Dallas County Republican from Buffalo, Missouri (2024)

BUFFALO, mssopn DALLAS comm REPUBLICAN THURSDAY, MAT 1, 1942 DALLAS COUNTY REPUBLICAN Published each Thursday Buffalo, Missouri it, i.BAflij" 1843, according to the conditions sick. can! come back home. Sunday, May 3, was 40. Borne stm of said note and mortgage, declar-. Rev.

Hensley filled his regular willene MOtcalf has returned to unable to attend on account of ed the debt due and payable in its appointment here Sunday and Sun- the of her parents, Mr. and sickness. Remember prayer meet-entirety, and said note is now past day -night. Mrs. A.

A. MOtcalf here after har tag on Wednesday night. due and remains unpaid, and Our Decoration services will be ins stayed with her grandmother March Church is manning for WHEREAS The Federal Land the first Sunday in June. It is also Burd at Long Lane since February a revival meeting to begin the last Bank of St. Louis la a corpora- our regular meeting day and the 4 Sunday In May.

We hope it will be tion, organised and existing under community staging will be in the Mary Lou MOtcalf and Mary Lou possible for you, and and every-. and by virtue of an Act of Con- afternoon. Gregg spent Tuesday night and one else to attend, gresa of the Uhlted States of Am- Wednesday with Mrs. Cora McGee Mrs. Dessa Thompson called to erica, known as The Federal Farm BAILEY TOWN and Betty Jean Gregg near Buffalo, see Mrs.

Rhoten Sunday morning, Loan Act and Well here Is another pretty Mary Lou Metcalf attended school until Sunday School time. WHEREAS the mortgagee, hold- Monday wuwntng, but It sure has at Buffalo with Betty Jean while We were glad to have Miss 25c of said note, by resolution of been cold the past day or two. We the other Mary Lou visited her Rachel HlghfUl and her cousin, Its Board of Directors, dated the had quite a hall storm hare Bat grandmother. Miss Betty Herd, and another girl 21st day of December, 1928, duly unlay night Grandma Popejoy has been real friend, of Springfield, attend oajr 01 uRcower, iwo, uiujr uroay xugni. unuunui rupejoj Editor and Pn SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Dallas and Adjoining Counties One Year $1.00 Biz Months 50c Three Months Elsewhere: One Year authorized and empowered the un- Grandpa Bailey has been some sick the past week.

ooc 1 fc Mr mw, Wilfred derslgned, lte general attorney, in better the past two weeks. Biz Months Three Months Entered as Second-Class i I Si li Its name and for Its use, to adver- Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Medley and spent part of the week in the Lee matter tise, sell and convey said lands son, Walter and Lum Medley, vie- Attel pms hereinbefore described, for the ited with Grandpa and Grandma tte berry home.The Hensons ought the farm at March, known have-favored us with an accordlan solo which was much enjoyed by all. ruch enjoyed by guests of Rai and Mrs, Noah I Rachel's High-: were Mr.

re Saturday nlte and Sunday, re-stag to Bpr' lngfleld Sunday nlte. But seek ye first the Bible verse: the legal holder and own-with her grandparents, Mr. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT er of said note and first farm Mrs. Jerry wire at Wlndyville. who are working on defense work mortgage, notice la hereby given Dorthy and Thelma Bailey went at Bt Louis, visit mortgage, notice la hereby given Dorthy and Thelma Bailey went at Bt Louis, visited their parents, kingdom of God, and His right- trstor that bv virtue of the power and to the rink at Buffalo Sat- Mr.

and Mrs. Arl Poindexter over eousness; and all these things ethers Interest- authority given In sakl first farm unlay night They report a nice the week end. shall be added unto you. Take of Charles 7. mortgage, to the mortgagee, and ttnu, .1 therefore no thought for the mor- therefore no thought for the Administrmtor All Creditors and ed In the estate Johnson, deceased, are notified that the resolution of author! the undersigned Administrator with for and an behalf of it 1 morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the- things of itself.

You will find Silqua ATOUk the soft, pleasant fra- grant way to aid in Ng Bill Btlckley, who works at Fort Leonard wood, was at home over Will Annexed of said estate, in- gagee. shall proceed to the week end Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Glover, of Sufficient unto the day is the evil tends to make a final settlement sell the real estate hereinbefore Several from here attended the March, have sold their farm to thereof. St.

