Take to the Skies With the New Owlin Race From Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos (2024)

Take to the Skies With the New Owlin Race From Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos

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Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos introduces the owlin, a new race of owl-like humanoids, to the Dungeons & Dragons multiverse. Distant descendants of giant owls from the Feywild, these fluffy fliers make for the perfect Strixhaven bookworms. They can also fit into any campaign as heroes who enjoy dodging the attacks of enemies while flapping in the air and delivering their own blows with raucous hoots.

Here’s a sneak peek at the owlin, along with some ideas for playing and building your own avian adventurer.

  • Owlinracial traits
  • An owlin's outlook on life
  • Building an owlin character
  • More previews fromStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos

Owlin racial traits

Take to the Skies With the New Owlin Race From Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos (2)Owlin come in all shapes and sizes and are as varied as the strigiformes of the real world. Some might have the majestic, multicolored feathers of a great horned owl with massive tufts around their eyes, granting them a distinguished, wizened appearance. Others may appear strikingly white like snowy owls or possess the seemingly gentle faces of barn owls.

Whatever their exterior appearance, owlin are all classified as humanoids, and upon first glance, their racial traits bear a resemblance to the eagle-like aarakocra. There are a few key differences, however, since owlin can come in either Medium or Small size. Owlin also possess a faster walking speed of 30 feet.

The following are other notable racial traits:

Darkvision. Owls are renowned for their nocturnal habits, and owlin are no exception. They can see in dim light within 120 feet.

Flight. Owlin can fly at their walking speed of 30 feet. Their flight capabilities aren’t quite as powerful as their aarakocra cousins, who can fly at 50 feet. But both races share a similar handicap: they can’t wear medium or heavy armor if they hope to take to the skies. It’s tough to spiral up into the air if you’ve got plate mail weighing you down, after all!

Silent Feathers. Owlin have proficiency in Stealth, which makes perfect sense considering that owls are birds of prey known for snatching mice out of the darkness, making nary a sound.

What about ability score increases?

When you create an owlin using the rules from Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos, you can choose to increase one ability score by 2 and another by 1, or choose to increase three different scores by 1.

An owlin’s outlook on life

Owlin could easily be roleplayed as wise creatures, similar to how their namesakes have been portrayed in ancient Greek and Roman mythology. One can easily imagine groups of owlin delving into the ancient tomes that exist in Strixhaven’s miraculous Biblioplex, mastering all manner of arcane knowledge. The nocturnal nature of some owlin can also make them the sort of Strixhaven students who are prone to pulling all-nighters, or at least sleeping in and missing the occasional class or two.

Their Feywild heritage, however, means that the owlin’s aptitude for studying might be tempered with an underlying current of whimsy and unpredictable mischief, perhaps giving the race something in common with other Fey ancestries like harengon and faeries. Don’t assume that your owlin must be limited to the world of Strixhaven — these birds could be excellent carnival workers in The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, an adventure that would also give them a chance to explore their Fey lineage.

Make your owlin character your own

While common owl stereotypes are a solid start for developing an owlin adventurer, feel free to defy these tropes or look at lesser-known folklore for inspiration. In many myths from African countries, for instance, owls were associated with witchcraft and seen as heralds of death. This is perfect fodder for an owlin who’s a bit grimmer and gothic than one might expect.

Building an owlin character

With the freedom to increase ability scores as you see fit, the owlin race works well for a wide variety of characters and can easily encompass spellcasting and martial archetypes. For a few focused suggestions, consider the following:

  • Silent Feathers makes owlin naturally stealth-inclined. An owlin rogue could creep up on an enemy from above and deliver a devastating dive bomb strike, then Disengage as a bonus action to avoid retaliation. Remember that owlin can only fly if they wear light armor, so plan your gear, melee strikes, and escape routes accordingly.
  • For those who want to combine spell-slinging with roguish backstabbing, an owlin Arcane Trickster is the way to go. Alternatively, an owlin monk following the Way of the Shadow would be an interesting character with both magic and melee at their disposal, and the Shadow Step ability that allows for teleportation in dim light and darkness works perfectly for a predator of the night. For inspiration, check out the Talon assassins who carry out wetwork for the Court of the Owls, the shadowy organization featured in the Batman comics and the upcoming Gotham Knights video game.
  • Going back to African myths regarding owls as harbingers of death, try creating an owlin who utilizes the subclasses from Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft. An owlin with an unnerving face — perhaps fashioned after the Sri Lanka bay owl — who communicates with ghosts as a College of Spirits bard would instantly be a memorable character. If you’re playing as a warlock, perhaps your owlin could even turn his head 180 degrees as he uses a scrying ball to chat with his warlock patron, an ancient lich!
Build your owlin on D&D Beyond

When Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos becomes available on D&D Beyond, you can purchase the book in the marketplace or simply buy the owlin race separately. Then, use D&D Beyond’s character builder to experiment with different builds and classes to bring your vision of these stealthy avians to life.

