The Heir JL of St wood, by Mrs. Charles Gore, author of1 Pin Money," in 2 vols.

I2ro, just published and for sale by err.u b. ruivtLL, or may be had front the FraakEu Circulating Library 134 Bowery. nasi NEIY REFECTORY. 1 I3 J. SWEENEY bis friends and the public that he has opened a new Refectory in that large and elegant building.

No. 144 Fulton at. Fish, Flesh and Fowl are a ways to be found on his tables and every delicacy of the season provided as soon as it appears in the market. io care or attention wui 1 be wanting on his part to give general satifftcrion, and nc hopes to hnd that generous cneourspennent 1 l. i 1 i wiucn ne is 10 ucserve.

J.on r.cit a jy26tf CITY HOTEL. 3S The undersigned rcspw 'tfully inform the that they have the above named establishment, which will 111 future be kent bv then in a man' ner they trust, that shall give satisfaction to all wu may favor them with their patronaee, and entitle the house to retain the hijh reputation ia has so long sustained. The Assamby Room is now in complete order for Concerts, Balls, or Dinner Parties. Societies and Associations can have their annual Dinners served in the best possible style, and on liberal terms.

JOHN H. GARDNER, 0I8 E. PACKER. NEW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. id The subscribers have taken Rooms at No.

164 Broadway, up stairs, to avoid paying an exorbitant rent, and in order to bo able to manufacture Gentlemen's Clothing at a more reasonable rate than can 3 ariorden at oth places w.ich are not more eligibly situated. Every a entrusted to their hands will be made in the best manner and most approved style, and warranted to fit. Persons tarnishing the own Cloth can nave it made up at the following low prices Frock coats made and trimmed from87 00 to S9 00 Dress do 6 00 8 00 Pantaloons 1 25 1 75 Vests 125 175 All other Garments made in the same ratio of Pnces. TO THE TRAVELLING COMMUNITY. N.

B. Elegant Life Preserving India Rubber Vests, not to be dixtinguiehed from the ordinary Vests, re manufactured to order as above. ol7tf CLAPP WILLIAMS. 55 SADDLES, RR1DLES, HARNESS AXD COLLARS for sale, suitable for the Souto ern and Western market, and city use. Also, a large assortment of seal and horse hide Trunks, Leather Travelling Trunks, Veleices, Carpet tings, cic.

wholesale and retail, at 111 Pearl st, and comer of First st. and First Avenue, N. Y. IS. H.

The subscriber would particularly call the attention of his numerous friends and the public to a very splendid patent frame Travelling trunk which surpasses any improvement ever made in travelling trunks(for beauty, convenience, durability, safety ana cheapness) ever offered to the public, which will be warranted to stand constant usefor years without jeJ utUKtib JUtiriSUIN. PIANO FORTES FOR SALE. An assortment of Piano Fortes of superior quality, with grand action, and all the late improve ment, (inferior to none in touch, tone, materials and workmanship) warranted to stand any climate and ke.rp in tone eonal to any yet made. Did Pmno ortes taken 111 l.xcnange, CO impaired and Tuned in the bt st manner by THOMAS. GIBSON, ol7tf 61 Barclay street.

TFISliliLA IT heps most respectlullv a to inform the Ladies of New York and its vicinity, that he has on hand a great supply of the best of Fancy Furs, which he offers at very reductd prices, wholesale and retail. Observe 430 Broadway, near t.amil street. N. B. Mufi's, Boas, Pelerines, cleaned, repair ed, and altered to the latest fssliion on the most rea sonable terms.

no MENU, YOUTH'S and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. THE Subscribtti keep constantly on hand a very large assortment of Ready Made Clothing, suited to every age and size which will be sold at low prices for Cash. ubU. A. tit 1 1 ot it Bowery.

M' ORNING GOV A young lady experienced in teichin? wishes to be en gaged during the morniii ia giving private instruc tion, sne ouia e.tner aevoie a p*rnon 01 ner nine to one family exclusively or to a small class, where many private circle it would be agreeable to make the necessary arrangements, srie is competent to instruct in tho usual branches of an English educa tion, the rudiments of French, and Singing, together with a scientific knowledge of the Piano forte, wh ch instrument she has studied under eminent masters in F.urope. in this city she has taught. Address A. F. G.

this oliice. Pnvate lessons given on the Piano forte. o31 tf PREMIUM CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. 1 EOUGE A. HOYT No.