Matthew of said estate at the next term and In said first farm mortgage tn erode graduation romtifs at Air. and Mrs. Henson, of Charity, of the Probate Court of Dallas described, at public vendue to the WinayvlUe Thursday ntght Mr. and Mrs. Glover are pluming County, to be holden at Buffalo.

In highest bidder for cash, at the xnoee who on Mr. and to move soon. We are sorry to loose said County, an the 25th day of front door of the Court House fit uw uarrv Arenaale and son. them from our community. May, 1942.

the City of Buffalo, In the County stands ie oast week were: Mr! Mrs. J. M. Harmon, who has W. F.

Johnson, Administrator of Dallas, in the State of Missouri, ana un rwffn. Mrs. Fannie Tar been sick for some time, is still With will Annexed, on FRIDAY, THE 22nd DAY OF MreLuta real poorly. We certainly haws been 1st Ins. April 23.

1942. MAY, 1942, between the hours of MTand MnTceKrroson. of missing Mr. and MrsHAnnon at 9:00 oclock A. M.

and 5:00 oclock LetowmTvi her narSSTMr. Sunday School and church, be- TRUSTEED sale NOTICE P. M. of that day, to satisfy said tmdMre! RayScrivmerami others cause they were so faithful to note, mortgage and the execution from Friday UHBupday. come.

Default haying been made in the of this trust. ua JWraSgs and dAughters, People of toe (March) Oak Hill OvXabOi arlwMCg payment of Interest, the of which being provided certain promissory note described By C. 8. HALE; hSapfoK toe. $9 mgister for toelr sugar ration hi and secured by a certain deed of General Attorney.

They work at Fort Leonard Wood, books. trust weeuted by George A. Wetzel 1st Ins. April 20, 1942. Si toMmnl wtoto in the Mr.

Otto Lewis, a student of the a ramp at Fort Leonard Wood, vis Springfield Teachers College, was iw and record- LONE BOCK uel Sunday In the Jim Jennings guest of his sister, Mrs. C. XOkb kulk ited giindny in the Jim Jennings uesi cr, Mrs. C. A.

ed in Book lit, at page 9 In toe Well we had a hail storm last Wi. Weaver and husband Eridjay nlte Notice (Beginning May hours will be 1 to 8 p. 666 XL Ej Harrell, M. UtaiiaBUeNgi Tbe Truth 'About Your Eyes Better Glass for Less Money office of the Recorder of Deeds for Saturday nlte and Its cooler to- sir. chaa.

Stickles visited Thuri- a111 Saturday. Dallas County, Missouri, which day. dav evening with Mrs. Frank Stever Mr. and Mrs.

Nova Baker and deed of trust conveyed to the un- Air. and Mrs. Richard Applehand Mr and Mrs Qwver ReriiSi daughter, Fern, and Mrs. M. J.

derslgned In trust the following Mid sons spent part of last week Mr. and Mrs. Gus Nutto made a Wheeler, of toe Fooee community, scribed pnmerty situate la Dal- with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Hurst trio to Letoion Eridav were dinner guests of Mr.

and las Owmty.lfiouri, to-wit: Most of toe sick folks in our Medley Mrs. O. Baker and family sun- SLHS. neighborhood are better at this trip to Springfield MtonSyTBhe dw. They report quite a haJf storm tbe8WVof the NE Ya, and the writing.

dredahundred babvchicka at their home and In the com- NE 8WV4, and the NW Peter Wilson spent last Sunday tobevered onMsw munlty Saturday nlte, doing dim Ya of toe BE 4, all in Section morning with his sister, Mrs. Floyd SKr De UTerBO on saay to gardens and fruit trees. lu snn Mrs. Lula Scrivener called in the 8- is with toe tenns of said deed of Mr. and Mrs.

Roy Jones spent iSv 'to Boring, trust, toe underrigned trustee at last Sunday In toe Leo HacUer n-idto wort WneveJlearthe sikxsrue afasyssK1 the hours of nine a. m. and five We are sorry to Mr. and MadIey famUy raid day, sell toe above Mrs. RomaLgnch and children wStShi 1 a Each pieca a delight DR B.

P. HOMAN, Optomerist Will Be at the LACLEDE HOTEL WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1942 Return visit Every Four Weeks Circuit Court House Mrs. uoya sramweii visited Mrs. intTfamiw Thalmon BramweU last Saturday. and three chfi- dren.