Study more about Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos

Owlin aren’t the only new addition to Dungeons & Dragons withStrixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos. Releasing December 7, the book contains a host of new backgrounds, spells, and magic items to make your tenure at the most enchanting school across the planes all the more memorable, as well as plenty of monsters to match wits against. Keep your eyes peeled for more previews from D&D Beyond!

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Jeremy Blum (@PixelGrotto) is a journalist, gaming blogger, comic book aficionado, and fan of all forms of storytelling who rolled his first polyhedral dice while living in Hong Kong in 2017. Since then, he's never looked back and loves roleplaying games for the chance to tell the tales that have been swirling in his head since childhood.


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  • MisaSasekage

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    #2 MisaSasekage

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    Posted Dec 6, 2021

    Owlin Echo Knight named Who's Who.

  • TheWarriorzZz

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    #3 TheWarriorzZz

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    Posted Dec 6, 2021

    This is an interesting Race. I feel like the more races that Wotc releases the worse they become. There really isn't much difference between the Owlin and the Aarockaceroa (don't judge me for spelling it wrong :). I would say the only thing better in the Owlin is the automatic stealth proficiency, which if you're going to be a rouge and take the criminal or urchin background you already get that. Overall, I would like to see Wotc stop releasing races. Interesting concept though.


    Notes: Please limit spam-based commentary.

    Last edited by Sedge: Dec 7, 2021

  • Zrag

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    #4 Zrag

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    Posted Dec 6, 2021

  • GrunTheBitter

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    #5 GrunTheBitter

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    Posted Dec 6, 2021

    Quote from TheWarriorzZz >>

    This is an interesting Race. I feel like the more races that Wotc releases the worse they become. There really isn't much difference between the Owlin and the Aarockaceroa (don't judge me for spelling it wrong :). I would say the only thing better in the Owlin is the automatic stealth proficiency, which if you're going to be a rouge and take the criminal or urchin background you already get that. Overall, I would like to see Wotc stop releasing races. Interesting concept though.


    I agree on the ridiculous races. I never thought about how many elves there were until SPACE ELVES

  • VultureSniper

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    #6 VultureSniper

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    Posted Dec 6, 2021

    Quote from TheWarriorzZz >>

    This is an interesting Race. I feel like the more races that Wotc releases the worse they become. There really isn't much difference between the Owlin and the Aarockaceroa (don't judge me for spelling it wrong :). I would say the only thing better in the Owlin is the automatic stealth proficiency, which if you're going to be a rouge and take the criminal or urchin background you already get that. Overall, I would like to see Wotc stop releasing races. Interesting concept though.


    Keep in mind that the aarakocra don't gain darkvision. And the Owlin gains darkvision to a range of 120 feet, with no Sunlight Sensitivity.

    Again, if you want to play a flying race with darkvision, the Winged Tiefling is a better option. You can hover, and fly in medium armor. Fire damage is also fairly common, so that's useful.

    The way I see it, all flying races are based off of the aarakocra, but with several trade-offs. With Winged Tiefling, you are trading some speed for darkvision and fire res, as well as the ability to fly in medium armor. With Owlin, your darkvision range increases, you are trading fire res for Stealth proficiency, and you can't fly in medium or heavy armor.

    The situation with armor isn't too much of a drawback, because I like to play flying races as spellcasters or marksmen. The trade of fire res for Stealth proficiency might be good or bad depending on the campaign. In more intrigue campaigns, Stealth proficiency is better, as you get more skill proficiencies. Otherwise, choose fire res, because you can always pick up Stealth from your class or background. Being able to hover while you fly pairs extremely well with Steady Aim. To sum up, I don't see the Owlin as being a good potential substitute to Winged Tiefling.

  • MearlinsBeard

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    #7 MearlinsBeard

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    Posted Dec 6, 2021

    I love the flavour of the Owlin. We don't all play to min/max and it's nice to have variety in WOTC published content. You can always say no to something at your own table if it doesn't suit your playstyle or preferences!

  • plopped123

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    #10 plopped123

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    Posted Dec 6, 2021

    Sure the dark vision is nice… but this feels like a copy of the aaraco*ckra. Also, why would fly slower and still not be able to wear armor? Plus, if you want to be a owl-person just play a arraco*ckra as a owl. Or a kenku, but that makes less sense. The stealth is… ok? You’ll probably want that for a rouge but you would also get it from a background… what’s the point?