14 Bowery, have on hand an extensive assortment of fashionably made Children's Clothing, which obtained the premium at the recent fair,) which they are disposed to sell very cheap for Cash, either at wholesale or retail. LEHIGH COAL. FIRST QUA LIT LEHIGH COAL delivered on board of vessels, at Jersey City, N.J. 1st quality raked Coal 85 00 per ton ao. r.gge, o(oi2240 lbs.

do. Lnraked, 5 75 Jersey City, N. J. 6th month 29, 1833. E.

M. PATTERSON, Superintendent of the Lehigh Coal Sl au24 tf Navigation Co. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS just received at the Foreign and Classical Bookstore. 64 Broad, wiv. Aopert.

Bagnes, prisons et crtminels vol. in 8. (7 30. Dans sa preface, I'auteur dit a Le legiste ne don jamais oublier les faiblesses de I'espece humaine, mais bien suivre les prinuipes de I'Evangde et tendre uue main sectursole aux malheureox qu one vie uccnietue a do la 11 est b. uioiirs pi.s3ible de ranencr au bien ceux ii ne sont pas lout i fait gan entiiroment corrompua.

II so prononce en favour de 1'abolitioa de la marque et des neines infaran ri tes. Par rapport a peine de mort, I'auteur dit Par sentinien' nous Hidrivas qu'on put l'abohi, mais noire esprit n'estpoiat encore certain q'le le moment en soil venu." 11 est en faveur du ays'eme penitentiare, I'em nrisonnenient solitaire ou la colon'sation. Alton ver. Iutroduction a. Petu te philoaophiqus dc I'nistoircde I'iitmianitc 81 To.

Broussais. Hygiene morale, ou application de la physiologie la morale et a. I'educaiioa U. S. $1 25.

Cenie. Tr.i' 6 de legislation, on exposition dej luis renerales un ITT. vol. in 8. doubles coloents.

Fame, GrebSiifDumouim et Valerius. L. Belgique mdiiktrielle. Compte rendu de 1'rxposuion des prouuiu de l'mdustiie, en 1835 in 8 et 22 plauc.iea, $2 75. Parent Du hitel et Hyricne publique, nu mcmoire sur les questmn les plus impoitantes ne pliquee aux professions et aux traviux publics 2 vol, in n.

0u, Parent Duchatel et De la prostitution de la ville de Paris, coiwideiee rois le lappott de I'hygine pub'iqus, de morale et de 1'adiniaiistranon 2 vol. in 3. Paris. $4 50. Un vol.

in 8. Bruxelles. S3 50. Etudes sur la constitution des peuples li fl 50. Billard.

Tranc des maladies des en fans nouveau nes et a la mamelle io 8. 50. Clark. Trade dc la consomption pulmonaire in 8. SI 60.

Lemercier de Manneville. Precis aaalytiqae des fci ences 00 traite 'tieasentaire de physiqne, relative la meJecine, d'anai miie humaioe, de nosogrv phie et de iberapeutique in 0 8Z. Poailtet. Eleroens de phvsique experimentale et de meteorolngie, in 8, un gr. vol.

A doubles colonaes, avec atlas de 23 1 lancbes in 4. 54 50. Rayer. Tiaite thcorique et pratique des maladies de la peau, gr. ui 9, a deux dtonoes.

pC5. 1 TM i.M.ii.n. JIiriIm ihiminn. NO. 27 PINE STREET.

WILSON'S HIGHLY IMPROVED PATENT MANIFOLD WRITERS, roa COPYING LETTERS, IXVOICES, DR.WIXCS, PLANS, Ac Ac 00 This invention will produce a LETTER WITH ITS COPY at ONE OPERATION or, if required, a LETTER with TWO AC SIMILES to send abroad, with a single Pen, (Style) whicii is so durable that it will last for centuries without repair. This extraordinary Apparatus, from its simplicity and denatrh in nnenm.n w.ll r. i. I v.l: i uo no i conn wi, un mwij wm i re 1 tts poriauuiiy in cuusiiutiiun, is Hunnra'jiy auapieu lor solicitors, 'Merchant and nersons returned. Those remitting money to their friends can I tra vpllinar nr ahrnnil tliv j.i:.i L' trarellm or s.iinj abroad: they are also stronrly recommended fwith th rwpntlv im proved Copying aad Carbonic Paper, which is quite free from smelh to the Clero v.