Mrs. Lula Scrivener and RED TOP. daughter, Mildred, visited Friday The longer you wait the more it will cost in the city of Buffalo, Dallas County, Missouri, to satisfy said debt and costs of -sale, or so much thereof as the proceeds therefrom are sufficient to pay. PYORRHEA MAY FOLLOW NEGLECT Are your gums unsightly? Do itch? Do they bum? Drug-if first bottle SZ return money if Most everyone who has been HI, evening with Mrs. Helen Medley.

Is better. There was a good crowd at Mr. and Mrs. Bob Casslty, of church Saturday night and Sunday. by Eld.

T. J. Pt Knob. Also a big Mrs. hod uassity, ox enuren sa Jefferson City, visited awhile Sun- conducted dtn their parents, Mr.

from Dry of "LETO fails to satisfy. Don OWMUbv Tract Chn Farnr PlfaMfv Tntee 1st Ins. April 16 1942. and Mrs. T.

N. Casslty and Mrs. at prayer meeting Sunday night, Rosa Newport. Every one remember prayer meet JOHNSONS DRUG STORE Paincyetir kauH thi muou. Bol don't mop Jim 1 wbh painting.

Get up on iha Mr and examine it carefully. If 5f painting or training now. Ranail if neadad. Examina tha chunnaya. They prob-MV need repointing.

If Vw chimney dont fit PROBATE COURT DOCKET Bill Casslty had the misfortune tag next Sunday nlte. Bra Lewis Mran5 Outhrie Is leader. Everyone come. Mr. and Mrs.

Marlon Smith and 'Wrecker Service PHONE 55 DAY or NIGHT Tires and Tubes ALWAYS FRESH AND DELICIOUS tte houat in tit and ahapa paint them r. te color on tte tent. Look for roof leaiu Docket of cases In which settle- ments are due from Etaecutors, Ad- daughter, from Monett, visited his ministrators. Guardians and Cura- Parenfa, Mr. and Mrs.

Hairy Smith 27 In Sunday School Sunday at ton at the coming term of toe Pro- Saturday night the Christian Chare. Good in- bate court of Dallas County. Mis- Mr. and bus. Glen Bnory visited terest souri, commencing on the fourth day last week with her sister, Mrs.

Fulti and Lerah and Floy Mond, 25th, 1942. Mr and H. a Blackmer at 'Gregg attended toe Farmerettes Etat Day, May 25th, 1943 brother, Frank W. P. F.

A. meeting at toe home Estate of C. F. Johnson, de- Herbert, from Wheatland, was vis- of Cora McGee, rear Buffalo last ceased. W.

T. Johnson, Administra- 2ttac there. Wednenlay. tor with will annexed. Final settle- Mrs.

Ullie Newport and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ishmael McDaniel Charlie Mayfield received word and children t. Charlie Mayfield received word and children and her parents.

Mr. Service around lte chimney and dorman. Yon Mill wane ilia roof laalca to spoil your jv. naw decorating inside. Apply a naw coal of rean enamel le the I screens to prevent Johnson Drug Store BUFFALO, MISSOURI S5 Thomas Motors, INC.

INC. BUFFALO, MG iU not dog tho A fence enhances lte beauty nf a home and will Ian for yean gj PfMMl with paint. mash. PSItl tM porches and JJ3ecknr thattheir Aunt, Mrs. TUdl An this, and Mrs.

Georee MsSiutoDeiua, AAawa EtiithA. Tibbs and James dead, and was buried In Green Jean and Avia meat Sunday with Bennett, Co-Esecutors. Final settle- Cemetery Sunday. their brother andson. Marvin and Mrs.

Carl Hayden, from lard and wife near wig Prairie. Estate of Gilbert H. Smith, de- Kansas City, Miss Friurl Martin Mr. and Mrs. W.

E. Boggs and Eta- And Miss Carrie Hyden. of Spring- Ethel Knightwere rid- EJHfl settlement. field, were Saturday night visitors tors last Wednesday. Aim M.

Reser, deceased, hithe W. D. Hayden home. Mrs. Elsie Atteberry received a H.

Johnson. Administrator. Mr. and Mrs. Oba Havdan inA talawram a Vmt Muka gg from Howard H.