  • EricHVela

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    #11 EricHVela

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    Posted Dec 6, 2021

    Most IRL owls have disadvantage at close range. I'd carry that over into Owlin, but given the weird head movements and piercing eyes, I'd give them expertise in intimidation.

  • ScrollCollector88

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    #12 ScrollCollector88

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    Posted Dec 6, 2021

    Quote from TheWarriorzZz >>

    This is an interesting Race. I feel like the more races that Wotc releases the worse they become. There really isn't much difference between the Owlin and the Aarockaceroa (don't judge me for spelling it wrong :). I would say the only thing better in the Owlin is the automatic stealth proficiency, which if you're going to be a rouge and take the criminal or urchin background you already get that. Overall, I would like to see Wotc stop releasing races. Interesting concept though.


    Yeah but they won't, they don't care about the opinions of the few, especially older players. They will improve this game with the newer generation in mind and that means variety. They put these races through surveys and guess who takes those surveys, those who use the internet more, usually the younger generation. Just embrace the influx of new players and popularity that leads to new content and a longer lifespan for D&D in general. Either that or go to pathfinder.

  • IsaacLinenfelser

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    #13 IsaacLinenfelser

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    Posted Dec 6, 2021

    "Owls are renowned for their nocturnal habits, and owlin are no exception. They can see in dim light within 120 feet." Is this a typo? Shouldn't it be dim light and darkness?

  • AnselMerric

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    #14 AnselMerric

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    Posted Dec 7, 2021

    It's a shame they didn't get Flyby.

  • silverstaff078479

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    #15 silverstaff078479

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    Posted Dec 7, 2021

    I like the owlin but when can the plasmoid be official I love the plasmoid UA race and I think It’s slime time.

  • Ithia_DungeonMaster

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    #16 Ithia_DungeonMaster

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    Posted Dec 7, 2021

    Because I don’t like the TCoE variants, if I put this is my world, I’m gonna have a required (or at least recommended) +2 Wis, +1 Int.

  • Kusabii

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    #17 Kusabii

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    Posted Dec 7, 2021

    The UA Owlfolk was so good I was hoping the official release wouldn't totally gut it, but boy was I wrong.
    Without Nimble Flight and Magic Sight,it seems like Owlin are just watered down Aaraco*kra.. Oh well. At least they're still cool flavor-wise?

  • 3rd_Dnd_Group

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    #19 3rd_Dnd_Group

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    Posted Dec 7, 2021

    Quote from plopped123 >>

    Sure the dark vision is nice… but this feels like a copy of the aaraco*ckra. Also, why would fly slower and still not be able to wear armor? Plus, if you want to be a owl-person just play a arraco*ckra as a owl. Or a kenku, but that makes less sense. The stealth is… ok? You’ll probably want that for a rouge but you would also get it from a background… what’s the point?

    Owls are realistically much slower than eagles or falcons which theAarakocra are based off of. The lack of being able to use armor is because birds are light and have non magical flying. Meaning they still need the physics of their light hollow bones in order to fly. Also, you can get almost any proficiency from backgrounds. By this logic, any given proficiencies from any other races as well are deemed "useless". Owlin also give you more customization with your ability score bonuses for being able to do different classes than just rogue. Most of the people I play with almost always take stealth as a proficiency regardless of their class due to its critical importance when investigating, which happens very often. Most Owlin builds Ive seen are Rangers and Druids.

  • HailRobonia

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    #20 HailRobonia

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    Posted Dec 7, 2021

    "We're owl exterminators!"

    - Igner Wernstrom

  • IWantMyBurd

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    #22 IWantMyBurd

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    Posted Dec 7, 2021

    Make an owlin monk.

    Become a Shaolin owlin.

    I'll see myself out.

  • Limrasson

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    #23 Limrasson

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    Posted Dec 7, 2021

    What if this *insert animal here* had a vaguely humanoid body but animal face and then you could play it?
    Of course the "it's a human but *insert colour* or "it's an elf, but *insert enviroment*" isn't too much better, right?

  • Panda_wat

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    #24 Panda_wat

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    Posted Dec 7, 2021

    I think this looks really cool and I can't wait to get the book! The D&D world just keeps getting more complicated and interesting...

  • kodyosborne

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    #25 kodyosborne

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    Posted Dec 7, 2021

    What is the average lifespan, height, weight, etc. for Owlin? I didn't see anything specific published.

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Take to the Skies With the New Owlin Race From Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos (2024)
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