Mem. bers of Congress, Lesislatutes, Bankers, Commission Merchant. Rubers and to all hn have occasion to WTite much, and desire to keep Copies or send Duplicates abroad, to whom it will prove a great savin? ot time, trouble, and expense. N. B.

Constantly on hand, a splendid assortment of POCXF1T ROOKS NF.F.TYi.F; BOOKS, CARD CASES, MERCHANTS' BILL BOOKS, and PORT FOLIOS, of every ucacripuuu. 4S NASSAU STREET. 11 AT.S 1 HATS possessing alt the requisites of the root costly, at the reduced nn. xiic cvmiaini ao its ooentiv and ao iutilv mail hv iha, rbri. ions, of betnz unnble to uroeure a Hai that will Wm THE CONFECTIONER'S APPEAL TO EVERT BODY IN THE WORLD.

Come all who Iwve most desire to live. And like tne cood tbinca tlial iliis oiMean give. Prav one moment with JOHN PRr: At OS, Ami in UIVIHHJN STRECT, wtaer. KoKTT voca acc on Buret the sight, behnlil! ncr auk for more The RICH CUNKtXTKr.S thai be haw ere. Al every (lance I he (axerlukes, Thetr is no pan a tore pleaainr Imn our Catt.

There ia the Lnayrtf, the ifponrt. lire Pnaii, And better in this world eann ic be fnanrf Kauiin, xt The Ornamental Vnr with the Ttmrnb! AM then, the Ahnoud, CeecauMT, toe Jtodk is seen, rue.l up on Jumble, war, the Pmmt, Queen Aua Ihon, there ia our MihTO.V Kb AM. Uh all Anil every 1IU1 en woi l.ihe mn dcan call Ana then our faN Dl8 are aacloar aa hroiu reppenunltick, HtNrr frren 10 IfTaYe rom Saufra; Bin, CVeaaw Aim! are precisely rterj thine Hie, seeni Ami then out SNM.D KU.It u. be lien. Frrim Pint YrU Anrn to rf.a,l And then or COMFlTt.

whir are very rare. Of Varawff, cannot be ioiind elarm here AnIIKOI4of PepperminLot Bmt and Clere. A arwnBtie aathe laii. el'kM. And then our all be seen.

From iewran, Ctner, to 'inler frrtn Andaunie rar.r4PrCEdof the rame rwwiclaaa, Maile out of Awnitrrd and Tiiea Kt aav.CAMUY, whtcb we mat kare ramie, Aabeaitfiuilasean he eajled the tlrdA And then we have kJH AN I) MOfV, aa clear Aa Ladus' Kiaaaa. wkirh we bold moat dear! And tliea our lAatlwill your eye, Ol Oyster. Cranberry. Caa.arrf, farifiia Fief Ami men A'ayaf AtVnceaBj Crepe And Stece( aeaf Twa, oft very kind and shape And en J13 J.lEA, they are all trie beet, rmm Catf' fuot dnwn 10 Vrren (or each hte And toein Putiuvu. fYtrrPewaiUB 10 Qauaae, And tVr apt, jnai made ooe nioiBent atore.

iV aide have tea IhwiodTOYn, Of Rnhhitm. liartr, Uwno plcaae tX Hoya. AndVIN4uf every blch we oowbvkl, From one rlay up to Airy auinniers eJit. be ailesnl! Parriu niay be here ruiilied, A(k1 we wHl wait Uoa iheia all wtih prate. And we have now.

in mke our Sanfaries. The be PORT WINK that everrrt aaed the seas. And more UianaH, wu ot troth, ri. ratre, got the Ice Vream Prewinm rtlke Fair vl rrk. IRB.

o. NOTICE TO RAIL ROAD COM ACTOR S. Proposals will received nntil tha Blh day of Deoemt'er next, tlie ofiiee of the New 1 ork and Albany Kail Road Com piny. No. 2S Wall street, new ork lor the gradine and maaonry ol a its thnpe and color until worn out, wdl be strictly ob 1 ot lne lw section of the Ne York and viatedatthisertabiishinents the proprietors being re 1 Albany Rail Road.