Johnson, Administrator! WE PAY for pMooooooooccoooeoooooooa ATTENTION I Semi-annual settlement, of T. G. Leach, deceased. ESS? DEAD ANIMALS Dorset and Cattle If net Aimed or decomposed PHONE 199 I euutdo Mtefoe sagging If tha pain, ft tte treads tea surb ed to allow wear in scuffing fast and tte constant ab Su "SSIntfs Mte tte front entrance inviting. It will stand moacany color treatment that youprtfe.

ESTIMATES Springfield, BUssourl Bblp your livestock to market by Dean Hale. Round trip to Springfield dally. Guarantee highest market price. Truck-tog anywhere, anytime. Phone 142R5 DEAN HALE Buffalo, MO.

fTrrnmi nnln imi Mrs ta numbered with the war can be over and all our boys Estate of Ida Irwin, deceased. H. Administrator. Semi- annual settlement. Ehtate of Nathaniel A.

Beck, de- I FARM ECHOES ceased. Mary E. Beck, Executrix. Semi-annual settlement. I Estate of Arlie Wayne Harrell, et al, minors.

Leo Hockler, Guar- dlan, annual rettlemcnt. I Estate of Valentine Llpe, in- competent. Raymond Gott, Guar- I dlan. Annual settlement No. Oomt pot teimiiig anoihcr iMjan.

DM Ndv CuIl IUA imne Mady cash, um your May 7, 1942 VOLUME li If yew lack I rr.assTfTvn competent. W. T. Johnson. Guar.

8m m. rrf Johnson, Guar- See me for 1 Disk Ttactor Plow. See me for Part and Rebuilding all kinds of farm machinery. grease and I (dl needs. OU In 2 fe of all mmaneni I hoe.

Paint your Imm aneiida and Inaida I low ImttrtmTmMStfy faS! FOR ACID INDIGESJION gal cans $120 dlan. Annual settlement Estate of James Fredrick Wat- wn, et al, mlnon. James E. Wat- I kins, Guarfian, Annual eettlement 5 CLARENCE BARCLAY, I (Seal! -i- 1st ins. April 30, FUNKS HYBRID CORN I I I I I I USED FARM MACHINERT 3 Ured Com Planters.

2 Used Riding Plows 1 Used Walking Plow. 1 Used Hay Rake GENUINE JOHN AISO PLOW POINTS AIRS and OTHER EQUIPMENT. ALL REPAIRS CASH MORTGAGEES RATE 1 SPysssnwasi corded In the Recorder within and for Dallas County. Mis- souri, on the 28th day of Februuv I Book 1M atfa veyed to The Federal Tjha wnnv of Bt. Louis, a corpora' SEWnXS TAINT Outside White, per gaL $329 I JOHNSONS DRUG STORE and HARNESS COLLARS PADS No Room for Gloom! CHILDRESS HDW.

and IMP. CO. of, Dallas, State of Missouri, to I Phono 5-W JOHN DEERE DEADER Buffalo, Mo. I tLnjOAj "The South Half (Sfc) of the MM mm wit The South Half (S Dr. A.

K. Herman DENTIST Insuranco Northeast Quarter (N toe West Half (W) Southeast Quarter (fi Section Eighteen (18), ship Thirty-two (32) North, Range Nineteen (10) West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, containing In all one Hundred BMy (160) acres, more or leas, which conveyance was made to secure the fulfillment of certain covenants and conditions and the SPRINGFIELDyMo. SouthsUe Square Phone 3714 FOR EVEBT in ihum numuiEu MU-vroaMiTO, Roy Childress Hdw. and Implement Co. All Old Line Companies I NATIVE LUMBEB See w.

Hoover, 7 miles Bufialo, Mo, Tracy Insurance ilgoncy PHON W. H. TRACY P.O. BOX I soutiieaat of Buffalo for all 108 kinds of lumber, up to 30 feet and longer If needed. Any amount.

Anyone wanting "nM Notary Public. msiaiunent due August 1. 1940, In npte Ascribed, taxes tond; and the mort- I regee. The Federal Land Hank of 5 Bt luls, on toe $ih day of Mawi di 1 Door east of Nu-Buflo Theatre. BUFFALO, MISSOURI IHHIHMlHiMHJiMHHWim IMtt 4Stw Wt.

Dallas County Republican from Buffalo, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

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Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.