For further irformatioo apply at the soivea to seep Dut one quality. They therefore confidently anticipate an ample share of patronage from tlu sa who will receive the bsneiit of their system, tian eiy, the public to whor* patronage they are imlebtel for the decided preference already awarded to teir estahlisnmenL sl WRIGHT CO. No. 146 Chatham st. FASHIONABLE HAT EMPORIUM.

eOrvSrejAio part of pentlcman's dress to which tlie nocne of indivduals is more attracied than the Hat the style and beauty of his appearance is therefore a matter of grout moment to every person of Fashion. FORCE, 241 Broadway, natters himself that he has. after Inn and rmtirina research and experience in the manufacture of tliea ling, and iu receipt, more than one million sterliugperan nunu The accounts ofthe conrraiiv will he nude un aiih of every year, when each insurer wU! be credited with hia share of the profits derived from lis operations, in pro portion to Ihe auiouirtot pjeiuiiiin paid by him, and thereupon a certificate of stock to the amount credited will be isnied, bearine such a rate of interest aathe invcatuieuM will a'low, and which investments are to lie mede aa provided for by the charter, in bonds and uionajesaod public sticks. Should this company meet with but or.hnary success, the accumulation of its profits, which are never to be divi iienoMrinr ma existence 01 tia cmrttcr, but are to be funded at the termination of each year, or ofienerlf deemed ciprdieiit, will within comparatively short time, give it a ery and render it in a perird of years, able iu mr i iu utn a loan aa inai oi vecemoer, This thus presents peuliar afvanlares to those persons who pay insurance without being aloe holder in insurance companies It also recommend itaelf wnh great force lo all who are either their cwuiastirer or wlio i.ikureiessihen il.ey have at risk, as th nw be certain of iiatii a fund to nieeta losa, or of receiving stock paying iuiereit, for their proponion of the profit. It deemed of a that this company has the rutlu to bm unrine and fire risks, asm cae ofanyexira 1 r.iinary lossin eiihernf tiiese branches of insurance, the areua.uialiou of one would probably mike 1 for any defi li.

ncy iu Hie other. i lie miety in iurance Company sut nut this statement in full confidence that its plm and ohj, e' will recommend tbeiii seives mailperaon deiirou of efTeciiug insurance. John Duer litieiMfl William Kent John C. Cruder Ktifu Lord Jtcoh Harvey RuK rn C. Verplanck Theodore Sedcwick, Jr.

Hmrv Hrevoort, Jr.'cw Smiih Robert Rrhuyler Alfred Pell Siducy Brooks I'alebRirilelt Anh'ir Uronson Jolin llarjier John L. 3i phena Mnrtiiiter l.i N.ithaniol Weed Beverly RoUnaoa James W. Otis GcoreB Smith David C. Thomas Joseph Blunt.

ZEBEDkF. CK. President. AI.FKEU 1 KlJ Vice President Jos B. CoLLirs, Pecrelary.


The only genuiru artiele known to the public under the above name, and which is prescribed and References to sonic of the first I recommended hy many of the most respectable phy aicians and families in tho country, may be had ia mis city at tne following mcaicai stores, where circulars witii e. may be seen, viz A. it D. Sands, 100 Fulton, corner of William street. J.

B. Dodd, 613 and 741 Broadway. A damson Oliff, 699 Broad way nnd 6 Bowery. Bushton Aspinwall, 85 Wiilium st. 110 Broadway and 10 Astor Houie.

S. Carlo Nephew, cor. Water and Fulton st J. L. Shclli lin, 111 Canal st.

Dr. Symcs, 63 and 330 Bowery. J. Tarrant, 266 Greenwich sL B. Chamber at.

E. A. McClean. 203 Greenwich street E. CAR.

E. Moss, 492 Grand street Henry Wilson, 456 Hndnon st, W. M. Thurman, 161 Canal st. J.

O. Halloek, '296 Spring sU J. M. Smith, 163 Fulton sL Brooklyn. Bryre, 17 James stre 1, do.

and at wholesale by Hoadley, Phelps Co. 142 Water st. New York, and by of the other wholesale Druggists. $jT Be particular and see that each box is signed G. It.

Phelps, M. D. Hartford, Conn. None others are genuine. A liberal discount made to thone who purchase to sell again.

Retail price 37 and 75 cents per box. 17tf MOUNT LEBANON CEMETERY. THE Book of Subscriptions lo this Cemetery is now open at No. 21 Wall street where ps, and any information relating to ths plan, can be obtained. vation of nearly one hundred feet,) is susceptible of being more highly ornamented witn monumental mementos of aflectional remembrance, and with fljwers, shrubbery, and trees, than anv other plot of like dimensions ever dedicated to ths same purpose.

The present price of a lot and vault of the nost perfect construction, is one hundred and seventy five ap I dollars, payable upon completion of the vault, and delivery of the deed. nl2tf LAWRENCE E. EM FREE. WORKS oILOitn CHb.STERFlF.LD including bis Letters 10 his son, to wbich is prefixed an original life of the author. First com plete American ediuon.

Just published and for sale by RAYNOR, dl 76 Bowery. Ubles, servant, dans les aaahses, a ealcuier la quant I removed by this article whicki is perteciiy saie.eaany 1 1 ifm ..4 it miii Mil rav one stUMtaace a apres cese a ete irouve irane 1 applied. ana cevaia I Allen, pv Joordsn. et an, mente de tableaux svnoptiquea rt d'un memoire rit P. naliSH chii 'que, par Valerius, gr.

vol. in 8, a deuxco lonnes. 93 to. Roequancourt Cortrs elementaira art et a htsloir miiii aires, jr. 8.

83. dl "ITER FOR ATRD BKISTOL BOARDS. A For fancy work, screens, All colors. Just received and lor sale at HAS RAYNOR' Bookstore, dl 76 Bowery, (J 'LOVER SEED. 10 tierces prime, just received and for sale by WADSWOllTM oun, nt2 4 Jones lane.

A TKlNON'S DEFILA lOKi remo 1 a u.i. the neck and arms. de I This greM of female beauty is effectually moves the hair, but by a re etiuoo, destroys tha root. and eoosequen'Iy the growtn, Price two dollars For sale bv at Guien's, I B9 Bre3wa andE M.Guioa's, 127 Bawery, cor. Grand at.

oi oerneraflieviraJidPihest, Sl ofiiee of lUe company as rbove staled. xty order 01 me Executive Co nmittee JO. K. PLtXJM FIELD, Commisf ion.T N. York Albany It R.

yew York, Nov. 1353. n28 lit WARREN'S HORSE PlIVTKR. AIS'ISW tnventioD, which hns been thoroughly proved during the pnst year, and ran be sold for half the price of any oihrr invention row before the public I'rice dollars, Ui he used by one horse, and 950 for two horses. This horse power is suitable for all kinds of uvea: for mills, circular saws, turning lathes, and especially threshing machines and cotton gins.

Abo for sale. Warren's Wrought Iron Threshing Mai bine, w'dch is fcivhl approved of. One nun and a boy cn tend iu Pike, 1 iiurac puwer ino iw aorw powers inndi hl? nd now one" fnd for 82 50 lev rs for one hor power. 82 50. the itublic lo an artK lc worthv of th Mr inn 1 7.

"w' 1 io, oy article, beautiful, light and durable. N. B. Pana and London Fashions received monthly. A constant assortment of Gentlemen's Riding Caps, Youth's Caps, Umberellas, Travelling Trunks, eVc.

dtc je9 IMPORTANT. TO THE FASHIONABLE PUBLIC. I3r KEELKR PYN No. 4 Wall street, are now ready to exhibit for sale, their splendid Parisian Mole Skin Hats, which for beauty of style will be found to compete with any others ottered to the community. We deem it a dnty we owe to our patrons and the public generally, to infirm them what (he Mole Skin Hat really is.

It nothing more or less, than a superior quality of Silk Hat. Many of our patrons having applied for this information, we take this opportunity of informing the public generally. KEELER PYNE. 4 Wallst, Mortimer Buildings. P.

S. The latest London style for fine Beaver natsis reic lor insocction. F. KEELER; Into Foreman to Leary Co. W.

H. PYNE, from London. 0I6 OFFli: OFTUE SAFETY IX81WANCE CO. i No 2i Mt rehKnts' Eicliaoire. cor of Hanover at I IT3 THU SA1ETY l.Na'uRANC'E CO WFA cliarter tni iu me taai 01 ine ipiiure 01 tnis sub unit the following statement of the nature of the company and Us adTanlaes The plan upo.i wliich it is proposed to conduct tfce ailura of linn cunpauy ia mnilar inila I ex ling features to tliatof the Epiit ilile Society of London for the insurance of lives, which Ins within a period of sixty years become au ir.Btuu tinn of immense power and usefuluca.i,iu capital beinrin the year Iff, upwards of eleven uiillions of ooumla arer.

Orders from any part of the United State or Cans No, E. 126 Narsan strteuN. York. HIGHLY lAiPORTANT. TKRTIl TEETH Dr DAVIS informs the pubbc that in twenty minutes he cures the Tooth ache without extraction or pain guaaranteed never sgain to ache; an uie let in irom wnicn tne enamel is rvmoved or corroded cured with the operation.

Botanic InCr are, Na 214 Washington st. d3 3m ToEW PUBLISHING AND BOOKS EXe. IV LING ROOM. The subscriber wouj rrp. ct fuljy inform the omens ol New Ywrk aud ihe public generaUy, that he has jurt opens I a mom in Fulton st.

as Branch of his Biwton House, for the pnrpose of fur. aishing al wholesale and retail, the publications issued by him, and such oiher useful works as are snost geiio rally called for. In addnioa lo an aisottmect of bocks 't a moral, religious and character, in 1 I 1 i iu'dj ocnom Doom, 11 is ms n.icrnrn always lo keep 00 hand all the meat papular and aseful weiks rolatu to Health. Among is own publications are. Dr.

A Icon's Family series of Books, emitted the Young Husband, th Young Wife, tte Yrui.g Housekeeper and Hing Mother, the Boston Bm edued by B. B. Thatcher the Parent's Pieaet.t, by Peter Parley the Italian Sketch Book the Scientific Tiacts the Hotue I Live In, (recently republihed in Lotidoa and the I jbiaiy of Health, a monthly Periodical, edited by I. A'co'U GEO. W.

LIGHT. Ill Fuiloa streoU N. B. The Young Husband jost out of press, and will anon be issued. Riches without Wnars, a Story by a ooou'arf' mat writer.

mtS NEHUXMDRED THOUSAND CASES of Fever and Ague snaually cured hy the original cad genuine Kgwanu's Tonic Mix'nre." or Vegetabl Febrifuge. We have mora than 10 COO certificates, which most cenclusively prove th. infallibility of thrs medicine, as being the moat speedy and certain cura known when uroperly nacd. J. O.

FAY, General Agent, at Drug Store. 193 Bmaway. Franklin Hoisr, hi York. Retailed at 100 Fulton st Brwerv 114 Cteal at I OS Grecawich at and ol Rawls ic Ca. Alb.ay.

r.23 SALT RHKUM! SALT RHEUM AND RING WORMS GnWVs erlebrated Wash for the above disease, pirr plrs on th face, and oilier diseases of the skin 1 and it is most happily efficacious for Uiat very prevalent and vexatious affliction, sometimes called "Jackson or Barber's Itch," produced by impurities in the eoapnwd in no m. dancenas ibis medicine failed to cure trtea bove named disease, nor will it fail if used according to tbe direction. Bring a wash, it is plcsant and safe to use, will not soil, and may be applied 10 the most delicate infant. The disease of the skin embrace a variety of fonusjniih retd chappy, or windled, cracked, rough or 6caly appearance, end patches of various shspes and sixes, which may receive a speedy and pennanent care at a ttiflire expense, as thousands in this city can testify. It re quires no reuinciions 10 met or cxposnre.

Wholesale and retail by JONATHAN ONTHANK, General A eni. At Drugstore 193 Broadway, (Franklin Hoae,) corner of Dey street retailed at 493 Grand street 114 Canal stroet; 35 Sixth Avenue; 263 Bleetkcr corner of Broadway and Duane Rawls 4. Co. Albany, NY. Dr Wadsvmmh 4t Batch.

Prowiener, RI corner of Fulton Hicks sts, Hrooklyo Bad ptr's, Broad Newark, NJ Fowler's, Newhurgt Nelson CUy, Kineston, Burnett Pollard, Pateraon, NJ 1 Rowland's, 163 Washington at. Boston Ramsey's, Cincinnati, Ohio; Bernard Co Tallahasce, Florida. d3 flMIE DEMOCRAT'S ALMANAC JL Th Denvrat's Almanac and PolitK al Register, for 1859, containing the Derlaranoo of lode pendene and the Cofisiiiultoo of the Uniud State, with a I mi of the Chief Executive, and Jaficial CfScera, irtatc' Senalors aal M'Bibersof Congreaa, tiovainoia of Ihe States and Territories, and the times of holding Elections, and the place and lime of the State Legiala lures, together wiih the votes for Preeident a Governors of Statos and Members ol Congress ia 18:6. 18ST and 1S38. Also a variety of intetesuue from tbe speeches and w'nrmgs ofthe Patriarch of L.

inocracy. Jast iublahed and for rale by ISRAEL POST, a27 99 Hnwerv. WHY WILL YE DIE Take the tin. cers advice of a disinterested frter and bcfoie the corroding arm of that insiduooa BK)Dter Cooun tion, has cncirclid in bis fatal embrace, try one bottle of JAYNti'H EXPECTOKAN 1', that unrivaurd preserver of health aad live to a good old age. Wbv Will Ya Die When, for one dollar.

TOti ran procure a remedy ibax will not on ive yon from lie ravages of an awful dun ase, but secure lo you best Bf gifts Health. Wl Wdl Yo Die? Y. thai ara afflicted wi Asb. ma. Cough, tion.

or any other arsse the Limes when Dr. AYNE'S EXPECTORANT his never failed lo cure Asthma. Prepared and sold, wholesale and, at 20 South Third street. Philadelphia aad by A. B.

6i D. Sand. Druggists, 100 Fulton creel and by Peter BurarU, 33 Six1 a avenue. New York. Price, tl.

tf IS imrsuanceTif a power contained in a certain imien'm a JL of inortsase which has been assigned to the snbscnl er he will sell al public auction at the atore of Ihinn. Cotton Sc Co. No. 197 Chatlatai aureet. in the city of New York, 011 theZMday of February nexx.

al twelve o'clock al noon 'all Among me many a.ivani or. luu, njnjx, lhM ceruln lot of sround, with the buildims and imprt ve place 01 sepulture, may De Staten tne petiecisecu ments thereon erected, aituaie, lying and beins in tl.e ninth ntv from desecration throueh all azes the sreat redaction of expense, from th abandonment of lengthy and expensive processions through our streets; added to the conviction that the plot of ground embraced within the limits of this Cemetry say of 00 by 720 feet, fronting the Hudson river, and crauuauv name to ine cicvrmin avenue, isn ele ward of Ihe city of New York, in Amoa street, near church, beins the k4 adjwning lour formerly in the po aion of William W. fJilbert. Est), fronting north on Aim ft. aforesai'L be.n 25 feet front and rear, and in lentil.

9C fi i more or (. and is boimded easterly by the an id lot of tbe said William W. f.ilbert," Ihe said lx eorurm es a a point en ihe aoutlierly side of Amos street, 151 feet inches wevwanlly of Fourth afreet. The names nf the inonruiers in the above centi. inrrt age, are Wachnrton roaiiKk and Mary aiiu Siaai and the name of the mort agee is William J.

Ihe name of Ibe assignee of said mortgage ia Waiier luore. The said mortgage is dated tfie twenty third ofNoven.bcr 1832, and became due and pavaLle theJd of Ncvel er, ltOT and ia reennled Willi ihe newer of ale therein, con tained ULer 157 of Mortjarees 332 ia the office ot tneRegu4erofDeeds.inliiceiiyoi. ewicra The saiu iium axi.1 Williaui Melntoah, 10 raM Walter Skidmore, is i tiie aecond of iHoiuber. ItXH. and is recorded in aaid Re.

listers office, iu liher ol Moniraeea, pare 1 17. Tlie amount cram.edlo I due on aaid uiongare at lbt dale oft is advertisem*nt being the time of brstpubU cation thereof, I 'he rem of SHOO for principal and imj. rruereon. since ibe Zl of May which iniereat will cot be due and payable until the twenty third 1 I nnt. of November IHteil Nw York, tlie Clh ofBepteroher.

IWi. 6 law VV ALTER SKIDMOEE. THIRTY LIVES LOST Most distret inc indeed it is that so many of our feRow ciU seas and'eeunttymen sln vM be earned off bv Coosump tma every week. Dr. AUcn's Balaam of rlorehaaroal.

Liverwort, ed Pleurisy Root will save. 60 nvea in a week, yea' 30 times 30. If have eontumolina or colds, coughs, pain in the side, or palpataiioa of tha fart, astinna, and prefer age lo death, Ual lo ttck arss. go Kfcmtdia'e'v ti Ut Bawery, cor. tJ Grand at and tboasent, Guioo, will fcrniaa yoa with this worteeitul na asm.

n3U rnilR BOSTON MECHAMC, AND i JOURNAL of the useful Arts and Srvnee, 4 vols, in 3. Awoik of great value to all Mechanics. Published and for sale wholesale ar.d retail, by GEOKGF. LIGHT, 126 Fulxm suesU.

The Evening Post from New York, New York (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.